United States - Russia thread part 2

Last thread went incredibly well. Let's keep it going

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Here's the last thread if anyone wants to read it

Why do the Jews make us want to hate Russia so much and why is Russia demonized in worldwide media?
I thought that Jews are in power over there too?
Is Putin controlled opposition, are we all being duped?
Nasha Russia is a funny show too

any more russian guys send cock pls


It's not Jews. It's the western security services and military who needs funding. It's American lefties, because Russia oppresses gay and women rights.

The media and their shareholders want war. It's very profitable

nope, it is putin who cucked you via his hand subverting jews, lol

Read, "The Grand Chessboard" by Zbigniew Brzezinski. It describes the anti-Russian imperative of American Primacy in the post-USSR world.

>Russia oppresses women rights
Baнь, нy ты дypaк? A?


pipe down america the big lads are here now

Yeah, things changed quite a bit when the neocons took over and did 9/11. Brzezinski was not pleased.

Another interesting angle comes form Charlotte Iserbyt in, "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America." The plan at the time had been to find a way out of the Cold War by finding a way to "merge comfortably" with the USSR as a path toward globalism.

Well, it's not quite correct. But our society is not obsessed with salaries gaps, #MeToo and similar shit. Our women just don't know that they could have a leverage.

Those are also obvious vectors for subversion to put pressure on Putin and effect regime change. Kind of like how popularizing western rock music was part of the plan for taking down the Soviet Union.

What do you guys think of this quote? He said it in the 19th century

Brexit already and then we'll talk.

AmeroGoys I have proof it was russian Koreans who hacked ur elections and turned ur political show into the worlds greatest circus.

I shall release it on wikilinks soon,after which i shall disappear off the social grid for a couple of years


И вce пpaвильнo дeлaют, пoтoмy чтo этo миф пpo нepaвeнcтвo в зapплaтaх, yжe cкoлькo paз oпpoвepгaли. A #metoo этo oбычнaя oхoтa нa вeдьм, кoгдa пoд хapacмeнтoм имeют ввидy шyтки пpo ceкc или кoмплимeнты, и вecь этoт "хapacмeнт" зaкaнчивaeтcя кoгдa бeлaя пpивилeгиpoвaннaя дeвyшкa гoвopит "нeт", a ecли нeт, тo иди в пoлицию, a нe пиши в coц. ceтях.

hello, my slavic brother, when we will divide ukraine? Lwow is Polska!

Aren't Russians having an election soon?

Yup. NPR was starting to really hammer on how terrible and oppressive Putin is up until the Florida shooting. Then they switched narratives.

u mean re-election of putin?

Not anytime soon,all i hev is shitty old soviet ak 47 bought from a balkan nigger and som old ukrainian frag grenades that may not even work.

Is Putin even popular in Russia?

Mossad-posting is banned

Is Trump popular in America?

Is there any opposition that's actually interesting? All I remember is from years ago there was a bunch of cucks like Yabloko and SPS, and then the Communists and the Liberal Democratic Party.

Yes but russians arent stupid enough to use computers to register their votes

I'm not so sure, actually. I'm not a virgin dreaming of dominating and controlling a woman like a dog. I think that it's not totally groundless, there exist abuse and of course not all women are honest when they accuse someone.

hard to say, many russian even don't think about politics.

Probably a 50/50 split.

гocпoди, нy ecли нaбpacывaeшь,тo пoтoньшe.

I'd say 70/30 in Russia. At least in public.
Only Navalny.

He is, many Russians support him mostly because of Crimea and because he providently eliminated viable alternatives.

Ignore everyone who has replied to you thus far. The real reason is because Russia supplies arms and training to Syria and Iran. Syria and Iran are anti-Israel. Israel wants to be the sole military power in the Middle East. That's why they've pressured every nation around them into treaties, and the ones they couldn't pressure, they made us (America) invade. Libya, Iraq, and Syria were solely for Israel's benefit. AIPAC lobbied every member of Congress to push us into a war with Syria in 2013, and Israel has been lobbying us to attack Iran for them every single year since 1997, proclaiming Iran will have a nuke any day now (since 1997).

As illustration and proof, Syria's current civil war was a confirmed CIA-Mossad operation, with our government directly supplying terrorists the weapons and financing they needed to liquidate whole villages of Christians and devastate the countryside. Russia directly intervening was the moment you suddenly had the 'red line' and the gas attacks, which were confirmed by the UN and other independent investigators to have not been done by Assad. You can bet that was another operation to get us to invade Syria by granting Obama casus belli, which he took. Ie: It was a false-flag. The only reason war didn't happen then was because the American public freaked out and yelled at Congress, and Putin outmaneuvered Obama and destroyed Assad's few chemical weapons still stockpiled. Shortly thereafter, you get Hillary Clinton saying she'll shoot down Russian planes if elected president, and she was the most (((neocon)))-backed candidate since GW Bush.

tl;dr Jews demonize Russia because it benefits Jews.
Read 'Culture of Critique' to understand how Jews operate on the global scale.

This fake oppostion, only Alexey Navalny and his party.





I mean that I understand both sides of the question. They have a point in a way.

Russia America thread??? Have you seen Drudge?

я пpo мeтaфopy c coбaкoй.

americans are going to lose their beautiful lebensraum to MUTTs very soon
they dont care about jews, debt, trade deficit and mutts at home LOL. instead they want to attack russian lebensraum

Putin must go to jail.
Deripaska and Prihodko are homosexuals.
Navalny is based.

If nukyler weapons only existed, pissrael would have already had a couple of them go off by now.

But unfortunately,they only exist in you civ games.

It makes me sick. Fucking sick.

I don't buy it. Navalny is nothing different from the others, he's simply making his way into politics that way.

I've been told all of my life to fear and dislike the Russians, but every Russian I've ever met hasn't been very different than me. Is it such a bad thing to want peace and cooperation between the US and the Russian Federation?


It's not a bad thing at all and anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to brainwash you or lie to you. Israel is the main reason we're not friends.

why is the Shylock here?

Shylock is going to take away your lebensraum and replace you with mutts!

Check out some of Putin's speeches, such as those at the UN. It's a bit like listening to other "arch enemies" like we're told Gaddaffi was supposed to have been. Of course they are just speeches, but the themes and the rhetoric are usually pretty sensible.

Of course that's why the MSM pretty much never covers them. It's pretty easy to choose between escalating toward WWIII and seeking some form of detente based on specific areas of mutual self-interest.


> what if they hack thier own elections?

> Putin not winning

Show your flag. I can't take that meme one seriously

In this war, things get confused out there. Power, ideals, the old morality and practical military necessity.

> no

Delet this!

How foreigners hear our language? Is it really ugly how somebody sometimes talks? My own language sounds beutiful to me, but it's not objectively.

Russian sounds cool, never hated it.
Do you have a favorite anime, Russ-bro?

Depends on the accent. Sometimes it is coarse and vulgar. Other times it is full of interesting glides and sounds, especially the "y" and rolled rs. It's like all the fun of the swishy sounds of Polish, but without sounding like a washing machine.

This one from the other thread is about as far as I'm willing to go in terms of it sounding spitty and thuggish. I like this a lot more than I thought at first.

Russia needs more diversity


Spice and Wolg, Madoka.


Why would anyone want to cooperate with a bunch of crooks and liars?

pic related this fat muzzie fuck spent six years in prison for stealing from the government and now he's a respected "businessman" and a close friend of putin

So you mean like any other government, including the US government? It's a relevant world power and constructive relationships are always better than destructive ones. Cooperating doesn't mean bending over and taking it up the ass.