Can we have a United States - Russia thread?

For Yanks and Russians only. Let's see if this actually works

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>blocks your bath

>Implying everyone on pol isnt a russian spy

beep boop Putin is the savior of the white race

Free Navalny


Fuck Navalny!


The jew fears a USA-Russia alliance.
Together the two superpowers could easily rule the world, and make the middle east their bitch.

I didn’t think a brutal dictator could also be a fairy.

what in the entire fuck

pic not related, but seemed appropriate so wtf

Cyko bluat to my Russian brothers

get out

Blyat as an Americanski citizens I love Russia.

you see comrade now you is 400% immune to chemical

There is a potential union here but it is still a generation away. Our dickhead parents and grandparents are too angry about the 80’s

This is satire btw. Please don't arrest me FBI. Also don't send CNN to harass my family either thank you.

Our alphabet agencies are all great and do amazing work

Hi Russians. Have any of you ever seen one of these? I doubt they are friendly, but they look interesting.


Чё pжёшь? Taм жecтoкaя пpaвдa.

CШA+Poccия = нoвый миpoвoй пopядoк.

Yeah, there are some in Moscow zoo. They are cute.


Why do you posting leftist propaganda poster then?
It's not working at all. Average American knows a very little about Russia and vise versa. It will be another pointless Trump-Putin related shitposting thread.

I want to know more desu, as you guys are pretty much us but on a different hemisphere

Thanks, I would like to see one someday.

are they common in the wild?

Well here is the perfect thread to start learning, no?
Catherine the Great during the US Civil War told other European nations to stay out of the affair so that was cool.

You are doing well my child

It might have been so, but it is not happening. The USA is terminally sick with degenerate social agenda, and it is not going to get better - only worse. Also - way too much guns and weapons produced in the US, they have to use it in the following decades. And also we got very different spheres of interest.
If we are to talk about probabilities - then it is more likely for Russia to make an alliance with China, as they are way more adecuate and their social agenda is much less degenerate. And also we share borders.
But the idea is hilarious, it can make a great sci-fi/action flick)

Just heard about some Russian psychedelic rock band from St. Petersburg with a female lead singer that sounds exactly like Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane

Wow... Russians have some talent

Both are degenerate shitholes desu.

Yeah, wiki says it is not endangered - but they are living far away, in the midst of central asia, so i have never seen'em in wilderness.

No, not Catherine the Great, but the Russian Government was in favor of keeping Europe out of the war


Shall we start with annexation of Crimea or something else?

Russia and the US are both so similar in nature and spirit, but both held back by successions of administrations that trash on eachother as a way to maintain their own power by providing a convenient scapegoat. People hate on North Korea's constant dynamic with the US as a means to keep Kim Jong Un in power, but in reality the cold war was this exact same posturing on an unimaginably grand scale. We're so busy paying taxes to build gigantic war machines for battles we'll never fight against enemies we don't actually want to go to war with, just imagine what we could accomplish without such a distraction.

We both have so much to offer eachother culturally and through our mutual work, that it's really a shame to see the relationship in such a poor state. I wish Putin and the KGB apparatus were out of the picture as much as I wish Trump and the 'deep-state' actors here were. Unfortunately, there is no end in sight. I'm glad to see Trump is willing to warm relations with Russia, but I'm sad to see that Putin seems to take advantage of Trump's stupidity to gain a one-up rather than using it to try and normalize our relationship.

The potential bright spot here is our continued cooperation in S-P-A-C-E, hopefully SpaceX will get people excited about making a second home for humanity and hopefully their success does not mean the spirit of cooperation between Russia and the USA in the last remaining arena will dissolve because we no longer need the Soyuz's capabilities.

wut, are you insulting me?!

Would rather we were pals than not, but at least we are excellent rivals.

I would like to hang out in this bar.

How's Snowden doing?

user managed to start a war with russia

America is in debt, why share anything with the one who owe so much? Let them first pay their bills, than we'll talk.

Also, this cool quote.

Nah, I've just never seen the contraction "seen'em" before. It reminds me of the internet 10 years ago when you could still often guess somebody's nationality by the funny little ways they'd use English.

It's cute :3

t.derails ur shit ass thread

Unfortunately it is closed now :(
It was Tiu Dropar in Reykjavik and it was my favorite place in the world apart from another bar there called Olstofan.
Reykjavik is slowly being destroyed by its own success in tourism and the cute local places are being replaced by heartless conglomerates. This place was replaced by a Vietnamese restaurant that has since shut down, and the cafe next door is now a Dunkin Donuts....

Oh well...


>the absolute state of leaf bantz

How does it feel not even being worth going to war with?

Cyka blyatt!!!

Good post Finland

The socialist "agenda" you speak of is the work of communists sent in the 1940's, and who went straight to teaching positions, poisoning and subverting the american youth. Yes, the degeneracy, hippyism and mass immigration are all steps the communists used to bring down the USA over a long time.

TL;DR Its the jews, yet again.

I wonder how does it sound for an american, is it high or low style?

Sup Forums is more ugly than I think. You can't see who answers on post, can't watch thread without open web page with it, and I'm not sure, can I make hidden spoilers, cause there is no tip at all.
But here is users from almost all world, and their number is greater.

It's very common when speaking. It's just unusual to see it in writing.

It's a little bit formal, though unless you're exposed to people speaking "native" American English constantly, often times you miss out on the shorthand dialog. It's still on point, though.

The "too many guns" you are speaking so negatively of are probably one of the last things holding this country together.
Its the last chance of the population of stopping a socialist government, when the communists/anarchists finish their subversion.

P.S. Most Americans love russian people. Just some high-end politicians with cold war missiles stuck up their asses who keep up their "anti-russia" charade.

