True red pill

The whole history of whites was the fight against jews.

Jewish religion was merchant class cult from ancient times before the flood.

Jews tried to rule global merchant practices. They historically ruled the mediterranean seafaring, the silk road, hansa trade, boyars, Atlantic triangular trade, East Indian Trade Company, and basically global trade in general in western world and in middle east.

Jews started both christianity and islam to destroy west. Islam to conquer west and christianity to subvert the white race. Christianity backfired on them, but not without destroying Rome.

Jews spied Europe and made trade with Islam. Jews helped muslims to conquer europe and were diplomats for islam, and also tried positively marketing islam to whites.

Jews opened the gate to constantinople.

Jews did ritual murders through out their history. This was to keep the secret cults in the center of Judaism alive. This is the secret force of Judaism that allowed them to not assimilate and lose their identity among gentiles.

Jews are behind most of slave trade through out history.

Jews censor and lie about history to firstly hide their involvement but also deconstruct the identity of goyum.

Jews run banks and financial institutions.

Jews run media. Not just news media, but entertainment media, and they constantly try to buy off counter culture media platforms.

Jews are behind culture creation for psychological and ideological subversion and also trying to hijack genuine grass root cultural movements.

Jews are behind freemasonry and many cults. Freemasonry was established for revolution against church and monarchy by jews.

Englightenment and its values were Jewish/freemasonic subversion against church and monarchy. It was to attack christian morals and worldview and delegimize morally the rule of monarchy. Englightenment brought revolutionary ideas like liberalism, anarchy, libertarism communism, egalitarianism, social democracy to combat monarchy and church.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jews and freemasons were behind French revolution

Jews and freemasons were behind Russian revolution

First world war was jewish project to overthrow Russian Tsar and Ottoman Empire.

Jews firstly supported germany because it was fighting against Russia. Jews didnt like Russia because Tsar was in their mind oppressive against Jews. But when jews made deal with britain that they would give Palestine to jews they flipped sides. At that point the revolution in Russia by jewish bolsheviks and Ottoman empire by young turks(cryptojews) were succesful.

Todays Turkey is ran by the descendents of those cryptojews.

Saudi Arabia is also ran by cryptojewsJews hated Adolf Hitler because he gave Europeans their racial identity and build an ideology around it like the Jews had. And ultimately exposed the jews as alien element. This was far bigger threat then germans just freeing themselves. Other goyum might get ideas.

Jews were behind WW2.

Holocaust never happened

Jews got their Israel and ever since worked for greater israel or getting the biblical borders as layman would understand it.

Jews made up cold war to breake Europe. To give europe the false kosher choice of picking global Jewish Capitalism/liberal individualism or from soviet international marxism.

NATO is jewish organization not to combat communism but to attack nationalism.

Jewish troops in NATO worked with communist and freemasons to do the operation Glaudio, in which they tried to radicalize italian leftist youths to attack conservatives by drive-by-shootings, bombs, and kidnappings. This was successful, and they were able radicalize lot of italian youths into radical leftism. This way they got italian youth kill all genuine conservative nationalist in power so they could get their guys in and generally weaken the real conservative movement in italy. After they had done their damage to the right wing movement they intentionally came forward with leaks that revealed NATO and far right groups were behind the attacks and were infiltrating communist groups, which took the moral victimhood away from the right wing nationalist. This information leak was huge PSYOPS to gaslight real nationalist and make them paranoid not to trust anyone in their movement and also to question their own moral world view. It also gave moral legitimacy to radical leftist to see right wing as the establishment.

Italian mafia was partly Jewish and worked with communist.

Jewish communist with the help of the italian mafia infiltrated Catholic church and assassinated Popes so they got their cryptojew in. Ever since Catholic church has become progressive. Both Mossad and CIA are using catholic church as child and drug trafficking ring. They also use pedophilia to blackmaile politicians around the world.

Jews established EU, UN, and NATO to rule Europe.

CIA is runned by jews


60's counter culture was CIA's PSYOPS to destroy the ruling white identity and morality and giving white youths new liberal moral framework to work with. This was succesfully done with drugs, sex, and rock'n'roll. One of the offshoots of counter cultural PSYOPS was the POC identitarianism and their moral framework of whites being evil. This of course led to white guild and atomization.

