Qustion for the Americans

Do you actually believe that arming teachers is the right solution to school shootings?

If yes, isn't that "solution" a really sad reflection of the current state of America?

And what about teachers who refuse to carry a weapon to work, because they did not sign up to confront armed attackers?

How can you be so fucking retarded America? Im genuinely curious.

Inb4 shill, just shut the fuck up already.

Other urls found in this thread:


CNN.. Fake and gay

I think you should be shot in the face for linking something from CNN, you fucking faggot.

>I dont trust MSM sources because pol told me that jews run everything

Not a fucking argument, try again faggot. Everyone knows that you have a gun problem, it doesnt matter the source that tells ya, its widely accepted and everyone is shaking their heads over it.

"And what about teachers who refuse to carry a weapon to work, because they did not sign up to confront armed attackers?"

Are you purposely lying, or just a fucking idiot?
When did NRA supporters or Trump EVER say that all Teachers should be armed? Not one person is advocating that. Trump clearly said today that Teaches who WANT to carry a gun should be encourage and trained.

So whats the point then? Consider how half of all teachers are likely female, likely even more. Do you expect them to be able to defend kids against a guy who is committed to killing as many as possible, before offing himself? He has nothing to lose. The teacher has everything to lose.

And should the teacher then carry a gun on the at all time? What signal does that send to young kids about their country? If not, should they be locked away in a secure location? If yes, what then, when the attack begins and panic sets in? Do you think that a fucking teacher could handle that situation properly?

Very few teachers would want to carry a gun, obviously. Even if the teachers had guns, there is a massive moral issue in that. The teacher suddenly can pose a threat to the kids, the gun could be obtained by students and misused, and much worse. The mixing of police work with public teaching is just an ethical paradox.

You are defending mass murder by supporting the NRA

Just like every place else in our country. People who care so little for their own lives are not required to defend them. I choose to defend what is precious to me.

>gun problem
Man you're bad at spelling. It's spelled N-I-G-G-E-R P-R-O-B-L-E-M

Don't worry my Danish friend, soon you'll have mastered the language.

Teachers (and students) were always armed in the past. Disarming them was not progress, it was regression to pre-revolutionary war times. Disarming is going backwards in time.

I don’t think it’s a solution, I think that a stronger mental health system is always going to be the solution.

Do I think that you could take some teachers who are obviously willing to die for their students (they’re already literally jumping in front of bullets) and make them combat effective enough to kill an autistic teenager with an AR he barely knows how to use? For sure.

>I choose to defend what is precious to me.

Those who want their kids to be safe in school, are defending what is precious to them.

What is more important?

These Euros just don't understand, brother

Strange strategy. Placing them in a public space where they are completely defenseless 7 hours a day every day.

School shootings are not a problem. They are symptoms of other problems, mostly around social cohesion.
Moreover, you do not want to create a larger mess by cleaning up a smaller one. Solving school shootings by disarmament introduces the huge problem OF disarmament, and everything that will lead to.

fuck off kike
there is nothing you fear more than the working class armed with weapons

OP, they don't care, they don't want anyone talking their guns, let them kill each other and keep them if they want. Fyi 20 African nations with a lower murder rate...

Aye, they don't realize they'er the fucking dinosaurs. The're fucking peasants armed with hoes thinking that makes them enlightened and progressive.

Jesus Christ, *they're

Welp, it's not gun ownership rate that's the problem.... let's look a bit deeper.

Hmm, getting warmer...

>Mexico not on top of the list
literal fake news

Heres a study from a legit organization.
Pic related.

Okay, nailed it.

And another pic related

Israel had ONE school shooting in the 1970s and made all schools have armed guards and teachers, how many mass school shootings happen in Israel?

The violence keeps things exciting. That's why you guys are importing Muslims, no?

No, home / online school is the best solution.

What exactly do you have against murder crybaby?

Still waiting for Denmark cuck to explain how we're supposed to fix black people.

No. Our education system as a whole needs to be overhauled really badly. But the school shootings aren't the schools' fault. It's shitty parents' fault. Fucking millenials think the world owes them free stuff because they grew up thinking that they're special. Parents of school shooters should be locked up because it's ultimately their fault in the end.

