Eric Clanton Update

Any updates on this honorary nigger?

Wasn't his pre-trial hearing date set for yesterday?

Other urls found in this thread:

His lawyer didn't show up yesterday, pushed back again. I think an user said April is the next date

his lawyer didnt show and its delayed till march 5th i think.

What a Joke, gutless prosecutor scum Judge.

No chance a jury california puts him away. You're just setting yourselves up for disappointment fellas.

i'm afraid you're right.

they still have to follow what little law is left in cali
if he hits a guy with a locker, he will get at least 5 years, no matter how much the jury or judge can identify themselves with bash'a'fash

Does that set a precedent that in certain contexts you can just lock n sock someone without punishment?

>came 1.5h late
>without lawyer
>no punishment
>next schedule 6w later
american judiciary everyone

I'm no lawyer at all, but having the attorney not show up is basically a last-ditch stalling tactic. It's done all the time and basically means they're out of options. Hopefully a legit legalbro could elaborate, but this means it isn't looking good for Clanton.

He committed multiple assaults with a deadly weapon. The assaults were clearly premeditated. There is no way he can just walk away from that with a slap on the wrist.

not a lawyer either but that was my take on it as well
they know he's fucked and they're just trying to get him a few more weeks of freedom

btw a local user showed up and took a few pics yesterday, to me it looked like his shithead lawyer WAS there but they told the judge otherwise

ps his next court date is 04/05/18 at 9AM PST.

yeah it's postponed to april now

I had bought beer and popcorn and everything yesterday and was going to chill and kek over this, but the fuckers postponed it once more

They do this so people forget about him and then dismiss the case!

He bashed stupid nazis in the head. I'd prefer they give him a medal.

I mean idk what it's like for you lot but over here my brother had to wait 3.5 years before he went to trial only to be acquitted entirely. I was arrested in Belgium and charged with something, and it took them almost 2 years to eventually conclude that they'd drop everything. We're just as shit if not shittier than they are. At least they have juries, we're completely enthralled to prosecutors and whether or not the judge had a lovely cup of coffee.

hitting a nazi (dude wasnt a nazi btw) with a bike locker from the back is still illegal sweetie it wasn't self defense


Commiefornia goverment loves violent antifa
thugs who bash heads with bike locks. Zero
chance this esteemed gentleman receives
more than a token penalty.

Jack Dorsey looks and thinks like an ape.

You really live for this, don't you

These hearings are supposed to be on whether te evidence gets admitted. If it gets in, it's not looking good for this cuck.

Because then it's a serious risk to proceed to trial. Because we all know he's guilty.

He looks high on pot. #keepWeedIllegal

>He bashed advocates of free speech in the head. I'd prefer they give him a medal for being a true fascist.

There. Fixed it for you. Thank me later.