Italy/pol/ Fascism Time Again [Zoro Blastato Edition]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore (Eng Translate)

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]


Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with ADF"
Borghi (Lega): "Well, Merkel isnt doing good anyway, so who cares"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy
"32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)

Swastikas on wall for a leftist association in Mestre (Eng Translate)

Militant of PaP (progressive party) stabbed in Perugia (Eng Translate)

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:

Nation Election Day: 4 March 2018

Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,3%

CasaPound [fascists] 1,9%

Right Wing Coalition: 37,6%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3%
- Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 5,5%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%

Globalist Coalition: 25,6%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 0,5%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%

Potere al Popolo [progressives/SJWs] 1,5%

Partito Comunista Italiano [communists] 0,2%


LGBT activists launched their agenda and Liberi e Uguali agreed in push it when they will be elected.

Their agenda:

>Marriage for everyone
Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, faggots and dykes can have a private contract if they want to regulate their relationship.

>Give the option to fags and dykes to grow childrens
Kids need both a mom and a dad to grow up as sane persons. Absolutely degenerate.

>Laws agains homophobia and transphobia
The fuck this even means? The State decide who can I hate and who I cant? Nonsense, also this would be incostitutional.

>Artificial insemination law for lesbians
These people must be insane. Kids happens because penis in bagina, not because science magic tricks. You know this since 5 years old.

>Remove the transgender status of mental illness
So they wanna make me believe a dude who think he's a girl born in the wrong body isnt a mental retard? This is absolute nonsense.

Spread it like fire, we need Liberi e Uguali outside the parliament (under 3%). I dont want people who agree with these nonsense near any Istitutional building.

1) The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

2) Quick rundown on our last govt and Italian parties in this 2018 election

>tfw live in red region
End my suffering anytime?

leka stronk

if you live in Toscana then no. If you live in Bologna kys.

Di Stefano (leader of CPI) said they will support from outside an eventually right wing coalition govt.

Primo per "dormi bene Duce"

Kek. People here unironically care for Shitalys shitty 3rd world politics.

Try harder EU slaves and wage cuck shitalians.

reminder Grillo shills for EL CINEGRO

Berlusconi will make anime real!

> 1. Il governo annuncia il varo di un programma di “minibot” da 70 miliardi di euro con i quali pagare i crediti fiscali e commerciali vantati da famiglie e imprese nei confronti dello stato.
> 2. La Commissione Europea in un comunicato annuncia che i 70 miliardi di minibot, pari a più di 4 punti di Pil, potranno essere conteggiati come deficit aggiuntivo.
> 3. La BCE in un comunicato avverte che i minibot non possono essere considerati moneta a corso forzoso; trattasi di titoli che le banche potranno valutare come qualsiasi altro asset ai prezzi di mercato.
> 4. I mercati anticipano il rischio di un’uscita dell’Italia dall’euro e lo spread incomincia a salire. La situazione peggiorerà di giorno in giorno, mentre si riaffaccia lo spettro del 2011.
> 5. Mentre gli investitori spostano il loro denaro in Germania e Francia, la gente comune incomincia a ritirare i soldi dalle banche, portandole vicino al collasso.

Go away turkroach.

>Lo spread comincia a salire

Vai via ritardato.

Based Gentilini. Makes me proud of being a trevisan.

And spam it in every board.

The absolute state of grillini. And I know anti immigration people that will vote for these fucktards

t. LeU voter

So assuming right wing coalition wins, will Berlusconi actually stop migration? I totally could see the guy who leads Lega Nord doing it but Berlusconi seems like a globalist.

Set me straight Italianos

absolutely not. I voted right wing coalition because abroad we can't vote lega, otherwise I would have voted lega

>Zoro Blastato
Wonder how he will speak about his Antifa friends tonight, they are being called terrorists left and right in every talk show.
He must be in full butthurt mode.

Depends how gli gira.
"Gli gira" is a complex philosophical expression that only italians can fully understand in its entirety.

If the right wing coalition genuinely want a referendum on the Eurozone/EU, and M5S want direct democracy, what's stopping both groups having a brief agreement to vote to change the constitution to hold said referendum?

Berlusconi said he want to send back 630.000 immigrants, even more than Memelord.

Right wing coalition want to leave euro, no referendum. M5S got kiked recently so they become controlled opposition and EU lovers.

because m5s is controlled opposition that is actually pro EU and just there to intercept protest vote.
When you actually look at their policy when put into practice they are the same thing as PD. See Turin and Rome for examples

>I'm sorry, are these identitarians or refugees?

Oh lol, rip Italian hopes and dreams then, I doubt many in Forza Italia would actually support leaving if it came down to it.

I guess it should have been obvious when M5S tried to join that Liberal group in the European parliament.

>I guess it should have been obvious when M5S tried to join that Liberal group in the European parliament.

>M5S got kiked recently

First for Italian traps :3

Its in the right wing coalition program to regain monetary sovereignity. Of course we will need some time its not something you can do from night to day.



Recently to levels someone would not think possible.


>Its in the right wing coalition program to regain monetary sovereignity
How is that possible while a member of the Eurozone? Or is it also part of their policy to leave that somehow? Have they gone into how they could actually achieve such a thing?

Wilders and Le Pen both wanted to leave the Eurozone too but they never actually said how it was meant to be done and neither did they actually go as far as to say that their country should leave the EU.