Serial Killer phenomenon was offshoot from the 60's counter culture. Many former hippies were living NOMAD lifestyles, doing drugs, and hating "white communities". They started terrorizing white suburbs and white areas. At the same time as vietnam war was going on many of the veterans were coming home finding themselves alone without future. Some found themselves drifting alone or with random partners. And while wondering around USA these veterans already desensitized to violence and murder with very individual and hedonistic moral world view they started to rob and steal for living and later raping and killing their victims so to not leave any witnesses.

While some went rogue other veterans started to join motorcycle gangs that were living NOMAD-lifestyle. This also included doing and selling drugs. Of course many of the veterans had connection to their ex-service buddies that were part of CIA or they knew someone that knew CIA. So motorcycle gangs started getting drugs from CIA. As illegality and immorality grew so did the violence and soon they were selling and trafficking children and snuff porn. Hells Angels was part of this secret counter culture

Another part of the serial killer phenomenon was jewish cults that in their initiation rituals involved murder. Some cults involved pedophilia, and many of these cults were partly by CIA and had connection to also the counter culture hippies and motorcycle gangs.

Especially in california. While CIA was selling drugs many mexican and latino gangs started to organize. Some fought against CIA for the dominance of their markets. Many of these mexican drug cartels were partly involved in the serial killer phenomenun.

Lastly put not least Israelise under CIA have had also their hands in the serial killer phenomenon schooling and teaching young men who were voluntary or those who were not through MKULTR from all races to night prowl white communities. This serial killer phenomenon was organized by jews in CIA to destroy communal trust. This was further amplified by media, which romanticized serial killers.

About 20-25% of serial killers were genuine alone wolfs without connection and influence of said groups. Rest of them are directly or indirectly involved with earlier stated groups and their deliberate demoralization project against whites. Some knowingly some doing what they do without understanding the big picture.

Pre-weirmar rebuplic gays were mostly jewish cultic phenomenun. Jews tried to make homosexuality, incest and pedophilia normal in Berlin. They studied it and scientifically found a way to pervert others. Hitler kicked them out of course, but after WW2 many of the jewish psychologist with the help of CIA tried to normalize it. Psychologists were promoting it as something natural while the 60's counter culture tried to spread sexual perversions. Many of these counter culture activist were pedophiles and they wanted to normalize it. So they started long march through institutions to achieve it. Porn industry and LBGT-community is largely part of this conspiracy. Under it is large homosexual lobby.

Jewish science, science hoaxes and their deliberate attempt to foggy our understanding of natural world. Some of science hoaxes are directed to social and political change. For example history, sociology, psychology, economical schools and theories are directly spreading political antiwhite subversion. The real red pill is that also those apparently hard sciences are also filled with nonsense. Cosmology, special relativity, theoretical physics, nuclear science, electromagnetism, and also most of our technological and informational grids are build differently then our popmedia is portraying them. To support these false military made narratives false science and explanations are put forward. For example nuclear bombs are not real like the media has in the past portrayed then. This is also why indian and iranian nuclear scientist keep dissapearing and dying. This is by design by USA military and (((intelligent agencies))) so our vulnerabilities arent known and that if there ever happens global shift of power USA and whites there wont have the technological advantage. This mudding of information has gone from at least 19th hundreds, but exploded in the 50's by US military and the intelligent community

>French revolution
Wrong. Made up by John Robinson.

UFO phenomenon was PSYOPS by CIA and intelligence communities to promote scientific transhumanistic worldview, and to promote the idea that humans should unite as one global goverment.

Moonlandings were hoaxes as was the whole space race. It was to hype up the cold war, and to split the world into two futuristic outlooks communism and global american import liberalistic consumerism, and to create the facade of scientific and military superiority. Also space race was perfect cover for invention of new armament.

Israel instigates wars in middle east and tries to get USA, Britain, Nato to fight for them.

Israel does spying, assassinations and is involved helping organized jewish crime syndicates around world.

