ITT we discuss politcis like Redditors

ITT we discuss politcis like Redditors.

> Feminism is undderated
> All guns must be taken away

I miss Hillary. She won the popular vote.

Halo is just on another level in terms of worldbuilding, deep characters and great gameplay.

dark souls is the first, only, and best action game i've ever played!

you beat me with that one

Nintendo switch should be mandatory for everyone to buy!!

cant wait for metal gear survive

I also have a beard to hide my weak chin .

What a toxic and entitled opinion.

Are we doing a soy boy dump of Geoff today?

Just carry the Juan

Edit: OMG thanks for popping my reddit gold cherry u guise!!!

le narwhal bacons at midnight XD



More soy 4 you

Everyone just stay calm and mild mannered. We as a society just rewarded a rich sex predator to the seat or president who has horribly oppressive plans.

But no, that's not a big deal, how dare you be full of outrage over a rapist. Who needs justice? Just sit down, hide in an attic, and hope tyranny doesn't come for you.

We can kill innocent people in states that aren't the USA with drones, we can award and reward rapists and racists, we can blow off someone's shoulder for standing up for people at standing rock, but don't you dare let your lefty protest get out of hand!!

Britain is so much better than the US. They don't have guns and everything is free


How is bulldikes force medicating males to the point they grow breasts (gynoclamastia)?
Feminism is satanism



Your fucking mental if you think guns should be tooken away.


he looks like a starving kid. How could anyone be so weak ?

Trump should be elected again.


Faggots are usually weak, they lean on the feminist side and shit.



lol this guy is right.

soy makes you gay and a weak fuck

I just can't undertand how people don't realize we are living in the darkest times right now, I mean I really can't even. I can't pay back my student debt that I took to complete my african culture degree, I have to live in my car in central San Francisco and I barely have enough money in the end of month after cutting my starbuck trip to 5 times a week and avocado sandwiches to 30 a month... To add to that, my racist father disowned me after I said I would gladly trade jihadists with him and the rest of my bigot family that voted for drumpf... It's hard but I am still resisting like Luke Skywalker would do
edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger!

go back to KiA shitlord

Soy is a terrible source of protein.

Il give you one word the trump campaign represents.


Trump. Is. A. Fascist.

They don't need it...

They fucking >>wanted it.

the point of the thread was to post things that are outlandish and untrue

Why are redditors even on Sup Forums?

Trump isn't a fascist you fucking mental dickhead.

I was just playing on my nintendo switch with my wife's son when I heard about the shooting.
Even just hearing about it almost caused me to have a traumatic breakdown
Those poor kids are so strong
We NEED to get rid of the bump stock
We can't allow handguns to be turned into automatic assault rifles with such a small device.
Edit: Thanks for the gold good sir you are a scholar and a gentlemen/gentle women

Hello fellow members of the internet intellegencia, I noticed a most peculiar plot recently. It seem that my hairline is receding faster than before. Has anyone else noticed this? A tip of the hat for any input. I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with Putin and his puppet blumpf. Is it possile for a russian bot to hack your hairline?

A gold to any sirs or maidens (I'm single ;)) who provide a sufficient answer.

*Don’t talk to me or my wife’s son* **EVER AGAIN**

I support guns all they way, and we won't stop a the gun dealings, illegally or legally.

Witnessed, but those things are outlandish and untrue. You have to go back.


I don't get it OP, don't we do that every thread?