THE SINGULARITY HAPPENING: WSJ, Big Tech wants your fucking memes!

Sup Forums DEFCON 1 -

You think muh Russia investigation is a total nothing burger? Think again.

Big Tech and Big media are taking muh Mueller Russia investigation results and FUCKING taking out Pepe!

Don't believe me? Pic related.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Them able to affect us in a way that will truly damage us
Lol no. We are the kindest side of us.
From any attack on Sup Forums we will only grow stronger, less connected to each other and more hateful.

I hope they try.

At the end of the day, all the average person really has control over is what content they choose to consume. With that in mind, I'm confident in the survival of "us" simply because all they have to offer are forced, stale memes; I'll always follow the OC.

OwO what's this? A shill?

>mfw the 13000+ indictments are for all the hackers known as Sup Forums?

they can pry my memes from my cold dead hands

If they do we will trigger DOTR.

Big tech will "automate" unoriginal "images" to be prohibited from being shared online...

>Hi Im here for my court date

I have been thinking this for a while, we are all going down lads!

That counts as an attack on Sup Forums of DOTR level.
If they stop such completely we come after them in meatspace.


This is now a pepe dump thread.

Activate Order Tango189155
All teams are go
No prisoners

Google doesn't allow images to be downloaded anymore. I mean, there are ways around it, but it's kinda spooky.

>knock knock
>user this is the FBI
>we want to ask you a few questions pertaining to your involvement in the 2016 election. It’s seems your memes have had a significant affect on public opinion...

What do you say?

Bring it. I can't wait. Fucking do it shills.
Do it.

Oh wait, you can't.


I open fire because my property is innawoods with no roads in or out and no trespassing signs.

They'll let you have your memes in one hand and fap with the other...

But, you won't be able to share your memes, is the point. Clench them in your hands all you want!

You guys realize that Mueller's investigation is gonna shut down Twitter, Google, Facebook, and Reddit right?

They were all complicit in intentionally affecting the election by shutting out voices, doxxing people, spying on users, etc.

Nice shtposting with you lads.

>posts an altered image about altered images

He who controls the memes is in control.
Give me control of the memes supply and I care not who runs the country.
Memes more powerful than money and protesting...

Veni Vidi Vici

I just read this on the Wall Street Journal

"The group is now preparing for the March 24 rally,
where they plan to smash unloaded AR-15 rifles with
a sledgehammer and squat in front of the White House
for 17 minutes to honor the 17 victims, according to Mr. Kasky. "

The March for our Lives group is planning on acting like a bunch of
Russian Gopnik Slavs and squat in front of the White House
If that isn't meme material , I don't know what is.

see you faggots in jail

Are they looking for a meme war

>editing photos is a legal loophole

for what exactly? are they implying they want it to be illegal to edit images? wtf is wrong with this planet? fucking kikes.

Do I get an reward?

>You won't be able to spread them
>Implying we won't just use analog methods

I believe it. They don't know how to deal with the competitiveness of information because of the internet, so they'll just shut it down.

>has control over is what content they choose to consume
To a point, no. You're constantly inundated by billboards, advertising, magazine covers, tons of marketing that you would really have to walk around with your eyes closed to avoid. Or live in the woods.

Nah just fine the shit out of them.
Those are intel honeypots. More useful left open.

We need memes of Pepes in prison, drawing Pepe memes on the walls...

>shitty photoshops made in a few minutes for free and uploaded on kikebook works better than shitload of adds, 24/7 MSM propaganda, and millions, even billions of dollars poured on army of highly paid professionals
>this makes more sense to them than idea that people tiered of their bullshit and they lost because of it


They are avoiding a meme war, by using Russian collusion as justification to allow Big Tech to automate prohibiting of any edited/doctored images.

>sell worthless rare pepes for exorbitant amounts of money
>get indited for money laundering
>rare pepes confiscated as evidence

Implying russians are the only ones shopping protest signs..

If I got indicted I'd laugh my ass off. Too funny

They can have my mouse and MS paint when they pry them from my cold dead fingers.

>gun grabbers open carry AR-15s in DC
>get arrested and charged with felony gun crimes

come at me niggeller

don't use Google goy, duckduckgo is free

forgot pic

I had a giggle.

I'm going to start printing my memes out on some A4 and if the boys in blue show up I'll papercut them to pieces.

Can we start a hashtag?


