100 charges. 19 people. 3 companies

100 charges. 19 people. 3 companies.

We just getting started. Mueller is investigating the crime of the century, and Moscow Donny is at the center of it.

no fgt die

All his indictments seem to be process crimes.
Mueller is an asshole who needs to be fired and prosecuted for abuse of office.

Bannon isn’t wrong, they have already cracked the family. Going to be wild.


Sad life, it’s not even surprising a NY real estate flunkie would be up to his eyeballs in mafia connection and debt. Are you this sheltered?

Trump's been investigated before about all of this and they found nada.

13 memers indicted! Woooooo! Victory!

>the media is the enemy
>believes all information about the investigation is available to her

Wow, ok sweetie.

HA! You fag LARP! Nice bait. Ya boi Bobby is basically a glorified IRS agent going after tax fraud!

B-BUT BORBLE BRUMPFHPHPPHPH'S days are numbered for sure!

“Lock her up” he said to himself as he shit his diaper again

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Donald J. Trump The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Donald J. Trumps' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Donald J. Trump truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Donalds' existential catchphrase “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Donald J. Trumps' genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Donald J. Trump tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

this will surely be the end of Donald Trump

Mueller is corrupt political hack for the dumbocrats and he will be exposed by the Inspector General. Mueller going to PRISON and many Democrats!

Obama = corrupt dirty ape
Hiliary = crooked corrupt murderer
Pedesa = corrupt crooked PEDO!

Democrats going to prison!

OP = Stupid dimwitted dolt

>implying the media wouldnt do whatever it could to justify the investigation
They have tried everything, but still all they have is bs.

Dilbert sucks.

lol he is still president Mueller doesn't do shit

Mueller drinks himself to sleep every night and is looking for a way out, him and his team have been under constant surveillance since day 1. Most of his charges will be thrown out once more information about Andrew McCabe comes out, he's going to be lucky not to get disbarred.

Overall I'd say this The_Mueller stuff is going to age about as well as your hillpepes and John Ossoff memes.

Trump lobbied for Russian interests in Ukraine, oh wait that was Podesta
Trump took bribes at his foundation for the Russia Uranium deal, oh wait that was Hillary
Trump personally visited Putin at his home, oh wait that was Bill Clinton
Trump deleted evidence from his secret bathroom server, oh wait that was Hillary again
Trump paid a british spy to write a bunch of lies about his political opponent, oh wait that was the DNC and the FBI
Trump delivered the uranium sample to the Russians, oh wait that was Mueller
Trump approved illegal domestic spying against his enemies, oh wait that was Obama
Trump had late night comedian puppets say there was a tape of Hillary shitting on Huma's bed, oh wait that was McCain/Hillary/Podesta/CNN
b-but Putinbots had fagbook and twatter ads, amirite guise

That's right, keep diverting attention from your Witch Whore Clinton, who sold access to her Top Secret SD emails 4 a donation to the Clinton Global Iniv.

Way to put words in my mouth you fag. total non-sequitur.

what does shillary have to do with this bullshit investigation? an investigation which has been going on for almost a year and has turned up nothing on collusion.

A "BOMBSHELL" MUELLER TIME SLAY KWEEN indictment came down that specifically said no americans knowingly colluded. That he's been going after 13 assholes on who are probably on this website!

an investigation that STRZORK said while he was sexting his concubine was NOTHINGBURGER.

An investigation whose fruit is basically, Manafort not filing correctly and being a dick (WHO KNEW?!) Papadodododou having a dick measuring contest in bar in Australia (YES REALLY) and that good honest BOB MUELLER doing a mafia style shakedown on Flynn Jr. to get Flynn to "admit" to shit that has nothing to do with anything.

There's nothing there. Even if there was "collusion" as you so desperately wish there to be, it can't be charged, since based on the indictment, there was no intent. You need intent to collude to collude!

Now gtfo you faggot larp, go jerkoff to the sounds of children being slaughtered like your favorite cunt faced sheriff in Coward county FL!

>Moscow Donny is at the center of it.
more like 9/11 is at the center of it

or the fact that Allen Dulles financed the nazi party

the number of Hannity nothing burgers you have eaten over the last 8 years must be staggering.

can't wait for trump and his circus family to get indicted. He.. well they are objectively the worst thing to ever happen to america

nice source on that graph

those trips!!!. my friend your post is blessed save it and feed the shills in all of their shill threads some pasta

sage slide threads

I turned it into an image.

>Wow lol you are so stupid for not believing in the media haha
>Wow lol you are so stupid if you believe all information is available to you haha
Are you part of the group of faggots that learned just recently that you can be charged with sedition?
Literally shilling for your life eh?

He better pull a rabbit out of his hat for the amount of my money he's wasting.

Worried donny?

Mueller is a dead man walking.

Mueller is a traitor to this country.

with the recent exposure of pol and Sup Forums in the media and tv shows many normies are finding their way here and are watching and talking and enabling these shills based on that it will be smart to come to shill threads and drop some redpill like this canadian fellow didtake the meme war to them sonny boy! they are fighting on our land the land that we know by heart and they think they're winning because of comments like that so apply yourself bro and show these shills whats what.

>13,000 sealed indictments
>GTMO is staying open
>Additional National Guard units are deploying to Cuba

Someone's gonna get fucked alright

Rothschild is at the center of it, but Mueller's job is to keep it from going there. Mueller won't even go as far as investigate Clinton or Obama's ties to Russia because it will lead to Rothschild. Mueller was (((chosen))) by (((Rosenstein))). He it their goy.

