Donald Trump isn’t du

>Donald Trump isn’t du....


Yawn. Clinton still lost, Snowflake. Donald J. Trump is President of the United States and has things under control.

Listen to the swamp creatures howl as the water drains away.

Nice. You found another shit talker with no objective evidence.

What a fucking faggot. Teachers are the only form of life lower than niggers.

So they got beaten by a slacker?

Damn. Imagine what a landslide it'd be if Trump tried

Yeah so stupid he Forrest gumpped his way into becoming a multi billionaire and president of the most powerful contry on the planet


people said this about me in college and I had a 3.8 GPA

Gosh my eyes. Learn to meme

mfw the smartest woman in the world got BTFO by the dumbest student in the history of students.

I'm so tired of it

Also aren’t students by definition stupid? Isn’t it a professor’s job to... I dunno... educate them?


Intelligent students tend to be lazy as fuck, it's a stereotype for a reason. All this tells me is that Trump has been fucking with brainlets even back when he was a young man.

Drumphhhthththtth is so dumb, he is a failed multi billionaire!


>plebbit crybabies still whining
Turns out it wasn't her turn faggots. Kys

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald J. Trump. His humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Donald J. Trumps' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Donald J. Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Donalds' existential catchphrase “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Donald J. Trumps' genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Donald J. Trump tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

Was that a fucking power ranger?

>failed billionaire
libshits actually say this. it blow my mind. like what the fuck is a failed billionaire?

The entire dnc lost to an idiot, let that sink in

It's so funny that the left doesn't understand that no matter how much shit they talk about Trump it doubles and is placed on Hillary for loosing.

Hillary, established career Politician, with billions more in funding, connections world wide, couldn't take down, Donald Trump, "dumbest godamn student I ever had." - Professor William T. Kelley.

By the way "goddam" is spelt wrong, and who even are these people talking shit about Trump? Nobodies I presume, or they wouldn't need some 1/2-tard Leftie putting their words in Memes.

They also flap their cunts about his 5 bankruptcies. Over 500 successful companies. But he's a failure for having a 99% win ratio. Astounding brainlets they are.

>like what the fuck is a failed billionaire?

apparently it means you make billions of dollars and then become president

I wonder what hillary would be considered under this model


If you believe that Donald Trump is actually an idiot with low IQ who doesn't even know what hes doing would mean that you also believe that everything he got in life was by accident.

He got rich by accident.

He got famous by accident.

He won the presidency by accident.

Hes restoring the economy by accident.

How are the rest of his classmates doing right now? Any of them worth 10 billion? Any of them living rent free in the minds of every commie faggot the world over?

Doesn't mean he isn't a retard lol.


He’s so dumb he became the most powerful person in the world

This makes trump look even better to me.

>smart enough to see academia for the bullshit festival it really is
>bunks off to be productive instead of ego wanking in pointless debates
>becomes the fucking president of the united states of america
>is full of real life knowledge instead of philosophical guff
>all his critics are stuck in the same mediocre positions for their whole lives.

Wow yeah trump btfo or something.

Wow. He will think twice before eating seeds on the train.

But now there is blood and seeds.

why don't you use yellow text instead of reddit spacing?

>Bill Gates and Steve Jobs were college dropouts... You can do anything you set your mind to xD look at them
>Trump literally wasn't the best student in his college class what a moron! He deserves to be cleaning my shit like a janitor!!

Some guy dressed in homemade lamellar armor.


He outsmart all of us but he's still Drumpf, unbelievable.


You creatures are desperate.

When was this said and how old is this teacher?
Donald Trump is in his 70's for fucks sake.

>well educated people are lower than niggers
alt right logic

Some nobody is saying the literal multi-millionaire president of the United States is dumb? What a butthurt fucking faggot

What does that make Clinton, MSM and the rest of the establishment hacks then?

>most people are not very successful
>most people are not billionaires
>Trump is both of those
>We should listen what most people think
Popular opinion is irrelevant to what is true.


Sounds like an absolute chad

But the Russians haxxed the election for him, and he's racist. That's why he won!

>some speculated he skipped class

Hahahahahahaha, how will poll ever recover!?

Do intelligent people always make good decisions? The answer in no. So stfu.

Intelligence does not equal wisdom. And those who can do, do. And those that cant, teach. Two great quotes you should probably listen to.

A sufficiently more intelligent person will appear dumb to his intellectual inferior.


>no citation

Yeah man he's so dumb! So fucking dumb!! That's why he always gets his way and achieves his goals, WHAT A MORON HAHAHAHAHA

dumb people in powerful positions is the standard. read "dilbert" by scott adams.

What that meme says is that he isn't a feminized good goy type student. Typical young male with a little bit of an edge and enough family money to not have to care as much. Nothing to see here. Most real learning takes place after college.

Wtf! I hate my raise at work now!

Cherry picking responses.

So, in other words, you're telling me that Donald Trump saw through the bullshit of higher education? Lmao

This is what thwarted twat looks like.
OP is what they sound like.


Yet Donald Trump is the only student he had that became President ... that says more about the professor than it does about Trump.

I listened to an interview from a guy on Fresh Air (NPR) that said he collected Trump memorabilia and he claimed he went to boarding school with Trump, and Trump was the most popular kid in the school, had neatly pressed jackets, big hair in pomade, always had some kind of beautiful girlfriend, was involved in all of the leadership activities and debate clubs. He said he admired Trump and looked up to him.

usually teachers in higher education do teaching as a side-thing while mainly doing research etc.

>This kid was so stupid that he became a billionaire TV star President of America.

lol propoganda.
the man was 1000 more powerful than his professors by the time he studied useless bullshit at that shit factory.

If you can't succeed, consult. If you can't consult, teach.

How is that an indicator of stupidity? Seems more like a sign of boredom to me. I did the same shit, skipped classes, didn't study, etc. Went to a decent University too. I made a 3.9 GPA in the end, it wasn't because I was dumb it was because school bored the hell out of me. Now I regret wasting 5 years of my life for a seemingly worthless piece of paper that people only see listed on my resume. It's a waste of time, it didn't even truly prepare me for what I actually do in my career which is in the field that the degrees about. The only thing I care about from my Uni years is my connections, outside of that its a fucking waste. If anything people studying too much on simple subjects outside of medicine/science/engineering are the dumb fucks.




>1 post by this ID
Second hand quote from a person who claimed to know the professor, not from the professor himself.

"drumpf a dumb" ~literally who

and look where all that lack of intellect got him

It's like those hot memes where kids saying they have IQs that surpass Einstein

Why dont they just show his grades?