What is the proper reaction to a woman beating you up?

I got in a heated argument with a female friend over politics. I never thought she was even that political but I felt I had to stand my ground and not back down. Eventually she shoved me and I tumbled into a nearby bush. I was so shocked that I had zero idea how I was even supposed to react. I was angry too, so much that my eyes started getting watery from all my pent up rage and shock. I was able to compose myself enough to walk back to my car and drive home but the damage was done. My friend has since texted me several times apologizing for losing her cool but I feel like she took things too far.

I know 90% of the replies will be making fun of me but I'm hoping somebody here will give me decent advice on how I should proceed. This happened yesterday and I've been ignoring her ever since. I'm going to have to see her at work today and I just want to know how I should behave.

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Fucking smelly nigger.....

when a woman uses violence you should shame her for it. if it is a singular outburst or sustained violence, the correct response is the same. you should call her out on her ridiculous emotionality that causes her to respond with violence. link that emotionality to her political positions and deride her. call her pathetic. call her beliefs pathetic. call her attack pathetic. scorn her.

maximum cuck

That video is cool, but apparently the girl was charged, and was from a different school and specifically went there to fight the guy over some internet drama.
Was looking for the vid to show one of the guys at work who wants to get his daughter some self-defence training.

Women have all the cards dude. You touch her and you're fucked.
She crossed that line, and if you do a damn thing to reciprocate you're satan, and the cops won't give a fuck. Be glad you're not married to the bitch.
Personally I would just cold shoulder her and cut her off as a 'friend'. C'mon dude, women can't really be friends with a man, this should indicate that to you.
Then again, I'm a loner who has close to no friends any longer.

do you hit children too when they become emotional and have a tantrum? what about tour pets, do you hit them too?
go fuck yourself you neandethal fucktwat.

I once had a girl beat me up just because she felt like it, she ended up body slamming into me a few times while doing so causing me to feel her huge tits, I got an erection, then she stopped. We never fucked or anything but since then we were pretty good friends, kinda weird looking back at it.

there is nothing wrong with physical domination either. a guy can hold both wrists of a women together in a single hand typically.

>tfw no jujitsufu to beat and humiliate me in public

>not beating your children
>not beating your pets
>not beating your woman

fucking anglo cucks, no wonder your bitches are going for ahmed

Alfa here.
Let her know with your body language that what she did is not ok. You can't just let women treat you like that. IF you have to engage in conversation then be cold, let her know that what she did is not ok. Basically, behave like your gf would behave if you didnt let her go through your "suspicious phone conversation".

You need to gain respect first and foremost. If she comes to you and apologizes and you just accept then you will gain no respect. She needs to earn that respect back.

You've just taken 1minute of my life you fuck.

Teachable moment. She feels remorse. That is good. Use her guilt to red pill her

>alfa here

life is unfair

Don't let anyone get within one arm's distance of you for one thing. Not even a woman.

Anyway, just match force on force.

She's an idiot, you did the right thing. You weren't in any danger, and she wasn't trying to hit you more.

Either way you at least won the argument, hopefully she won't pull that shit again. Next time it'll likely be with someone someone less kinder/with less restrain.

Oh shit. I'm speaking in my 4th language and i made a mistake. Where do i kill myself?

Cucks: The Thread

Slug her once. if she cant forgive you just tell her thats how it felt when she did it.

How the fuck does this guy not pick her up and just drop her skinny ass
She has to weigh like 50 kg

>Got pushed over by a woman
Clearly the proper response is to kill yourself out of shame for being such a lightweight that a woman can push you over.

Hit back.
Equality bro.

god you're a faggot, OP. kys

Forgive her.

But tell her there won't be any restraint next time.

If you are legitimately in danger, knock her the fuck out.
Otherwise, just tank the hits. Hitting back when she's not a real threat WILL end with you in prison.

Ever heard of a spanking?

my bad, i thought maybe you were actually a sentient alfa romero. i was kinda stoked at the idea.
party on, quadlingual brother.

report it to your boss

tumbling into a bush isn't getting beaten up and can happen to anyone with bad footing and awareness

Move on. Don’t be her friend.

Don’t even fuck her.

Most girls are into that now.

>my eyes started getting watery

You fucking faggot.

>from all my pent up rage

You fucking liar.


Because the guy has no idea how to fight or wrestle by the looks of it. He let her shoot in for a sloppy ass single and she got it uncontested.

If she's a good friend and feels bad I'd forgive her but I'd also give her a stern tone about how wildly inappropriate that behavior is and that you won't tolerate it again.

