The future of humankind is white and beautiful Pol

Face it, once designer babies technology becomes widespread, no one in their right mind will want their babies to be born black. In the not so distant future once this technology become widely available, most if not all babies will be engineered to be white with blue eyes. We are genetically programmed to hate black. Black is the same color as a turd. Black is synonym with shit, excrement.

This is a universal construct that no human being can escape from. It transcends nations and culture. When you take a dump, what ends up in the toilet is black. Universally, humans hate the black color for that very reason. It goes very deep on the psychological level. It goes down all the way to millions of years of evolution. Black symbolizes evil, sickness, disease, etc. What comes of out of your body is bad and potentially life threatening. Short of genetically altering our species, there is no other possible evolutionary outcome that is possible. Universally, we all deep down hate the black color and black people. Asians are extremely racists, most white people are not so openly racists. But overall, as a species, we all know that black people are a sub species. We all know it deep down but we keep silent about it.

Prove me wrong pol.

Carl Jung would be proud. Our hatred of black people is most probably related to these factors. I wonder why this is not openly discussed more. I personally think that we should discuss about it.

And that's why everytime that I see a thread about ethnostates on Pol I think it's ridiculous. Who cares if in the end, no one will ever choose to be black? You can't dismiss technology. It's coming fast and will be a reality very soon. Once people are able to choose what their babies look like, we all know that they will choose aryan features.

So, this is why I think that all these discussions about race war are useless. Thew future will be white, I am absolutely certain of that. I have NO doubt. I'm not worried anymore. Thank you science. All of you insecure retards should think about this more and realize how important it will be to shape the future of the human race. Fair skin features have been favored for millennia. Across the entire world. That won't change overnight. The current retarded agenda to cross mix races and create the ultimate mutt race is doomed to failure. The ultimate race is white and aryan. So stop worrying so much fellow retards.

In the next 10 years do you think that China will be mass producing niggers? Of course not. Whatever they create and engineer will be Aryan based.

I'm surprised and disappointed that no one has an opinion on the subject. This will be a major talking point in the not so distant future.

If you were given the choice, would you choose to have a black baby? How would you design this baby of yours.


Thank you for confirming that I am not shadowbanned. I can't believe that such a subject can't generate more discussion. I was starting to worry about this place.

I think that we need to discuss about this subject extensively. It has wide range society impact.

Imo it is a game changer. When this tech becomes available, it will be a major game changer. All this trans national bullshit will make non sense anymore. Skin color will be irrelevant. The current agenda to race mix us all will be finally expose for the joke it is. All of us that live in western countries will understand how futile this effort is.

I see daily discussions about why the white race is better etc. This is a moot argument in face of this technology. In the end, we will all end up white. Beauty will prevail. Black is ugly. White is beautiful. Very easy concept to grasp. And it is universal across all cultures around the world.

Anyone that cares about the future of the white people in this world should at least acknowledge that I am correct. If not, well something is wrong with this place.

which is why its illegal

Won't be for long. China doesn't give a fuck about what is "legal". As we speak, they are creating superhumans with fair features. Chinese people love white skin. They are whiter than us (cue amerimutt meme).

Inj the near future, the first super engineered white people will be Chinese. I can assure you that they are not mass producing niggers from Africa. Chinese people are probably the most racist people on this earth. The Western world is due for a major wake up call on this subject.

While we virtue signal our way out of existence, other nations are engineering super humans that don't give a fuck about political correctness.

When it becomes public, it will be brutal. 2018 will be the year that the entire world wake up to that phenomenon. Chinese will lead the way.

Pol is fucking sleeping at the wheel right now. This is a subject that require our attention. But like before, canary in the coal mine, etc. It will get traction in a couple of months when it hits the MSM,

So, see you in a couple of weeks you retards. And shame on you for not reacting earlier. This place is disappointing. I though that it was filled with geopolitcal geniuses. I guess not. It's just a normie boring fucking place filled with normie retards.

So I guess I'll end up this thread with a question for all of you old fags. Where can I discuss these subjects and generate some discussion? It seems like Pol is shit right now, it's filled with memes and leftist bullshit shill posts. I want to discuss with intelligent people but I have to admit I am just about to give up on this place. it's not interesting anymore. Do you have some suggestions?

Pol used to be a place to discuss about a lot of things. But not anymore. I don't like the dynamic of this place anymore, It's fucking boring.

Please point me to where the interesting discussions are taking place and I will move on and never look back. This place stinks like the T_D.

I don't work for CNN. I just think that Pol sucks for discussion now.

Where do you guys go now to have interesting discussions?

Any suggestions? Jesus this place is dead. It's depressing.

Alright. This place is dead. and I am moving on to greener pastures.

Pol is dead. It's not a valuable platform anymore.

Trump will lose in 2020. This thread is the perfect example of why he will fail. Sorry guys.

No traction, no movement, you guys are sleeping at the wheel.

So be it. Enjoy the Blue wave in 2018, you soy cucks.

You deserve it. All of it.

Over and Out!

You should've stopped before this post, but after this post is just cringe. Entitled much?

Why is this user talking to himself?

That’s disgusting. It would mean that there would be white people who are secretly black. You could accidentally fuck a nigger. Plus everything would be artificial and the same except for some weird furry chimera freaks. What’s even the point anymore? I don’t want to live in this nightmare world. Fuck you Transhumanist kikes. Why do can’t scientists just stop being faggots?

To look like me of course