Israel did 9/11

Israel, LBJ's jewish mafia and other Sayanim killed Kennedy

ISIS is mossad operation. It's just Al Qaida with a new name


>Freemasonry and Judaism: The Secret Powers Behind Revolution by Vicomte Leon de Poncins

Yea, probably based off bad info too.

most stupid 3d ive seen in a long time


Good thread, OP. You are the first 4/pol/tard I see that has deep knowledge on what's going on. Try 8/pol/ If you want to have a serious discussion with people that share your level of knowledge. Good luck.

Have a bump nigga, this is interesting.

>Jews started both christianity and islam to destroy west. Islam to conquer west and christianity to subvert the white race. Christianity backfired on them, but not without destroying Rome.

well that's retarded. Christianity is inherently anti-Jew you retard. I bet you haven't even read the NT
And Rome was splintered prior to Christianity and was reunited under the banner of Christianity by Constantine, so stop talking shit

No it isnt.

The early christians were closer to todays pentecostalism. And the pentecostalist are zionist cucks. All early christians where Jews. Peter was jew.

They spread christianity to rome and it made the slaves and lower class romans to rebel against rome. The roman aristocracy tried to use violence to take down christianity but failed. It was the roman aristocracy who made the catholic church to subvert it from jews. Thus rome was devided between jewish runned ortodoxy and roman catholism.

Catholic were antisemites at times, but it has it history of cucking.

What about the moon landings, everything seemed pretty legit about them.

>sounds in space.

They are legit. It's the one point OP is wrong about. Probably to discredit the rest of the information about Jews.

Plz stop

No U

alright i was with you until about halfway through this vomit about vets becoming serial killers. the only one of note is Gary ridgeway, from 'nam specifically.

can you provide any examples of this cult phenomenon you describe as being so widespread?

also, the hells angels are a weed / speed / opiate gang, at least in my neck of the woods. not sure where you're getting the latter half of your rant, a source or two would be nice. otherwise this is the sort of post that is classed as unhinged or bizarre rambling


Homosexual lobby with the progressive stack was behind USA prisons to be racially mixed. Before different races were completely isolated. Gays lobbied for integration and there for the prisons have been complete racial war zones with serious gang rapes and race riots back in the day.

FBI and ATF was working for Jews in the ADL and SPLC to start patcom.

Patcom was a big project to infiltrate, hijack and destroy patriot movements, militia, white nationalist and other white groups. Mostly it was just a terrorist activity by the FBI. Thet planted evidence, tricked people to do something illegal or gathered information. Patcom operation worked in three different ways. Firstly infiltration and subversion of legimit targets. And if it did not work then letting ATF to raid them. Third was false flagging. Cases like the destruction of the order, rudy ridge, waco and oklohoma city bombing were organized patcom operations.

Adl also is mossad operating center. They do espionage, assassinations, bribery and political threath assestments.

>alone wolfs
too much to be phone post. What is your real language user?

Most of known serial killers had military records or links to cults and satanism. I suggest you read a book by David McGowan called "Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder".

Here is one independant researcher followed up with Daves work.

The serial killer phenomenon has changed. It's not as white spread as it was in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. It's morphed into spree shootings. Shooters usually being young unstable men with mental health revords and medication. What it tells me is that the movers behind serial killer phenomenon have abandoned it and changed it to spree killings. This because the porpouse is different. The serial killer phenomenun was suppose to desyroy the white social trust from their community. Spree killing on the other hand is about gun conviscation.

listen here you conspiracy faggot or possible shill
nationalism is jewry

interesting. I noted the significant decrease in "ted bundy style" serial killer culture in recent decades, I thought it might have had something to do with all the MKUltra-type experiments going on then, but that makes much more sense

better put on my tin foil hat

>It's another wall of text thread
I have some Communists and anti-Semitic shit to say as well:
All references to the historical relationship between Political Zionism and Communism is met with the "antiSemitic" smear. Anti-Zionist Jews are also smeared.. Both Communists and Zionists use the smear, which has over a long time been used primarily against the rank and file of Jews.
A massive book could be written on this subject. showing how many "anti-Semitic" acts have been promoted. by the Zionists themselves. Mr. Sussman of the American Council of Judaism, as quoted in Moshe Menuhin's classic. The Decadence of Judaism in Our Time, observes that "The Zionist Movement wants to picture Jews constantly
in trouble. It is bad for fund-raising and bad for
immigration to Israel if Jews are not in trouble. But 'trouble' must be of a particular kind. It must be 'Jewish' trouble. It must fit the Zionist pattern of inevitable anti-Semitism just as surely as the 'inevitable' class war fits classic Marxism."
A striking example of how the Zionists work was provided in Canada in 1965, when three young students candidly admitted on a CBC programme that they had worked for the Canadian Jewish Congress as agents provocateurs, fostering the impression that the Canadian Nazi Party - consisting of three members at the time - was much stronger than it was.