If she's not a good friend, ghost her.

Invite her out for coffee to make up, then pop out of the pushes and suplex her into another universe

If she's truly your friend, then you would not care about getting pushed into a bush. Especially since she said she was sorry. This thread is shit, you're a fucking pussy, you have no friends, and none of this actually happened.

>nigger getting beat up by a white girl in a dress

Never going to live that down for sure

>Speak like a twat just because someone used violence.
Violence is a good thing. She should feel that using violence is an acceptable solution to her problems. Then you knock her to the ground so that she can understand that there are people who violence doesn't work on because they are more capable of violence.
A bitch that starts concealed carry because she understands the concept of personal power is another bitch enlightened toward the true path of humanity.

Smacktalking just makes you a nigger. Always has always will.

>so much that my eyes started getting watery from all my pent up rage and shock.
>getting watery from all my pent up rage and shock.
sure mate whatever makes you feel better
also explain politely to her that if she lays a finger on you again you'll do the same to her, then go home and cry obviously

There is nothing wrong with a woman being physical. It is this same instinct that allows them to protect their offspring if the male is injured or absent.

The issue occurs when they are violent towards their caretakers or those they should respect.



>Alfa here

>Gets pushed over by a woman
>Runs off nearly crying
>Won't communicate like an adult
Well clearly your solution isn't to sexually dominate her because you don't have any wedding vegetables.

Yeah that's gonna need a source

Don't go beyond the overton window with work colleagues unless you have figured out they can handle it.

>being friends with a woman.
>all women are liberals.

I see where you fucked up.

>They hold all the cards

No if there are witnesses they will most certainly charge the woman, as in the case you just referenced. I know a guy that beat up 3 women at once when they were attacking him. The girls were charged and he didn't get any charges because there were like 30 witnesses who saw it go down. Basically one of the girls was getting uppity with him and he said then told her to get the fuck out of his face because she smells like shit and her and her friends went ballistic


Women aren't always liberal. They are just very likely to be stupid. Of course stupidity and liberalism are highly correlated.
Then again a woman who becomes casual friends with a man is almost certainly liberal and/or a whore.

Try the cleaning supplies, should be something in there for your needs.


>goes to Sup Forums
nice try op

these are some monstrous hambeasts

Don't just hit back. First make her know, and be very clear about it, that if she throws a punch she should be ready to get a punch being thrown back at her. It isn't about equality. If you initiate violence on anyone, you can't act surprised if that person retaliates with violence. This is something niggers and women don't understand.

99.9% certain that the one doing the male side of the nogdrop is a tranny.

how is anyone falling for this bait lol? some people are even nonironically supporting it.

>my eyes started getting watery from all my pent up rage and shock

I think this guy has the right idea. Pretty sure anyone here who suggests hitting, force, or threats have never gotten in a scuffle much less one with a woman. Violence is the weakest form of power and since she got physical over an ideological debate, that means she could not use her minds or words to win. Take solace in that. As for what to do moving forwards, be cold even a little disgusted towards her. She is not dependent on you like a child/pet or restrained like a man. Make sure she knows that she crossed a threshold that has consequences. Maybe things will warm up over time if she keeps trying to make real, physical efforts to get in your good graces. Just dont be swayed by her words. Her actions caused this so only her actions can fix it.

Actually op, forget my last post. Tell her you will forgive her if she bends over you knee and lets you spank her for being a bad baby. There is a slim chance that this is a fetish for her and you'll get to lose your virginity to your oneitis

Feminism is a liberal ideology. Ask any woman if she is willing to give up the rights or privileges that feminism has given her. I guarantee you her ask will be no. Therefore all women are liberal feminists.

How did a woman manage to push you over? Do you not lift weights? Are you disabled?

>female friend
Found your problem. Men don't have female friends. They have girls they have fucked and girls they haven't fucked yet.

Yes, hit back. Not defending oneself is immoral.

Men dont have female friends

Homosexuals do

The only woman that are on my side, it’s either a daddy/mommy thing

Absolutely this. No sprawl, no hand or head control. What a pleb.

its tough when society will 100% look down at the male in any situation like this. It's always the mans fault, even if the woman starts the fight.

So good on you for showing restraint. Could have been a lot worse.

However if the woman was seriously hurting you, then by all means beat the shit out of her.

I don't know, I've always thought there's no way I'd hit a chick unless she genuinely wanted to cause me harm. I guess I just know my own strength

People are nigging out because you said that but youre exactly right. Women only respond to emotion, have to fight fire with fire.