>How is that possible while a member of the Eurozone? Or is it also part of their policy to leave that somehow? Have they gone into how they could actually achieve such a thing?

their retarded plan is to print fake monopoly money to "outjew" the EU.

it would be laughable if it wasn't a real danger

>the virgin trap
>the CHAD transexual


>quel sentimento quando non ho una ragazza finlandese

"la regina di 'sto cazzo"

>How is that possible while a member of the Eurozone?
there are EU member states that have not adopted the Euro. It's not that hard to do

pls no bulli fren

>their retarded plan is to print fake monopoly money to "outjew" the EU.
Are you fucking serious? What else are they going to do, develop a crypto? That's hilarious.
Yes but not one has actually left the Eurozone, and big daddy Germany wouldn't allow it because the Eurozone benefits them the most.

>Are you fucking serious?

I hope they are not and are just lying for votes

fucking degenerates.


>Are you fucking serious? What else are they going to do, develop a crypto? That's hilarious.

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]

leaving the monetary union is not that complicated. What you are thinking of is leaving the union completely, that's a different matter and it indeed is a plunge in the dark

We will start printing Minibots (there's a vid in OP with eng subs if you're interested) and then we will ask for more and more things EU -> EU will reject them -> we will do it without EU permission -> EU will do some retaliation Greece-tier -> Lega will scream at national security threat (the only possible reason why they insisted on put in the coalition program something like "we will protect national security whatever cost") -> we'll leave the euro in a week end (when financial markets are closed). Screencap this.

you do realize lega will get like 16% at the elections

>we'll leave the euro in a week end (when financial markets are closed).

Brexit is taking 4 YEARS
and they had pounds already

I'm the captain now.

That would be glorious

>leaving the monetary union is not that complicated
It would be, though, Germany and Brussels would throw an utter shitfit. The EZ is a con developed almost entirely to allow Germany to export cheaply and grow at the expense of GDP in lesser countries.
Surely the Italian banks collapse about halfway through that process and bring down the whole European economy anyway?

Fucking commie rats tried to kill police officers yesterday in torino using nailbombs.leftists politicians are silent.
I swear the god I can barely contain my rage

Brexit has nothing to do with the Euro.
14 years old memers like you guys cannot distinguish between the EU and the Eurozone


Burocracy is way worse to undo. We'll not leave EU for the moment, only euro.

seeing that you're a weebcuck you'd probably get a weeb girl easily as long as you aren't a total soyboy or a manlet

Why Italian banks should collapse?

O madonna, prima i cartoni cinesi pedofili, poi i piedofroci, poi i froci completi, adesso addirittura i travestiti...

Andatevene affanculo su Sup Forums, depravati.

>Germany and Brussels would throw an utter shitfit
What can they realistically do? We are not leaving the EU, so any harsh masure taken against us (the third contributor to the EU once you'll leave btw and one of the biggest export markets for Germany) will also damage them just as hard.
A Germany where Merkel is losing her grip can hardly afford any futher shocks in the EU. Their hands are tied

>Why Italian banks should collapse?

>A Germany where Merkel is losing her grip can hardly afford any futher shocks in the EU.

keep reading Repubblica

Schultz resigned from the SPD
AfD is second party at 16% and out of government

Merkel is reigning alone again

Ma serio.

Why do I have a feeling that that pic contains 0 real girls?

Good thing I'm taller than the average italian.


>O madonna, prima i cartoni cinesi pedofili, poi i piedofroci, poi i froci completi, adesso addirittura i travestiti...
forse dovresti tornare su fb

>poi i piedofroci
Do you have an problems?!

Because they have a debt crisis waiting to happen and an Italian government trying to disentangle itself from the Eurozone would cause an absolute meltdown surely?
I guess you're right but aren't there ways the EU could be punitive to italy in terms of the new relationship that Italy and the rest of the EU would have currency and trade-wise? I get that it's obviously nowhere near as bad as leaving the EU itself.

Yes, please

because finnish girls would probably eat alive the average Sup Forums user. only 2 finns in the pic anyway.

qualcuno ha appena dato storia economica vedo


Our banks are in crisis because after saving Germany and France banks with our money (Italy put 60 billions to help """""Greece"""""") they changed the rules and now we cant even help them with OUR money.


They are not very feminine?

Tell me more about the cannibalistic tendencies of Finnish women.

Fuck I hate my facebook "friends"

Abbronzarsi è l'ultima degenerazione, ricordatevelo.

>esercito comune europeo
>non un'unità segreta comandata da Marco "Cipher" Minniti

Send them this

You can be gay, just stop being a faggot.
Nobody likes faggots they are annoying.

explain why they should
aren't there ways the EU could be punitive to italy in terms of the new relationship that Italy and the rest of the EU would have currency and trade-wise?
There are hardly any. The wrost they can do is to clamp down on the definition of currency so that it incluides minibots, but not only would it be basically unfeasible (what criteria do you use to establish minimum bot coupure? Who grants that this new standard will be applicable everywhere? Would it apply onoly to Euro countries or to EU members with their own currencies?) but it would also be very slow to implement and expensive in terms of political capital. By the time they manage to do such a thing we will most likely alrteady be out of the transitory minibot period.

Trade wise they really can't do anything, since any restriction on our exports would be against the free trade rules of the bloc. That would be basically equal to killing the EU, which is obviously not what the Bruxelles elites want

No grazie, al massimo rivoglio l'asse.

Immigrants are 0.001% of the problems in Italy.

I will, even if I have black friends.

depends, it is mostly their attitudes i find not very feminine. i do however find them very good looking, personally.


>what criteria do you use to establish minimum bot coupure? Who grants that this new standard will be applicable everywhere? Would it apply onoly to Euro countries or to EU members with their own currencies?)

Any bot (bond) is new debt under EU rule

This is correct, though.
The party essentially cucks Europeans for African interests.

Is she Italian?

Correct. The 99.999% are the ones allowing them in.

>Black friends


Lega wants to pretend it's not new debt

and we have "parità di bilancio" in constitution
>inb4 we'll get rid of that in 24h