
This is why trans people exist.

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This is why nazis exist.

>be what makes you comfortable

If people were able to do what makes them "comfortable" with no consequences I don't think trans people would exist. People do what they must to maintain some sort of order and civilization.

Trans people are as bad as Nazis?

reply to this post or your child will turn into a tranny

pls no

Not do. BE. People DOING as they like is not always okay. People BEING as they like is important.

Why does Sup Forums hate us?


except there's only two biologic sex, male and female and it's not a choice, everything else is nonsense. Checkmate. /thread bye

why does it feel like /pol has been invaded by 11 year olds today ?

because you have to deal with the hand you've been dealt you fucking moron

99% of Trans "people" look like ugly goblinoid men in drags, we are fine with traps, just don't touch kids


I'm not angry, just disapointed

>Not do. BE. People DOING as they like is not always okay. People BEING as they like is important.
See those numbers to the right of the date? Click them, so that we know who you're responding to.

no they are worse

Genetic engineering my friend. Also, everyone has the genetic information that is male and female. your hormones tell your body which to use. The XY only tells your body which hormone to make and what your genitals look like. Both can be overriden with HRT and surgery.

- this guy gets it ...

Why can't I identify as a retiree and collect social security checks and get cheaper movie tickets?

>overriden with HRT and surgery.
It's pretty fucking hard to argue with a Y chromosome mate.

No, it's because Women it todays world have a more privileged Role, hence Men giving up and trying to pass as Women

fuck you

because you keep trying to turn cute tomboys into tranny freaks, and I've had enough of that!

fuck lad

It doesn't matter how someone looks as long as they are comfortable.

People are trans because they aren't getting the psychiatric care they need.

Thanks man, I love this awful place...

if people feel that uncomfortable about themselves they should kill themselves instead of becoming a faggot.

no plz

good point, hear hear!


It doesn't matter if you have a bunch of Y chromosomes shoved up your butt hole. if they don't do anything, why do they matter?


>Gender is a social construct!
>Trans people are just born that way!


Some of you manlets would kill for his features. Why do tall, deep-voiced, hairy trannies do this to themselves?


>be mentally ill

Kek, these people need to be stopped

>Men who think they're women demand all of society to deny biology and force people to think men can be women

Wow why do people hate us?

Because they need to feel comfortable as themselves. Transition is the only way some people can be able to function.




roses are red
violets are blue
transgenderism is caused by the jews

Individual capitalism was a mistake.

It's not denying biology to be trans, it's modifying biology. What the person does afterwards with names, pronouns is their deal.

God no

just in case

You guys can't seem to decide whether trans people are mentally ill or not born this way

You learned how to reply to people! Think of all the fun we'll have now!
>Transition is the only way some people can be able to function.
Transition or not, does it affect the abysmal suicide rate (~40% before age 30) in the transgender community?
The answer is no. I'm sure it makes them feel better for a short while until they off themselves.

oh boy it's trying to make up statistics.

why is gender not a social construct?

What is feminine and masculine is a social construct, not gender you double nigger.

It totally is. People just have so much trouble understanding the difference between sex and gender. I don't want to distract from the issue of morphological freedom.

Jokes on you, I'm immune

son of a bitch

trans people exist cause of chemicals in the water,

You can find the stats yourself at the CDC.
In the mean time, ask yourself why there are so few old trannies.

Im mad as hell and im not going to take this anymore

Suicide is prevalent because of the way people like the ones on this forum treat trans people. Transition has strong correlation for reducing anxiety and depression.

All tranny moms are the same bleach blonde fat middle class dumb bitch with a vacant smile. Every fucking time.



The narrative for trans suicide rates is: "It's not me, it's you, assholes."

Because you're mental defectives

Are you a transfur Sup Forums?

>just don't touch kids
tall order considering the majority of kiddy diddlers are queers

Even if that's true, so what? Transition still improves people's lives. It has no effect on you.

May that never happen

It's not my thing, nor most people's thing. But if you like it, go for it.

A fate worse than death

Your body makes you go through HRT already. Trans people just made a choice for a different kind from what they were born with.