>>my eyes started getting watery from all my pent up rage and shock
Dudes are literally cutting their dicks off and getting tits bolted on and you think a guy making excuses about crying because he got shoved into a bush is bait?

I wouldn't have been knocked over like a leaf.

Once she gives me bad touch and I would viper strike her throat and knock her out.

Hopefully when her head hits the cement she won't die.

Press charges for the sake of equality and diversity

Sounds like you handled it correctly. I think the only way you don't look like an asshole for hitting her is if she's just wailing on you.

You can't just retaliate because you're angry and embarrassed, that looks retarded and opens you up to a lot of trouble. Might be unfair, but take comfort knowing you handled it well.

Why can't it happen to me??

Nah, you did the right thing. Unless they have a weapon I still don't think it's good to hit a woman, though you should tell her don't ever do it again or you'll respond in kind. The whole "I can do anything you can do" thing tends to dissolve when faced with physical force.

And next time don't fall over, let her push you but make sure you are planted. It's pretty funny when women try to use violence against men and it doesn't work at all. Reality is a bitch.

I know plenty of women who think that abortion is murder. They are all mothers and wives but still.
Yeah they don't want to give up the right to vote but neither do unlanded men. I guess we're all a bit liberal on that topic.

when my adrenaline starts pumping my sinuses build up a lot of pressure; nose runny, eye water, etc. too

If the bitch wants equal rights, then give her equal rights and lefts. It's that simple.

Give her equal rights. Give them to her straight.

confirmed, digits not required
yeah they do, they're called partners, friends with benefits and ex girlfriends, any girls who are cryptofascists, and family members.

only a virgin doesn't have backup girls ready for when one of you is currently in a tenuous relationship

Uffff! Awesome!


>mom walks in on me watching this intently with my headphones
>only heard the door shut, don't know how long she was standing there

>My friend has since texted me several times apologizing for losing her cool but I feel like she took things too far.

Ignore her and cut her out of your life.

I usually have to pay for this...

That's over simplifying it. Of course a woman believes she should have the right to vote. But other than that I know some who are not feminists at all. My uncle who was a corrections officer has 3 daughters who are all redpilled as fuck with redpilled husband's. They exist, though they are a miniority.

>What is the proper reaction to a woman beating you up?

>letting your children run wild
>letting your animals bite people

You just might be retarded.

>Feminism is a leftist ideology.

Slight correction.

1st wave feminist were liberal, in that they were based on the Enlightenment

70's 2nd wave were and continue to not be liberal at all. They are marxist driven and want to overthrow the whole current order.

go to a bjj dojo my dude, there's tons of cuties ready to choke you out

Wrong: I assert that only tax paying white men should have the power of the vote, but I'm willing to compromise and say only tax paying individuals should vote. Any wellfare use= no vote. Any tax return that negates your tax contribution = no vote

"Man Tells 2 Chicks Act Like A Man Youre Gonna Get Treated Like A Man Right Before Knocking Them Out"


Feminazis and niggers fighting

I'm friends with some of my friends girlfriends. Like we never hang out one on one but I consider some of the ones that have been around for quite a few years god friends of mine now.

Depends depends depends/
i'm 6'2 and fit,
i've flipped my friends over my shoulder for fun.

IF she's unarmed i'm gonna displace her feet from the floor and replace with her ass. Try to use her momentum against her.

If she has a weapon i'm not giving slack, i'm gonna take out my weapon and defend myself first then worry about disarming second.

At the end of the day it's all about my safety.

Marxism is leftist too. Its just so far left that it supports no individual rights at all.

He's just a forever alone. The only female friends he has are his mother and his GF(2D).

"She want to be treated like a man."

Full ghetto language

When she pushed you, you should laugh at her and make fun of her. Make her feel like a little child. Let her know she is so pathetic you don't even take her use of violence seriously.
Don't be pasive agressive at work. That's for women. Act cool, say hi. Don't mention the fight. She'll do it for you, especially if she's texted you to apologize. When she does, make fun of her for losing her temper and tell her it's already in the past.
Best way to put woman in her place is to not take her seriously.

Was a girl on my wrestling team.
She sucked. Her go-to was covertly rubbing guys cocks, then calling for a timeout to treat the resultant boner, usually with ice in front of a gym full of people, then he'd have to get back on the mat with a big wet spot on his half-flaccid iced and embarrassed rod.
She won the matches with fair regularity.

U did the right thing, but remember, girls are evil

Forgive her.

This is for your soul as much as it is for hers.