In The Other Side of The Coin (1965), Alfred Lilienthal devotes considerable space to an examination of Zionist-fostered "anti-Semitism", and quotes the following very candid advice given in Davar, the official journal of the Mapai, former Israel Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's
party: "I shall not be ashamed to confess that, if I had the power, as I have the will, I would select a score of efficient young men . . . and I would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction.
The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and plague Jews with anti-Semitic slogans, such as 'Bloody Jew', 'Jews go to Palestine', and
similar intimacies! I can vouch that the results in terms of considerable immigration to Israel from these countries would be ten thousand times larger than the results brought by thousands of emissaries who have been preaching for decades to deaf ears."

>Subtly being distracted from the truth.

From time to time there are Zionist-inspired campaigns concerning alleged "anti-Semitism" in the Soviet Union, but there is no reliable information suggesting that religious
Jews are treated any worse than Christians or Moslems. Some Christian Churches have even passed resolutions condemning alleged "anti-Semitism" in Russia but apparently do not feel that they should protest against the plight of the Christians in Russia. Following a 1965 campaign concerning alleged "anti-Semitism" in
Russia, even the President of the World Jewish Congress, Dr. Nahum Goldman told officials of Jewish organisations in the United States that accusations of anti-Semitism against the Soviet were grossly exaggerated and that such unjustified accusations do more harm than good. American Examiner, of December 9, 1965, described as "New York's largest Jewish family weekly newspaper", quoted Dr. Goldmann as saying that Jewish communities throughout the world "should seek closer liaison with the Soviet Union." He stressed that they should not alienate the Soviet. "Red China, he emphasised, is the real danger and not the Soviet Union."
If Political Zionism is opposed to the Communism being imposed upon the victims of the Soviet Union, then it should be leading an international campaign to have strict economic and other sanctions imposed against the Soviet. Dr. Henry Kissinger should be a number one target!

>Adl also is mossad operating center. They do espionage, assassinations, bribery and political threath assestments.

every single other thing in this thread might be false but this is true.

theres a diference betwen the pharises and jews or israelis in the time, the pharises were the ones that Sup Forums may recognize as (((jews))) and modern jewery are related from them.

The more you know.

>the hells angels are a weed / speed / opiate gang, at least in my neck of the woods

In canada there was famous case of this serial killer Robert Pickton had film equiptment to film a hollywood quality movie. He rented a club house for local hells angels. Pickton also confessed having other accomplishes, but his claims were never followed up.

Fuck Christianity!

Sup Forums is a pagan board!

Carl jung was a liberal cuck who recognized jewish subversion, freuds dishonesty and his intimitation his jewish cult followers were using and how they had weaponized psychoanalyzation to promote degenerazy and communism but he thought stupidly that he could combat it all by promoting individualism.

"If jews just would be individuals like us whites."

He was stupid and naive in this regard and was too afraid to be called nazi.


Solid post, user


Most of the drug, gun and human trafficking trade is done by Jews.

The war in afganistan was partly because they wanted the heroine trade to themselves.

All extazy in the worlds market is produced by jews.

Jews also run worlds most powerful criminal organizations.

I understand your concern user, but you give jews way to much credit, theres other players in the game apart of the (((jews))) and even then, 99% of the jews happen to be just normal people, the ones you are talking about are the 1%, the globalist ones, and they use the 99% to use them as human shields, so the moment you go after them, they make it look that you are going after all of the jews, and caslled you antisemitic.

Learn well of your enemies user, because they sure as hell will not correct you, art of war 101, if you see your enemy doing a mistake, let them be.

Everyone needs to read Pat Buchanan's State of Emergency. He provides great research