Would you rather hang out with a black conservative or a white liberal?

Also, would you rather your children marry a conservative Jew or a atheist lefty white?

White liberals are the absolute worst liberals, why am I even responding to this retarded question?

An atheist Lefty White can come to a belief in the Almighty and change his ways in regards to his political leanings. A Jew can't be redeemed.

1st question: black conservative
2nd question: atheist lefty white

Rather hang out with a black EthnoNationalist with Race-Separatist and Counter-Semitism views.
We need to kick the kikes out and push the blacks out, but will only happen when the blacks will fight with us against the kikes.

A mostly white female conservative.

White liberal.


BEWARE Sup Forums

Black Republicans always act respectful and educated. Go watch any video of an interview with an obviously liberal black man and a republican one and see if you can spot the dfference

>Republican Black guy: Ok guys maybe the problem is in our community, maybe we should stop worshipping gangbangers and aspire to go to college, stop trying to be a victim and be a man, trump isnt racist for saying criminals are crossing the border illegally.

Most black people I've known have been conservatives. Almost every black conservative I've known has been really fucking cool.

You see, that is a little disingenuous because even Thomas Sowell wont be spared on the day of the rope. It doesnt matter how educated they get, end game is subjugation or slaughter.

BC any day of week. I like those Hotels. There ok by me.

Hotep spell check error.

a Black tranny conservative

Black conservative every time.
Fuck those whiny white liberal retards.

Also, I'd rather marry a conservative jew, if she had great tits.

I was roomates with a black conservative when I was in the military. I had 90s rock playing on my radio when I first met him, I apologized and said I would put headphones on if he didn't like it. He said he was cool as long as the music was playing. Never once tried to play rap music. He never talked like a nigger. One time we went to get lunch together and some other random black dude said something like, "hey my brother." And high fived him. I asked him if he knew him and he said no, and told me that it annoyed him when others did that shit to him because he was black. Guy was college educated and based as fuck. I would have no problem letting a daughter of mine marry a black guy like him.

White lib in both cases. Blacks are all disgusting monkeys and Jews will Jew you.

I'd tolerate the black conservative.

I don't have any liberal friends. I cut all lib family and friends loose a long, long time ago. The biggest enemy to our Movement is sentimentality, and I'm the least sentimental man I know.

None of the above

>Would you rather hang out with a black conservative or a white liberal?

Black con.White traitors hang first.

>Also, would you rather your children marry a conservative Jew or a atheist lefty white?

White looser, genetics are forever

>black conservative
No such thing. The point of conservatism is to conserve, when you have blacks you lost.

good tradfash views make for serious class acts no matter what
don't need to act like we have to have our people co-mingling or tread on eggshells around one another in order to interact properly, there's just always that respect and self-tempered attitude