Okay Sup Forums, I know you guys have short attention spans...

Okay Sup Forums, I know you guys have short attention spans, but please read this post and explain clearly in a thoughtful manner instead of going apeshit.

If black people are so dumb, why does St. Lucia (a primarily BLACK country), have one of, if not THE most nobel prizes PER CAPITA than any other country?

>inb4 nobels are jewish conspiracy
lol, instead of using this retarded argument why don't you take a good hard look at yourself and your retarded racist ideology?


They probably stole them

xD Great argument cumskin

>So despite the minister's words of reassurance, violent crime is clearly an issue on St Lucia. The travel advice for St Lucia on the Foreign Office's website bears this out. It says: "Incidents of violent crime, including murder, tend to occur within the local community but can sometimes affect tourists". It continues: "Muggings and thefts from hotels, yachts or holiday homes do occur, and are occasionally accompanied by violence, and there have been a number of serious assaults involving tourists and residents in recent years."

Unlike Bosnia's national export, muslim albanians

shut up negro

>Why does a small island have the most nobel prizes per capita


all fine my dude i did my part and you continue on with your shitposting


it means, dear ninth grader, that on average, people from St. Lucia are smarter and contribute more to the human race than australia. Got that little boy? :)

anyone who unironically uses the anarcho capitalist flag must be either retarded or lacking in economic education of any kind

shut up negro

>THE most nobel prizes PER CAPITA than any other country?
5 people live there

SAGE. numbers and sources shill. Also, what college did they go to?

Found a pic of one of the two winners.

He's lookin a little pale in this one.

Dey is whyte niggas, uncle toms, an howse nigguhs

>An african trying to be patronizing

Do you want to steal a nobel prize? Is that it? Stop trying to scientifically prove gender fluidity to get your prize.

Just do what Leroy did. Jus snatch dat shit an run.

but you're not from St. Lucia, are you Jamarcus?

smells like miscegenation

> explain clearly in a thoughtful manner instead of going apeshit.
You have a tiny population, there are literally two (2) winners.

PHENOTYPE. I hope this guy has a lot of grand children.

And here's a pic of the other winner looking..."real black"

St. lucia has low population and one of the 2 winner looks white. This means that the white population of St. lucia has higher per capita nobel prizes than the black one. Don't know if you can understand this.
Even if both nobel prizes were black, your test sample would be too small to be significative of the general black population.
Not trying to look racist but your post was very dumb.

Niggers can't be intelligent at least not compared to humans. Stick to the jungle animal intellectual arenas. /thread

Thanks for coming to Sup Forums, hope you enjoyed your stay. This place can be a little crazy sometime right?

>Old nerd is old
What did y’all mean by this?

Sure can m8

We're done here...

Obama won a Nobel peace prize just for being a nigger. They are meaningless.

low population


kill yourself shill rat

Good for you, I hope you have a long and fruitful life on that island.

Here, Have an (((OP)))

Don't worry, black people. Most white people are with you. /po/ is just filled with the dregs of the white race who can't accept seeing blacks becoming successful once their shackles were taken off them. They were brainwashed to believe their whole lives that they are superior to blacks. Now they see black people succeed in all walks of life and it kills them.

>african education

>a commie expecting anyone to actually take them seriously

100% white in this country tbqh

You do know Sir Arthur Lewis theory on economics right?

You know you oppose his ideals as a black power socialist right?

Two men doing great work. So how do you hold him up while venomously sperging and claiming capitalism is imperialism?

quiet nignog

>when one of them dies, the collective intelligence of the island will plummet
that's depressing...

and hilarious

>triggered nigger is triggered

>Aggregate trends means outlyers don't exist.

i stopped paying attention to the (((nobel peace prize))) when Obama was awarded one. Couldn't have been made more blatant, the extent of which that we live in a globalist farce.

>inb4 nobels are jewish conspiracy

i know the redpill is hard to swallow, but it's the truth.

>mfw op is a retarded nigger
Pic definitely related