Shilling must be a part-time job, a little extra Soros coin on the weekends.

A few weeks ago the magapedes were saying Mueller was /their guy/

why do all these Trump associates keep pleading guilty ?

You said "we just getting started" did you actually mean "we're just getting started"? Because I don't understand nigger

2 years later- "Were just getting started". FBI incompetence on full display.

Mueller should have been EXECUTED for TREASON for covering up the DOD mailing ANTHRAX to US SENATORS


For some reason Manafort isn't exciting, would never make a good t.v. star.

>1 year later
>Just getting started
Donnie's days are numbered now. He's got 7 years left in office, max, then he's out on his ass.

thx m8s
funny how no shills could respond to that, eh

aren't all the indictments against gates and manafort during a time period for when they worked for the podesta group or clintons?

This would be more effective if you add some sources. People will just dismiss it.
I've seen retards dismissing ISIS chopping people's heads off as never actually happening and besidestheywereprobablychristiananywayandnobodycares.
Give sources.

It appears they are going after him for supporting Ukraine while Russia was running it. I guess we we're really worried that Ukraine could side with Russia. Why is Ukraine so important to us? Is it Energy pipeline to Europe?

> Nothing is a scandal if we don’t count it

Hey Stupid NIGGER,

The reason Obongo, Holder, Hiliary aren't in jail is because NIGGER OBONGO controlled the Justice Department with his co-felons so EVERY investigation into corruption was hidden in the deep state. Now things are different because TRUMP is PREZ and and Sessions is the AG.....the unraveling has begun and heads are gonna roll....DUMBOCRAT HEADS!


We have a thing in the U.S. called the constitution, leaf

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors

Guilty of What? Lying to the FBI?

Do you understand they can charge anybody with lying to the FBI. For example. They ask "Did you ever talk to a russian" You say "NO!" and the FBI says we saw you say "HI" to a russian.


Also, the alternative to pleading guilty for said charge is to spend millions of dollars in legal fees. This is a BIG SCAM! It's all bullshite!

The only collusion with Russia was the dumbocrats paying millions for a fake document about Trump paying hookers to piss on a bed.

Go fukkk yourself....it's over! It's MAGA for the next 8 years baby!


There's no way it's not oil related.

>We have a thing in the U.S. called the constitution, leaf
>warantless search and seizure
>drag-net wiretapping
>free-speech zones
>gun-free zones
>gun control advocates
You should probably start enforcing it before you lose your ability to.

I'm throwing a party when they throw these criminals in prison


Ya blew it at the end by misspelling ' personal' you stupid cunt. Nice try

They can't, they don't have full control anymore. All they can do is obstruct and delay until they get a chance to re-install.

it's a meme.

those of us who have been there long enough know this; but those connections are too deep for most to comprehend and don't make for great redpills. I really hope this potus drops the 9/11 truther bomb and we can finally get around to the public executions before it is too late.

We need alot more people to be asking the tough questions and drawing the connections if thats ever gunna happen

It's a massive investigation that requires a huge amount of evidence-gathering. You do know that some investigations take years to unfold, don't you?



>You do know that some investigations take years to unfold, don't you?
Your side doesn't have time.

Name one



>checked and kek'd




Trump’s got the military on his side. He’s not going anywhere no matter what.

for posterity


dems will own the house by year-end
trump and his circus family might be impeached by then - things are going very fast, considering

what is it that you drumpfkins have going, again?


Posting shitty ads on facebook is a serious crime, I would not be surprised if Donny himself designed those ads, which would bring real charges.

Trumpcunts will exercise ANY mental gymnastics to forgive their rapist, wife abandoning, whore chasing, Russia involved cunt asshole faggot treasonous bitch Trump.

the torrid pace of the left's panic is all the proof you should need to know it's starting to be enforced.

>wahhh do my research for me


>what is it that you drumpfkins have going, again?
I have burn material on pretty much anyone that's ever been connected to the DNC :^).



The world will be a better place when little homo bitches like Trump are no more. WEAK little faggoty Trum with his fat gut, bald ass head and tiny hands.

Republicunts put forth WEAK little cunt dickheads for candidates now. Idiot know-nothing TV hasbeens. What a JOKE.


1 post

Sup Forums confirmed shill/newfags/kike central.

>>Quoting a redditor

Get the fuck outta here faggot.


lol no. its all falling back on dems that tried and failed to set up russians with trump

I'm asking you to back up your claims. You can't and you know it.

>crime of the century
>so far a bunch of people hit with money laundering from 8 years ago
>russian trolls who paid for ads got arrested

This is EPIC


We need to BURN TRUMP just like he would do to any of you to gain/hold onto power. We need to take a flamethrower to his hive of wasps and thieves.

I bet.

Trips of Truth
I will speak up for you and stay my hand on that fateful Day, honorable one.

When the Inspector General reveals all the corruption under the OBONGO NIGGER administration, you will be the shit for brains.

Niggers...their frontal lobe of the brain, which deals with logic and reason hasn't evolved. Niggers are essentially apes in people clothes.



one post by this id
1 post vbyt his idee
one postt by this id

that's great - I don't like most of the politicians in washington anyway.
I am just sick of Trump. I'd welcome 'anything military goes' Pence over him at this point