Just Accept Racemixing

Richard Von Coudenhove Kalergie said that the "future man will be of Eurasian-Negroid" stock. This is what I am. I am European, I have black ancestry, and I'm part Asian, Mongolian and Chinese specifically. I also have a bit of South American Brazilian in me and slightly Cuban. I am a TRUE American and I love my ancestry I am a civic nationalist republican and think diversity is great!

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/PracticalIdealism-EnglishTranslation/Practical Idealism ā€“ English Translation#page/n0/mode/2up

fuck off nigger

He always said that they were subhuman product of miscegenation to be easily ruled by the ruling elites (jews).

No he didn't considering he was

A. non-Jewish


B. mixed race himself.

Is there an actual source for those quotes or are they just stormfront memes ?

archive.org/stream/PracticalIdealism-EnglishTranslation/Practical Idealism ā€“ English Translation#page/n0/mode/2up

He did say it but it wasn't in a negative way. He never said there was some mega-plan to turn people into slaves. He just said as globalization increases people will inevitably move around more, mix, and the future humans will be mixed race. He said "Jews will be the spiritual leaders" as in Jews on average are smarter and will rise to prominence more. There's no conspiracy.

>There's no conspiracy.
Nothing to see here goyim

el arcangel de los mixtos......

Iā€™m mixed race myself and would never want europe to be majority mixed race. this bs has to stop right now.

>the last world war will be between the Eurasian-Negroid west and the Asian-Caucasian east
>east will win and colonize the stars
>earth will be a containment planet for mutts and shitskins

You're pretty delusional but if you're happy with an entire continent of peoples and cultures being annihilated then good for you.

Cultures constantly change. Even if Europe was 100% white they wouldn't be dancing around in dresses and singing like the Sound of Music.

Race mixed people are not ugly like that

same. bi-racial and generally dont support race mixing. OP is a faggot.

Race mixing ruins lives.
t. 56%

I'm racemixed and i love my life.

You are an abomination.

They don't, actually. The same genetic stock has been in Europe for well over 1000 years, except for the moors. The same can be said for most parts of the world.
Look at Japan. The most healthy society in the world. Their genetic stock has been the same over 2000 years.
Mixing of people is something deeply unnatural and mixed race people are, in my opinion, some of the ugliest creatures on this earth. Just from my personal aesthetic ideal.

It is fine that you propagate your agenda, given your position. We will see what kind of measures they will pull. I'll assume that having purely white children will be frowned upon in 5-10 years.
If that is the case, I will have 4, regardless.

Yeah, Japan is a perfect example. Their culture keeps changing every decade despite being 100% Japanese. And besides all humans are of the same stock anyways.

Cultures yes. It is still ummistakeably Japanese.
Culture =/= genetics. If you want to propagate race-mixture don't argue with culture.

Is this some brain meme-tier false flag?

>in all fields

suuuuure even though you're being banned

The future