Correction, it was not in August you lying cunts, it was made this year, January 22nd to be exact

Lmao i read the article is fucking hilarious how fucking dumb they are they think everyone who posted against killary on Facebook was a Russian troll what a time to be alive where we all trolled the us government and every news outlet just by being Sup Forums fagots.

It was a pleasure memeing with you gentleman.

Can you imagine if investigative journalists that are concerned that this house showed up on "blactivist".

Just wait till all the investigators do exposes on all the female's that were memed, "blacked"


OP is a total faggot shill. (Original try though.)

Here I was thinking I was conversing with bots

Daily reminder: When they speak of Russian Bots, they mean us. When they speak of Russian interference, they mean us. We "interfere" in elections all over the world, but thats because we have opinions. Let it be known that we are the only people who are not entitled to their own opinions.

>All dissenting opinion is that of the enemy

I mean we call out shills, but there straight up blaming another country. We say that dissenting opinions are pushed unethically by our opponents. They claim that dissenting opinions are all lies spread by an evil entity looking to hurt the US.

I like (you)

Gonna take my pepe? You better get a crane!

they wont be able to make me use 20% of my defensive power

they're having a squat in.

>can i have my waifu folder for fifteen minutes instead of a last meal?

>Tfw you realize kek guided us to pepe for this
>Meme shit to reality
>Trying to regulate and censor memes is the last straw
>Civil war breaks out in the literal name of kek
Kek is with us and guiding us to war and to break free.

Not a violation of the First amendment or anything.

>FUCKING taking out Pepe
explain more what exactly it is that you think is happening or will happen
are you suggesting that memes will be illegal?

Sup Forums meat up 2019

There is literally nothing they can do about it.


>post yfw we make a mockery of the courts

I've been waiting for it.

>Attacking the memes

It's like driving the infected monkey to the airport.

Can't stop us now. Genie is out of the bottle.


Tell me something I don't know, fedlet.

i don't really have the words to describe how bad that image is. was it supposed to be funny?


>The irony sets in that we were the russian hackers the whole time

Could the memes from this board really be that strong that it makes it look like collusion was occuring.

>Good, I'm glad I helped defeat Hillary.

Can't wait to join the neet prison gangs

>government shuts down the mega honeypots
Worst that happens is a staff change and some fines.

el monstruo

good thing Sup Forums is a board of peace and satire

With, muh Russian collusion "evidence", concerns of "disinfo" spreading is worked up by WSJ.

The solution proposed is Big-Tech, creating automated tools to detect/stop "edited" images. [read pepe memes]

As "AI", is. It will just be one big excuse for Big-Tech, to selectively sensor your Pepe images ((they)) don't like, under the premise of some automated system filtering doctored images.

One does not simply remove pepe.

Do the demoncraps know any other way to play then dirty? If they can't win the meme war, they will try and destroy the memes. We can't let them do it.

Oh fuck, so Russian h4x0rz invented shoops now too?

>In this episode, Sup Forums becomes a prison gang


They literally can't do it. The people they're trying to box in, are smarter than they are.

Jokes on them, I was shitposting behind 9 proxies, 3 fake psychological profiles, and 17 different layers of irony.

>nothing burger
Why do burgerclaps go out of their way to speak like manchildren?
Nothing burger?
What's next, you'll start calling others "meanie poopyheads"?

watch out guys, we've got a mature person over here

user, we are the originator of the Steele dossier. The greatest psyop, the truth buried even to Sup Forums itself.

you're a somewhat interesting type of retarded.

literally what was happening
of course they don't want to admit that actual American citizens don't like them and publicly speak against them
tyrants and despots never do



Control the narrative, control the people.
You can take my life, but you can never have my memetics.

KEK satire is protected free speech. Nice try though, kikes.

>muh russia
>declaring that the 'hacking' done by muh russia is the same thing htat Sup Forums and now almost every fuckign retard on goybook is doing

The plebs will CERTAINLY buy this one. Fucking hell I knew the kikes were stupid but they continue to amaze me.

And Sup Forums will find a way around it

They remove the ability to meme on the internet... then the only place we will be able to meme is irl. I hope they do it. But they wont. This is just them flailing.

>KEK satire is protected free speech
Facebook and Twitter are private platforms that can be fined by the FCC and Congress if they deem them to be in violation of whateverthefuck "anti-hate" laws they'll pass.

wow for SEVENTEEN whole minutes? such endurance. not 17 hours then. or 17 days.
nope, let's fuck off after about quarter of an hour, whatever