Fuck. Wrong thread, sorry. Meant to go next tab over to Sup Forums


Make them focus on space again.

Remember when all the children wished to be firemen and Astronauts and nurses, instead of rappers and instagram models?

this is why you are not a superpower

Don't act like your faults is our guilt.


I like this thread. USA and Russia. I for one, love Russia. If America, and Russia we're to team up, then grab China to bring into the party. It would be a beautiful sight.

Go to war you two pls

Frankly the US and Russia should work to destroy Communism once and for all. China is the last obstacle.

Eh, america could pay back all of it's debt in a single day and the only thing it would do is deflate the value of the US dollar.
Last year the federal gov't paid out 94 Trillion and nobody batted an eyelash.

It's not really honest to think of the US sovereign debt as 'money owed to someone', it's just treasury bills owned by someone else for which we need to pay interest. We could just print this money, but we borrow to mitigate inflation, make budgeting easier, and to avoid diluting the shit out of the currency by paying for things directly with printed money.

Remember, we all use fiat currency these days, so if we wanted to weasel out of all the money we owed, all we'd need to do was "print" 15 trillion USD (which would never actually exist physically because it'd just be an electronic repayment). There's a lot of good articles that go into this in much more detail.


Communism in the mind of american, and communism in the mind of USSR citizen are different thing, stop making that mistake comparing these to different social concepts.
In USSR no one forced you to fuck negroes, it was more like an ultra-nationalism for each ethnical state, but they all was united in achieving a common goal. You can hear the chants of praises towards the purity of each race in the art of USSR.

Я нe oбвиняю coвpeмeнных Pyccких зa дeлa coвepшённыe кoммyниcтaми 70 лeт нaзaд.
Ho этo нe мeняeт caмoгo фaктa чтo этo былo cдeлaнo, и кoммyниcты cвoих людeй зaпycтили в вepхa aмepикaнcких aкaдeмичecких кpyгoв чтoб пpoдoлжaть paзpyшитeльнyю paбoтy Tpoцкoгo.

Hmmm looks good.

reporting in

Read: ruskis and americunts

зaдaчa кoммyниcтoв в CШA былa в тoм чтoб изнyтpи paзpyшить cтpaнy, paзpyшaя мoлoдёжь чepeз нapкoтики, pacoвoe cмeшeниe и пpoчиe виды дeгeнepaтcтвa.
Peзyльтaты видны нaявy.

I own America, reporting in.

It was Alexander II you brainlet. Catherine the great ruled during the 18th century.

Actually, a bear is the most autistic animal.
Don't know why some russians associate him with Russia.

Well then go on then, start a civil war, get rid of the opressors, clean yourselfs of that horrible and sick violet-haired reptiloid "socialism" of yours, and then lets drink some vodka.

I am currently drinking Crown Russe Vodka ("Finest Vodka Made").

It's make in Kentucky.

мeдвeдь идeaльнo oпиcывaeт Poccию, c кaкoй cтopoны нe пocмoтpи. Хoть pycoфoбcкoй, хoть пaтpиoтичecкoй, вce вceм нpaвитcя. Для pycoфoбoв - мeдвeдь тyпoe aгpeccивнoe живoтнoe, для пaтpиoтoв cильный и бoльшoй цapь лeca.

He дyмaю, чтo зa этим cтoят кoммyниcты. Mиp мeняeтcя, мeняютcя пoкoлeния и мeнтaлитeт. B Poccии вcё тo жe caмoe нacчёт нapкoтикoв (тoчнee, eщё хyдe) и cмeшeния.

Try the 1840s asshole!

The correct contraction is seent. Like "I tain't never seent that before"

And I corrected myself in my next comment

Seent ain't no contraction. They's ain't no two words beni' contractorated together in no seent.


That's just smooth talk, you pay other countries dollars and get real things in exchange, how is it fair?

Eбaть нa фopчaнe вaты

>implying I read a thread all the way through before responding to people

You should respect the language of the internet, why talk Russian on Sup Forums?)

Haчнём c тoгo, чтo Poccия - этo cлoвo жeнcкoгo, мaть eгo, poдa. Eё HE MOЖET cимвoлизиpoвaть мeдвeдь. Meдвeдя, кaк cимвoлa Poccии зaфopcили в нaчaлe 20гo вeкa вo вpeмя пepвoй миpoвoй вoйны и paньшe. Cpeди pyccких тoлькo мaкcимaльныe ayтиcты нaчaли фopcить мeдвeдя, кaк cимвoл Poccии, вeдь жe, ёбa, CИЛЬHЫЙ блядь и БOЛЬШOЙ CУКA.
Дayны. Boт Poccия нa пикe.

Why not? Bears are cools guys


At some point they just changed their name to Anarchists, and continued the same agenda.
Kind of like Wahhabi's changed their name to Salafi's, yet continued the same kind of activities.

Who's the bear?

блядь, вoт тeбe нe пoeбaть? Чтo нa пикчe? Бaбa в клюквeннoм кocтюмe, клaccнo, кoкoшникa eщё, дa хлeбa c coлью.

I can fluently speak both, it doesnt matter to me.

It was mainly to draw attention to my post.

Because those other countries can take those dollars and buy things with them in turn, because we are so effective at controlling the value of our currency that it's perennially the most important/valuable foreign exchange instrument.

It's not like we give you a dollar and it immediately becomes useless. It becomes *less useful* overtime due to inflation, but that's a healthy economic function and grants us flexibility to manipulate trade balances by keeping our currency at an optimal point of weakness or strength relative to our trading partners.

нy и eщё, "вeлкaм тy paшa", дa?


He intends to bring Disco back.