Dragon Ball Super

What is something you want to see in this upcoming special?

Goku jobbing to Luffy

You mean it isn't one hour of pure Jiren vs Goku and instead A DB/OP crossover? Fuck that.

arigato doctor

Lusty preteen kemononomimi girls getting fucked by Rush Limbaugh in a trailer.

Translate pls:

それ以降 ゴールデンフリーザ無双でトッポ脱落 ベジータ新形態でヒット脱落、ジレンと決戦
ベジータ新形態 サイヤ人の本来眠ってる凶暴性や残虐性が目覚める 髪が逆立ち焦げ茶色に変化、目の周りが黒く縁取られ瞳は赤になる シッポが再生し肌が浅黒くなる 魔人ベジータを更に悪っぽくした感じ
これでベジータが最強になるも更にシリアスな展開になり、悟空が究極の形態に覚醒する 3つのサプライズを用意してると期待


goku and luffy eating meat together

I want Goku and Luffy to get into a time machine and go to back when their
franchises were still good

I want them to act like they've never met before therefore striking those shitty crossovers with Toriko right into fillerville. I still can't believe Jump was arrogant enough to do that, Nobody liked Toriko and it damn sure didn't deserve to be next to two icons, the only other Jump series that deserve that is Naruto and that guy with the funky eyebrows.

a decent anime

Unfortunately it's not a crossover. One Piece is having a 1 hour special for Sanji vs Luffy and DBS is having a 1 hour special for Goku's new form and his fight with Jiren.

Scenes animated by Naotoshi Shida. That's all I want.

Quite frankly? I want to see some middle of the road DB character completely cleaning house with the mugiwaras and whatever other pirate happens to appear to fight him (even better if it's big meme or an admiral), and I'm talking about old DB style curbstomp. None of this is because I hate OP or like current DB, but because I would love to see both fanbases losing their shit.

They are really trying to shove it down everyone's throats.


There have been several episodes that have outright told us that it is impossible to knock out dozens of people without either attracting undue attention, or exhausting yourself to the point of uselessness. Right off the bat we see Narirama attack the U2 girls, and Cabba, and some other people too. And what happens? He manages to knock exactly zero people off before Hit breaks one of his arms, Basil breaks the other, and then Hit neutralizes him and tosses him off the stage. When Krillin assists in the taking out of 3 people, Frost sneaks up on him and whips him off the stage. Kale screws up the entire arena to the point that it looks like a mountain range, yet only manages to knock off a grand total of two people before Jiren puts her to sleep. What's worse, her actions attract the 5 Pride Troopers who nearly take out her and Caulfila, and only fail because she suddenly gains control of her form. The Pride Troopers try to take out Kale, Caulfila and Goku all at once, and attract the attention of Androids 17 and 18 and all five of them get knocked off. Once Caulfila and Kale are done dealing with their 4 Pride Troopers, they're exhausted to the point that they weren't able to intervene when Hit was in trouble. It's been several minutes and they've been inactive.

too perfect


ended too soon

Their franchises never gone bad, your taste did.

It's not a crossover.

A whole lot of gibberish fake spoilers. It worth translating.
