Italy/pol/ Make Italy Roman Empire Again [Saturday Edition]

Fascism and Roman salute are not outlawed anymore (Eng Translate)

Chief economist of Lega explains new currency [Sub Eng]


Borghi (Lega): "Right wing coalition plan is to leave the euro"
Bonafè (PD): "This is the only European country where center-right moderates are allied with right-wing extremists.
Merkel refused to ally with ADF"
Borghi (Lega): "Well, Merkel isnt doing good anyway, so who cares"è-pd-nostro-programma-chiaro-devo-farle-un-disegnino-14-02-2018-234013

1/3 of Italians would like to expel all non-EU citizens from Italy
"32% say they would never want to get in touch with immigrants, either in the workplace and in the sphere of friendships" (Eng Translate)

As Elections Approach, Italy Shows Record Alienation from European Union (English)

Vast Majority of Under-35 Italians Oppose Mass Migration (English)

Swastikas on wall for a leftist association in Mestre (Eng Translate)

Militant of PaP (progressive party) stabbed in Perugia (Eng Translate)

Gunshots against refugees camp in Enna (Eng Translate)

Refugees hospitality center set on fire in province of Naples (Eng Translate)

Immigrants in Rome on suicide watch: "We are scared now" (Eng Translate)

Pamela poster #120dB Campaign
media.8ch dot net/file_store/922b235a5a8a1c169874ed5add3cdb1a7db03b6db8d67b2d61adcff3eb546fbf.pdf

Other urls found in this thread:

Nation Election Day: 4 March 2018

Forza Nuova [fascists] 0,3%

CasaPound [fascists] 1,9%

Right Wing Coalition: 37,6%
- Forza Italia [conservatives] 15,3%
- Lega [identitarians/nationalists] 14,8%
- Fratelli d'Italia [nationalists/fascists] 5,5%
- Noi con l'Italia [christian democrats] 2%

Globalist Coalition: 25,6%
- Partito Democratico [liberals/globalists] 21,9%
- Più Europa [globalists/progressives] 2,1%
- Insieme [greens/social democrats] 0,7%
- Civica Popolare [liberals] 0,5%
- SVP [South Tyrol identitarians] 0,4%

Movimento 5 Stelle [populists/greens/pirate party-esque] 26,8%

Liberi e Uguali [progressives/social democrats/SJWs] 5,3%

Potere al Popolo [progressives/SJWs] 1,5%

Partito Comunista Italiano [communists] 0,2%


LGBT activists launched their agenda and Liberi e Uguali agreed in push it when they will be elected.

Their agenda:

>Marriage for everyone
Marriage is a religious ritual, atheists, faggots and dykes can have a private contract if they want to regulate their relationship.

>Give the option to fags and dykes to grow childrens
Kids need both a mom and a dad to grow up as sane persons. Absolutely degenerate.

>Laws agains homophobia and transphobia
The fuck this even means? The State decide who can I hate and who I cant? Nonsense, also this would be incostitutional.

>Artificial insemination law for lesbians
These people must be insane. Kids happens because penis in bagina, not because science magic tricks. You know this since 5 years old.

>Remove the transgender status of mental illness
So they wanna make me believe a dude who think he's a girl born in the wrong body isnt a mental retard? This is absolute nonsense.

Spread it like fire, we need Liberi e Uguali outside the parliament (under 3%). I dont want people who agree with these nonsense near any Istitutional building.

1) The Iconoclast vid:
Right-Wing Leading In Italian Election 2018 (English)

2) Quick rundown on our last govt and Italian parties in this 2018 election



Jewtube literally inundated with PD ads.

Reminder Grillo shills for a future of mutts and EL CINEGRO

Politicians should always be respectful towards their nation's citizens, no matter what's their political ideology.

>That fucking screeching nigress

something good came out of it at least

Literally just had a Lega and a Forza Italia ad playing before my very own eyes, stop basing your own perception of reality off anecdotal experience.
Good luck explaining it to most italian politicians even tho it's mostly a right wing thing in here.

>that fucking blue haired cunt.

