Why are young men dropping out of society (i.e., full time employment, getting a gf/wife, etc...

why are young men dropping out of society (i.e., full time employment, getting a gf/wife, etc.) to play video games instead?

Because society sucks?

Living in a society is getting harder, escapism is getting easier.
Women are broken, jobs are getting harder to get, religion is dying, any kind of idelogy gets trumped by overwhelming hedonism.
Young men have no goals in life, they just want to have fun.

You're right OP I should buy KCD tomorrow

modern life is broken and boring and there are no more wars

I don't want to give jews my life in work so i'll do it in play

1 i do it because i fucking enjoy it
2 i live in a shithole

nihilism and giving up
take a look at

Because there's barely any reward for hard work anymore.
If you earn more money you'll just pay more taxes to fund niggers, shitskins and single mothers.
Even getting a decent job has become more challenging because of diversity quotas.
If young white men would still have the chance to get a secure, well paying job, get their own house in their mid-twenties, have a loving wife and to normally raise children (instead of getting them brainwashed into sluts and numales) they wouldn't drop out of society.

I'm since a month without work, play games all day long and shitpost on Sup Forums. I could get used to it.

How the fuck do you pay for anything?

waifus can't alimony you
video games are more fun than broken society

1400€ welfare/unemployment benefits.

buy some flea and tick treatment first,cause we all know your dog is man of the house

I honestly think that todays culture is unattractive af fuck. When I think about it, going out on Friday nights has left me with more negative memories than positive. The greatest thing has always been my chosen people at a private location. I dont like the Zeitgeist, too.
I feel totally unfree to express me feelings or my political opinion, too because that could get me fired. I think my father has had it easier, there weren't so many idioms to put his foot in for him... We don't count for who we really are anymore it is merely just about how much self control you have and what a great picture of a perfectly good human being you can draw for stupid people who arent even close to you.

The world is fucked and we're all going down the shitter transatlantically.

Do I really want to make a child to this god forsaken country? No. Pls show me the way out, to the country where milk and honey flow.

As against porn as I am, it's safer than dealing with the modern thottie. Also society isn't doing a good job of offering men incentives. It's the collective's fault.

If they work hard all the get is having to pay money so their government can give it to some SHITHOLE person from a SHITHOLE country who wants everything you have.

... this is just wrong.
But for your bitter, fat soul: With national socialism you would have a wife and 3 kids and a war to die in for you and for them :3

Fun game so far. I play it in chapters since the autosaves are so few and far between. This allows me to continue my full-time employment with a wife and a baby. They're dropping out of society because it's the easy way out, and some people don't know how to ration out their "fun" which just leaves them miserable, desperate to consume more and short-tempered

i don't talk to 1pbti

>its wrong because i said so
Opinion discarded. Also be careful kraut, Mama Merkel might not like you painting natsoc in a positive light.

>Pls show me the way out, to the country where milk and honey flow.
There is nowhere left to run. We fucked up, all of us.

>"its societies fault im a total loser"
Life isn't hard

I have a gf, good career in trades, in shape, and play 15+ hrs of video games a week

If you live in a first world country you literally have to try to fail

I honestly think the mass media I was exposed to growing up has rot my brain.

I'm fried. Not really in touch with reality as I should/used to be.

Here have a pity (you)

Surf the Kali Yuga

>fulltime employment
enjoy paying taxes to mr shekelstein and funding those muslim and nigger gibs
enjoy losing half your stuff to a jewish divorce lawyer
Meanwhile I sit on my ass pirating video games and racking up over 500 a week in benefits (probably spend 100 on all expenses/outings in a month)
maximum comfy as opposed to slaving away to the jew

How is it our fault women are more boring than videogames?

Because they were raised by single mothers.

>Living in a society is getting harder, escapism is getting easier.

Nailed it.

I fuck hookers hotter than your basic girlfriend, I earn more than you do, my bench is higher and play more and better games than you do, my monitor is probably bigger too.

Only total brainlets and wankers (you) take threads about wider issues and try to bring it back to bloviating about how awesome you are in the face of the same problem.

Your cardboard cutout life could vanish into the ether an these issues in society will still exist.

This game is such shit.
>vague instructions that make simple tasks into arduous long looking for things
>NPCs that are impossible to find
>fights that are impossible with combat made for dueling but fights are always at least 3-on-1

DONT GIVE UP. Do you know how many white people and Germans now support fascism? It's probably more than in WWII

one day the trains will run on time again

Pretty much this.

I still lift and try to help as much as I can, but holy fuck imagine working for literally nothing.

You're just shit at this game. It wasn't meant for the average rural retard IQ, the developers specifically mentioned "City people" IQ as a basic requirement to fully enjoy this game.