Why isn't that chart adjusted for population?

It shouldn't be mandatory, you dumb fuck. Get back to the Huff Po, you lying, low IQ piece of shit. You might be considered intelligent on that short bus you take to school, but you are by far the stupidest person on this board.

He doesn't give a shit about facts, he wants manipulated and misleading data to confirm his pre-existing bias.

Also, added chart showing sharper decrease in US's homicide rate versus Australia's at the same point in time they implemented radical gun control policies. Odd, almost as if decreased access to guns doesn't really seem to address the issue of overall homicide.

America has lots of niggers whereas those other countries don't. Also it's not a sad reflection that teachers should be armed, its life. If you have lots of guns and aren't going to deal with bullying or mental health issues then you'd better be prepared

Works in Jew-land and will likely result in more dead niggers.

Yes, if only we had a strong regulation on guns, this number would fall.


Maybe ignore the Germany one. We're all a bit iffy on the whole "holocaust" thing.

I don't doubt that America has more gun crime than other places where it might be more difficult to obtain guns but this really should be as a rate in relation to total population to begin to mean anything.

So do you home school your kids? And if not and they are killed in a school shooting how well has your strategy worked?

Fucking morons you Americans guns aren't the problem it's your fucking attitude towards them that's the problem. They are not a toy they were invented solely to kill.

I’ll agree with this. The nonchalantness that people greet guns with is retarded. So many people are so far separated from them as a machine or tool that it twists their view of them.

Hence these retards believeing they could eradicate ARs in a day by passing a law. As if instructables on how to build your own “AR replica” wouldn’t become commonplace overnight. 90% of people see guns as a cultural item and not as a tool, meant for killing

I didn't make the image, though I would like to know how 5M + 6M = 13M. Goddamn kike majiks.

I hope that is supposed to be a joke.
If you can't see what is wrong with this just from the screenshot, you probably aren't competent to own a firearm. Or tie your own shoelaces.

Yeah. They got magic alright. If you're not careful enough they'll curse your credit score.


Can you add all the countries the did gun control and nothing bad happened at all? Just to be fair about it you should. You want to be fair right?

The first sensible response I've seen in a long time. Being a Skip I'm not interested in lecturing you about your laws and freedoms and what not, but it has disturbed me the way you approach guns.

Getting rid of them entirely isn't the answer, too many of them in the first place, I'd advocate for mental health background checks but from what I've seen even that won't pass through Congress. So the only other way is to modify your (and especially your children's) attitudes towards guns.

Had my niece (she's 12) ask me today why are Americans arguing over guns when they (the guns) kill people. I said it's part of their rights and their national identity. She responded with: But they kill people.

Debate over, I couldn't find an answer to that, and America must try to because soon it will be accepted by your children that guns and shootings are a way of life and the apathy that that entails means you will never stop it

Can confirm bullying is a big problem in American schools. I remember back when i was in school getting jumped on a schoolbus by 8 nigs for doing my homework. They arrested all those kids, it was all caught on bus camera, but made me understand why kids felt the need to bring weapons to protect themselves. After that i wore 2 long wallet chains.

These young people are facing the stress of fucked up world and they havent been taught to deal with it. The idea youre a complete child until your magically 18 at which point your expected to be fully self sufficient automatically is itself complete bs

No the solution is to take the (((cultural marxists))) out of society on a permanent basis. That's where America's Murder, Inc. culture is coming from.

>personal prerogative
>how can you be so fucking retarded?

I agree 100%. It seems that the idea that shootings are a regular normal thing that should be swept under the rug is already becoming commonplace. And maybe, statistically, that’s true, they’re not terribly more uncommon than other nations. But it’s still something we could improve.

I don’t like the idea of taking away ARs because everybody I know that has an AR (including myself) would never use it not in self defense. The idea of independence and autonomous defense is so central to our national identity that I genuinely think that an AR ban would start a civil war. Not to mention you’d be hard pressed to find any department of law enforcement willing to serve warrants to take them. Most cops in the US support legal gun ownership.