Riccardo Iaccarino, candidato alle elezioni politiche per forza nuova. Uomo di fine intelligenza e di toni pacati che negli ultimi giorni ha dichiarato di ritenere "sensato" lo sterminio degli ebrei; ha definito ridicolo il fatto che una "negra possa rivolgere parola ai bianchi" ed ha minacciato di "arrostire su appositi roghi delle troie comuniste amanti del cazzo nero". Vedete, in questo Paese, si sta permettendo a questi criminali fascisti, razzisti, sessisti di avere piena agibilità politica; di organizzarsi in partiti; di parlare in televisione; di fare comizi nelle nostre città appositamente militarizzate. L'opposizione a questa gentaglia e quindi l'antifascismo non è questione che riguarda solo i gruppi militanti organizzati. È un fatto che chiama tutti al dovere di non lasciare a queste persone alcuno spazio. Di cacciarli dalle nostre città. Oramai dai giornali alle televisioni non fanno che rifilarci la cavolata del pericolo degli opposti estremisti, facendo un piacere ai fascisti ed ai partiti moderati che cavalcano questa equiparazione ,creata ad arte, per avere maggiore consenso. Non bisogna cadere in questo gioco visto e rivisto. E per non farlo tocca continuare ad opporsi a questi criminali in ogni luogo, attraverso il lavoro costante nei territori ed attraverso delle mobilitazioni che possano consentire a sempre più persone di partecipare. L'antifascismo non è una questione per pochi. È un dovere di tutti per evitare il ritorno alle barbarie.

>Be in politics since 20 years
>Former Ministry of Youth
>Suddenly Antifa shows up because you're a danger to democracy

Trump derangement syndrome confirmed and definitely not Soros behind them, trying to emulate USA political climate

el cinegro senores

white and based

Questa pic bisogna metterla ovunque.
Qualcuno davvero ci può cascare.

>Be in politics since 20 years
>Still blame the few leftist micro governments over the years
Really makes me think, how convenient that Meloni has found a cure to Italy's own doom just before the new elections.

So TL;DR /ourguys/ are winning by about 12% so they are expecting to get 10%+ of the vote come election time in a week?
And can the election plans come down to immolating the EU, setting up a new currency, removing illegal immigrants, and basically doing what most other right wing groups are doing?
Also, what concessions have the conservatives made to have the fascists/nationalists on board?
Another questions, is how much of an influence will all the parties outside the 2 coalitins (Right wing vs. globalist coalition) get in a parliament?

which Le Vibrazioni album is your favourite?

Italia HEIL!

actually the """fascists""" are pretty much, right now, some sort of conservative liberal.

Wtf i love PD now
What kind of reasoning is that, if everyone is a liar then i'll vote those with the sweetest lies.

>Qualcuno davvero ci può cascare.
Guarda che fa veramente parte de loro programma.

M5S will get a pretty big influence, they have a huge percentual. Liberi e Uguali might get a few people in, but shouldn't be a problem unless they get others to agree

Mi spiego meglio:
ci può cascare nel credere che siano un partito e non una cloaca.

>if everyone is a liar then i'll vote those with the sweetest lies.

5 years of center-left govt has throw the country into complete chaos.

Remember when Bagnai was not running and thought flat tax was RETARDED?

Good times

Well, now explain me how am i wrong. If EVERYONE lies, then nobody is better than the others, so anyone is equally good a ruler.

mi sembrano sempre le solite soie ateopiddine più simili a leu che al partito comunista di rizzo

20 years of center right hiccup governments sent the country on the verge of economical default.

That's the point you dummy.

Who doesn't lie according to you

That's your assumption though you retard. Or you are implying the left does not lie because they are good and against the evil right.

>It's another episode of meme spouting retard thinks it's left vs right
Can't you fucking comprehend basic english sentences or should I start typing in italian and check if you're clinically retarded?
>meme flag
Please senpai, have some decency.

"È un'azione degli studenti del collettivo Casc Lambrate ad aprire il sabato di mobilitazione antifascista a Milano. Pochi minuti dopo le 9 i ragazzi si sono arrampicati sul monumento dedicato a Giuseppe Garibaldi in piazza Cairoli dove alle 15 si terrà il comizio elettorale del candidato premier di Casa Pound Simone Di Stefano e della candidata alla presidenza di Regione Lombardia Angela De Rosa."

Then why are they still labelled as "nationalists/fascists/etc."?
Would it be safe to assume M5S would most likely agree with the right wing on immigration, but would challenge them on how much of an influence they should have on the provinces? and Liberi e Uguali will probably end up voting almost the complete opposite of the right wing coalition; as in gibs me dats, more immigration, even higher taxes on anybody even thinking about working, and "social equality" (i.e. everything said)?

He's either the resident M5S shill, the CasaPound voto inutile or the Giannino closet Piddino.

You still didn't answer though. Who is not lying?

>not adressing my question
Who doesn't lie in Italian politics according to you?

>as in gibs me dats
every italian party propaganda is about gibs
no gibs = no votes

>Mfw italian antifa will emulate the brigate rosse when salvini wins.



