
I didn't sign up for this. WTF.

Other urls found in this thread:


Go back to /r/anime

Fuck off.

I think you're just misunderstanding it.

fuck this.

I just wanted games and cute relationships, not NTR and cuckoldry

i did

Bully the Tendie.

just another pump and dump

seaweed is a way bigger whore, especially as of the latest volumes

Just started watching does this show get any better?

This is what i signed for.


I am not watching the anime but I want the blonde tos it on my face.

picked up

only if you're into NTR

Wait, is the girl in the OP the one being NTRed? If so, picked up.

It's a series about misunderstandings. No one has been NTRd so far.

She's a bonafide cuck in this anime. So is pink hair (in her mind). Whole series is NTR and misunderstandings.

Holy shit. This has taken misunderstandings on whole other level. What the hell did I just watch?

Dub is not half bad

It only gets worse from there.


On a scale of 1 to 10 how much does Chiaki and her closeness to Keita bother Karen?


contemplates suicide/10


So it remains a source of conflict? So far it hasn't seemed to affect her much.

Expect a breakup, a realization of love and forced NTR.

Author has gone mad.

Remember when this was about video games?


It is a damn shame that Amano and Chiaki having sex won't be animated, though. Tendou's mindbreak would have been delicious.

>Amano and Chiaki having sex won't be animated, though
Wait what, they fuck in the manga or light novel that the series is based on?

Yup, in Tendou's room too.

Not in Tendou's room. Don't give the author ideas....

In for a penny in for a pound.

Chiaki is best girl.

Karen BTFO.

Fuck off, cancer.

side ho to chad
side ho to amano
Garbage tier girl.

Tendies is way better than Chiaki.


it's over, right?

keita hooked up with the girl and everyone's happy

this is how it's supposed to end, right?

I hope. And I hope no book readers write spoilers here.

I'll give you a spoiler from the author's previous work.
He likes happy endings.

Anyone have chiaki imouto pics?

chaiki is a home wrecker, so no.

Tendou did everything to ruin her relationship with Keita she could.

Chiaki is a bro character. You don't date your bro.
>but they become a couple later on
Shit writing for the sake of drama and more misunderstandings hopefully the anime won't get that far.

Spoil me.

So when will Keita realized that Chiaki is Mono?

A bro who hates moe?

I'm at like episode 3 and reading this post kills my soul

>Episode 3
Don't come to this thread until you watch the latest episode.

So what's this about the show/novel being in the same universe as Seitokai no Ichizon?

Make me

Sounds like best bro material

Is this a better romcom than Youkoso?

That one is about dancing only


Demo demo

Every character in this show needs help.

Kill yourself

It was always about gamers, not video games

Is the autism in this worse than Sakurasou?

What autism?

Yeah it's pretty bad

How did Chiaki go from wanting Chad dick to not giving a single shit he is going steady with some girl? People were setting this up as if she actually liked Uehara for real. Now she is all "muh Keita" and couldn't give a damn about Uehara.

she probably found him hot, thats all

I heard you like shading



Only if you like couples who use military salutes.

I wish more people would keep calling retarded faggots like OP out. I barely can tell the difference between Sup Forums and Sup Forums posters anymore except that one has video games and the other has anime.

>Actors sound like they're actually having a decent time voicing the characters.

Its shit by default but at least watchable.

Blew my mind

why are her arms longer than her legs?

>feet are firmly on the ground
>fingers just touching the surface of the water
>arms longer than legs

chiaki literally rekts their relationship

it's called perspective, or just being flexible depending on your mental retardation

I just want Tendou to be happy. Is her win still guaranteed in the LN?


That's sad.

seaweed supreme

Tendou > Aguri > Chaiki

My negro.


Good job, you are fitting really well in this place. Continue like this.


I'm confused. Why is blue worried here? Why are pink and brown all looking guilty?

There's no NTR, you fags. A literal harem end is more likely than NTR, and so far it's just been a straight romance.

Volume 8 is much worst!

Better drop this before it's too late OP!

>when it secures best girl's victory


Why do people want to see a pure girl like Tendou suffer just because of this complete bitch?

Chiaki isn't a bitch. She's cute and pure and deserves to win the most.

Really though how can anyone dislike Tendou Karen?

NinTendo > Chiako

I love watching Tendou getting constantly cucked

>I love watching NTR

Feel free to stop posting anytime.

>Can I fit in with the cool kids group now, mom?

I don't even like any of the characters, I just want someone to have a breakdown already. At this point I'm only watching to shitpost about it.

Tendou cucks herself and rightfully so.

