Why are the japanese so obsessed with the West?

Why are the japanese so obsessed with the West?

>pic related basically bootleg Marvel/DC Comics

If you weren't completely fucking brain dead you would realize Western, particularly American, culture is far in away the most powerful culture on the planet. By the way there are many more manga with Eastern cultural themes than Western. Ever hear of a little work called Dragon Ball? How about Bleach or Naruto?

Why are the Americans so obsessed with the east?
>Pic related basically the chinese cartoon they drool over with the 300 other ones they watch

Because it's exotic.
Why do you watch anime?

>japanese culture
Limited to a single island
>white culture
pic related

Gee I wonder. Maybe becasue its more diverse.

that's exactly the reason.

>NE Asia
I know what he means, but the guy who made the map is retarded.

same reason are we so obsessed with our chinese cartoons and the such. use ya fuckin brain m8

Inferiority complex after we BTFO them with 2 nukes

i dunno, westaboos are weird

*official Marvel/DC Comics


Kek someone got mad

Jesus, the guy who did that didn't even try.

*and better

I actually expected it to have more characters based on Marvel/DC archetypes, but in that area it's a complete dissapointment. So it's not Marvel/DC bootleg.


sure and Perman is basically Image

if you wanted to use a show that's actually like western comics for your example then you should've gone with blood blockade battlefront.

Because it's russia dumbass.

big penis

Ignore him, he's a falseflagger

>make a million explicitly japanese shows
>but this one is like mahvel so theyre all westaboos

why are americans so obsessed with japan? i mean, have you seen kill bill?