FBI & CIA train school shooters to enflame Anti-Gun lobby


Other urls found in this thread:

cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/remote viewing




Boston Bomber FBI Interview (1/2)

Boston Bomber FBI Interview (2/2)



Bump for good info. Forget the guns, why is the fbi so incompetent

It's purposeful incompetence

the fbi changes its interview reports all the time to suit whatever goal they are trying to achieve #mcabe

How do we know it wasn’t the Ministry of State Security or FSB (remember Seth Rich) instead?


ACTUAL Aurora Theatre Shooting Interview Transcript (1/2)

ACTUAL Aurora Theatre Shooting Interview Transcript (1.5/2)

ACTUAL Aurora Theatre Shooting Interview Transcript (2/2)

Google and watch this video, and they RAISE and DISTORT the audio in the video to make the audio incoherent. These people are SICK.



>18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
> says the Lord.
>“Though your sins are like scarlet,
> they shall be as white as snow;
>though they are red as crimson,
> they shall be like wool.
>19 If you are willing and obedient,
> you will eat the good things of the land;
>20 but if you resist and rebel,
> you will be devoured by the sword.”
>For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

i still fail to see how white mass shooters, who make up 20% of mass shooters despite being 55% of the population (blacks, who make up 12% of the population, commit 70% of mass shottings by the official fbi definition which is 4 or more people shot in a single incident) are such a scourge that we need to punish the vast majority of gun owners, who are law-abiding

Ah yes, of course, leave it to the Satanist to make outlandish deflections like that


That's why Americans are waking up to this facade.

>day before solar eclipse last year
>receive text from local number with photo of gun for sale

soo... which alphabetical combination is trying to lure me in? didn't respond to it - nothing similar since. other stuff.


It's incredibly obvious

Because when niggers do it in nigger areas it gets a little news clipping of about 50 words, not photos.

When whitey does it, it's non-stop fucking video of children crying and town-hall meetings.

CIA only sells to you
FBI will covertly work with you in order to entrap you
NSA just spies on you

wtf, I want a CIA trainer

sell? ATF or FBI.

BATFE sells, buys and entraps.

>tfw no cute CIA gf with big tits

why even live?



Give me proof that they are Jewish
I know Cruz is half


(((Professional Gambler))) is statistically impossible.


video poker, not even table

pill poppers and democrats.







you guys are fucking imbeciles.

Gun owners never stopped George Bush from murdering over a million people in Iraq over blatant lies.

Gun Owners never ended slavery.

gun owners never ended apartheid.

Gun Owners are literally the oligarchy cock suckers.

wtf, i hate guns now



>believing a mass murderer when they claim they are getting mind controlled.


Obviously there is freewill involved and obviously he made the choice but that doesn't rule out of the equation the possibility that shooters are under some kind of hypnotic psychosis that is very deceptive

>(((Digital professional gambler))).
>it’s even worse.
>it’s likely laundered payments for crime stuff.
>WTF NSA*? (*But thank you for when things go right).

If Facebook ads can target a demographic surely one can be established for wannabe shooters. Problem is due process with false positives. FFFFFFFF-

>believing the CIA hasn't appropriated millions of dollars and literal decades to psychological operations, propaganda, trauma-based mind control research and electromagnetic technologies that fuck with brain processes including but not limited to the infamous 'Voice of God' weapon, and that all such efforts failed and were abandoned




skype infographic...

disarmament is the 2nd motive of planned happenings and nice benefit the planners. the first motive is always subversion.

...can't meme

>and that all such efforts failed and were abandoned

Either 1st column, second row


Second column, third row

But gun owners did end slavery

shut it down



quick rundown?>

cia if u are reading this give me a cute gf who is self aware

and also nice ass and tits

the ufos are us

cia.gov/library/readingroom/search/site/remote viewing