Because they're from the former party (MSI) who was the direct descendant of PFI, the Fascist party. Probably "neofascists" is the correct definition.

>Meloni paragonata a Capitan Findus
Ma ha anche dei difetti, perché parlare solo dei pregi?

>leaving out context
Oh, jew

lmao this dude is fucking based

Well CasaPound has really low chances of winning, you should vote salvini so that he has more than berluska inside the coalition

Because that's what normies think they are, and that's good enough. Forza Nuova are actually fascists, and CasaPound are "progressive" fascists, meaning they adapted the old ideology to make it more appealing to a voter from this century.
As for M5S, they are unpredictable. They have no clue of what they are doing, ane weekly change their agenda. One they pro-EU, the day after not anymore.
Liberi e Uguali is the italian version of your local progressive party.

>Mfw they will be arrested and shut down 5 min later

We're not cucked like USA.

>You will all have problems... When i'll start killing you one by one. The communist whores who love nigger dick will burnt at the stake.



Try harder you arab mutts.

>"b-but, muh rome!" Kek.


Proprio perché abbiamo avuto le brigate rosse possiamo stare sicuri che la polizia saprà come gestire gli antifags.

>mfw Roberto Fiore resurrects Ordine Nuovo to fight back

>giving the police an excuse to purge them once and for all
We can only hope

Lets hope CPI will manage to get 3%+ they said they will appoggio esterno a right wing coalition govt. Plus imagine leftists butthurt.

>lmao this dude is fucking based

ah yes because ordine nuovo totally fought brigate rosse

/ourguys/ are Forza Nuova and Casapound

Good luck Italy, truly hopping for the best.

Is Italy actually that unemployed and wages that low? I imagine that gibsmedats will be cut from immigrants, and given to actual Italian people (if they manage to get the globalists to have a minority, and the pirate party, and of course depending on the other parties (not in the 2 coalitions) perspectives)?.

Civica Popolare
Il Popolo della Famiglia
Partito Valore Umano
These are all liar-free parties. Inform yourself instead of just spamming memes, logically wrong arguments and begging for being spoonfed you lazy mongs.

>tu, negra

Indeed, but for now we must show the normies that right isn't so bad. If berlusca has the most, he'll just fuck it up like he did in the past killing all normie hope in the right. We can get in CPI later

I really hope CPI gets a few hotheads in the parliament.
The overton window has to be shattered, not just shifted slightly to the right.
>libertà di parola per tutti o nessuno
>prima per tutti, poi per nessuno :^)

Have fun, Cuckvini sucking on Silvione's dick for the next 5 years

Well, it was more on a psychological front. Not saying they were right, just saying the purpose was to scare the people more than the brigate rosse.
It was a joke anyway.

>race mixing is ba-

she's more atzec than nigger

italians always vote for their personal benefit
nobody gives a shit about the "free market" or all that shit not even entrepeneurs


There's people with master degree working for 500€ month after taxes

>either UdC or ex UdC
>not liars
Lol, ever talked to your grandma/parents?

enjoy your 10 point drop in average IQ

>civica popolare
Also, based on what you judge the others as liars? I'm interested.

they were literal NATO puppets

Freedom of speech is a human right, even protected (sorta) by our Constitution. But globalists arent humans, so who cares about them.

Ave Italibros, here have a laugh :

His twitter account got suspended

And the nato's most important point at time was to avoid communism rising at all costs


How are things looking in Germany? Does AfD keep rising?

so this is the power of the right wing's memes...

Second party now ahead of SPD (socialist)
They got 16% approval but they are outside the government koalition

Previous political experiences and what they actually promised/did over the years. Meloni and Salvini both would fall under the Liars category, Berlusconi would be borderline.
>meme flag happens to be an absolute retard and a shill
How unusual

>Merkel eternally BTFO

just found this, and apparently people complained andthey made a petition to stop them interfering or something ?

>salvini and meloni
>ever leaders


Nice arguments right there, feel free to throw in more opinions if you want to.

There is a propaganda report about the evil right wing politicians in italy right now on german state TV. Seems like you guys do something right.
Goodluck and goodspeed italians!
Nationalists arise, take back the west!

Our bleached colonies arent full apes anymore.

Nice. It's a good result considering they didn't even exist as a party until recently
>doesn't know about DC (which is basically what UdC is from) and la balena bianca

Intelligence is overrated anyways

>meaning anything

I'll give you that one on berlusconi, but it's objective that neither meloni or salvini were ever premier.

Hey you forgot one simple thing: leftists & nu-males deserve no respect.

>German far right calls EU pure socialism
>Italian far right calls EU pure globalization