The 2nd amendment was never created to allow us to hunt animals, it was created to allow the common man to hunt malicious governments. It’s existence would be a self-fulfilling prophecy to many (including myself, desu) if it was ever repealed.

>Shut hole countries

America is fundamental different. Conservatives are perfectly fine wage slaving for their jewish oligarchs in this country. The government has no reason to disturb this balance. The government will never attack us as long as this is true.
If you think some shitty store bought guns will stop the USA from enacting tyranny on the citizens, you're stupid.

>all these white kids shooting up schools prove that blacks are the problem!


Is it legal fireams? I can't believe niggers in shitholes like Angola don't have an AK in every hut

>More people die of slipping in the shower(accidents) than gun violence
>Ban bathing

>Some men rape women
>Castrate all men

Why not focus on bullies who lead to the kid wanting to kill everybody? Also if a person is determine to shoot up a school he may do it even with strict regulations. Correct me if Im wrong

Actually having an FBI
that actually investigates leads
and follows up
on threats
rather than
chasing around
russian bot farms
behind VPNs
actually matters
the FBI has gone full retard
and swallowed the SJW pill
they need to be vaccinated with the
red vaccination


A Jewish kid raised by Dominicans.

I dont care about how it "reflects" I only care about a viable solution. Fuck off with your hollow morality and restrictive sense of propriety.

56% isn't just a meme, Norway.


Pick one.

>A Jewish kid raised by Dominicans.
Yeah... cause that makes a difference. I guess the whole "white boi shoots up school/kills parents" meme is really just a Jewish conspiracy.
I know. Still, having a Jewish great granduncle doesn't mean the kid isn't white.

>having a Jewish great granduncle doesn't mean the kid isn't white
that's where you're wrong kiddo

It's clear the US isn't interested in preserving social cohesion and yes they are fucked.


Look, Cnn has been proven to contain 90% bullshit time and again. They are dying because of it. link to somethtng better, at least

Gun free zones are only target rich environments for people who want to commit mass murder.


Arm everyone.

Look how wrong you are:

>per capita gun ownership over 100%
Is this saying there are more guns than people? Doesn’t make much sense to have more gun owners than people in a given nation


>current state of America
is shit for reasons that should be obvious. teachers shouldn't be armed, but there should be some sort of armed security.

>put your hands up
why do they do this?

>a country with 330m people compared to ones at most 1/3 that

It means theres more guns than people you stupid faggot

It’s already a thing, anons. Muh Texas.


nordcuck shill can't imagine accepting responsibilities


It doesn’t say “guns per capita” it says “gun ownership per capita”

Ownership requires an owner

Ask your caretaker if it sounds dumb before you say it, for all of our sake

>The Killing of America
Thanks, Juden.

Mass shootings are created by the deep state, slaughtering them is the best way to stop it. Guns should be allowed in schools.

CNN = CIA's Operation Mockingbird = Deep state propaganda = NWO programming.


guns aren't the problem.... this is the problem

Parkland Hospital

Parkland Florida

gee what a

interesting thing

No I think hanging all fags, athiest, commies, and liberals frim lampposts will fix it.
We call it the day of the rope.

will someone think of the children
ban kool aid
once and for all

Arming teachers won't prevent school shootings from happening.
However, since female public school teachers are the demographic with the highest rates of sexual abuse of children, I can see one effect that arming the teachers with guns could have.

>not many teachers want to carry a gun
Maybe in your reality but I'm from Miss'sippi and we tend to hold our own round here

No one cares what your 12 year old daughter has to say because....
>she's 12.
Clearly stupid.

A mass shooting is defined as a shooting in which 3 or more people are targeted. Guess who does this on the regular? Why it's your friendly neighborhood nig nog doing a drive by! Mass shootings are a black problem

I was just thinking about this; Has there ever been a school-shooting, in a Republican controlled disctrict?

The guy literally said he doesn’t want to lecture us about our policy when he isn’t from the US, shut the fuck up you autist.

She wasn’t his daughter and he was only using it to explain his own lack of understanding of our gun culture.

What’s there to understand? It’s there clear as fucking day. You would have to be a fucking moron to not understand it.