Why only the smartest been given scholarships? is that ableism?

Helping gifted children is all very well – but what about the rest?

I'm quite left-wing but this is absurd. The Guardian is making a fool of itself by posting these ridiculous "opinions".

literally communism

I can't tell where her face ends and her neck begins



Wait... so Sup Forums wants retards to grow up to be societal leaches instead of improving themselves and contributing to society or at least be less of a leech?

so every pleb should be granted a scholarship is what you're saying?

The problem is the over-emphasis on university in education. University should be exclusive for smarties, not the go-to route for everyone. Most jobs don't even need a university degree. It's an alien concept to not go to university for most British youths. Retards should do a normal blue collar job, not devalue a degree.

Also left-wing here. If you're not showing initiative to do anything with your life,you don't deserve a scholarship. People aren't just going to donate money to someone who will waste it. The donation is an investment on someone's future that will hopefully one day be a positive influence on society.

The Progressive solution is quite clear: IQ inequality is racist discrimination. Every student should be given the same grades and given the same degree regardless of academic ability. Hope you like being treated by a 65-IQ medical doctor, otherwise you're a Nazi bigot.

>Why only the smartest been given scholarships?
Because it improves the image and test score averages of the school.

Don't be such a stupid poo.

No, but they should be given the appropriate resources to not weight down everyone else. There are three kinds of students: the normals, the stellar, and the retards. The normals should receive an average amount of resources, the stellar should receive more resources to excel and reach their full potential, and the retards need more resources than normals to be closer to normals.

Someone has to collect the bins.

You're right. College is not for everyone.

Thankfully there is a degree specifically for retards, though; Women's studies.

>using picture of obvious retard as article writer
They’re having fun with us

>There are three kinds of students: the normals, the stellar, and the retards
But sometimes the stellar are retards in some areas while the retards are stellar in other areas.

I'm currently working as a backup teacher, so I teach anywhere where is a shortage... Going from primary school, special ed (all subjects, grade 1-9) up to to gymnasium (grade 7-12) in math and biology in which I have a master degree...

It all goes down to education boils down to the smallest common denomination. The goal is not get anyone up but to keep the most retarded faggot in line with the school years goals.

To keep this short the
>integration before segregation
attempt was the worst mistake in education in the western world. You can't lift up really good students, you can't get really bad students the help they need and keep it in balance to keep the 80% of all your other students doing a good job. Our schools pump out mediocre retards that could pass the lowest standards possible to get into the highest possible position.

Real talk:
>80% of a 9th grades are not college candidates
>those 80% should learn a trade instead of doing a meme degree
>50% of 12th grade seniors are in no way qualified to attend a university or get a degree that is actually worth it. They made it into it but are the cannon fodder that will fail Economics 101
We talk about 10% top tier, 80% ok tier and 10% special ed tier from grade 1-12.

Fuck affirmative action, fuck teachers miss grading students fuck everything in modern western education.

pls tl;dr? so as a teacher. you being asked to grade A for 10% special ed tier

Well to keep the system going I'm at least asked to give them a C for what ever fucking bullshit they write or pass them for what ever other reason...

Equalize the grades

Take 20% from the A student and give it to the D student.

"the rest" are already getting massive help in every form possible, at the expense of the few gifted. These scholarships are meant to level the field so the gifted get an equal opportunity to reach their potential just like everyone else.

its happening..


Oh it’s a strange thing
Me and two other kids were sent to the principal’s office in second grade. I was crying because I thought I was in trouble.
We had gotten the three highest scores for some standardized test or another given in our state.
We were invited to join the Gifted program the next year, we just had to come in after school one day and fill out a form with our parents.
I was a latch key kid and my mom couldn’t make it. There was just going to be no way.
The other two kids were in Gifted until high school (for non-Americans; high school doesn’t have the program), and I just did well in normal classes.
From the first day high school we were in all the same classes again. Hell, I took 13 APs which was even more than they did.
We got the same grades and got accepted into the same colleges.
All the Gifted program did at my elementary and middle school was discourage the kids who weren’t in it. Some of them deserved to be, some didn’t.
There is no reason to have the program. A kid should be able to choose if they want to take advanced classes or not. “Gifted” gives others such a strong sense of feeling “ungifted”.
It only gave a bad connotation to intelligence and encouraged normal kids from even trying because they thought they’d never be special, too. I heard a lot of animosity towards one another coming from both sides.

Who benefits?

There aren't any scholarships.
But if there were, I guess we know who not to give them to now.
Dunning-Kruger: The Thread. Nice work user.

Easier if we just seperate the retards from normal society and put them all in a facility on an island or somewhere and force them to do simple very easy labour and keep them contained there until we find a cure for their low I.Q and genetic fuck ups.

how many cocks do you have inside of you right now

we must harvest the indigo children and leave the rest

Why can't we just mulch the retards?

Longer version...
After 6th grade the swiss school system splits into 4 branches from top to bottom:
>Gymansium - grade 7-12 (University prospects)
>Sekundarschule 7-9 (higher trades going from CS to clerk....)
>Realschule 7-9 (trades like electrician, chef or mason)
>Oberschule 7-9 (could spill over ino a trade but usually a protected job....)

If I take over a 6th grade at the start of a new year my goal is to get 10% into the Gymnasium, 50% into Sekundar, 30% into real and if possible less then 10% into Ober.

I actually get incentivized to get as many kids as possible into Gymnasium and keeping out people from going to the Oberschule via a bonus check. I just have to make 10% of my ok tier people over perform to pass a meh tier entry test and lift up my bottom 25% by giving them better grades then they deserve....

wow now I got 20% into the gymnasium and 80% into Sekundar or Real but have about 30% of my students in schools they can't handle

so the university get more 100% non-qualified students, and then drop them out.?

Essentially that's what's happening.
half of that 20% shouldn't even be near a university.

Basically, she is saying "Sacrifice your smartest children, and only let the dumb goyim survive"

I mean she might not be ultimately wrong, maybe we’ve been easing along all these boot lickers along by helping telephone operator monkeys into their Jew state suppprting positions of power

Let's waste resources "educating" literal retards.

>Absolute Communism


They should get trade jobs and be happy with all the conveniences of modern life.