Animal Cruelty

What is your political affiliation and what do you believe should be the penalty for animal cruelty?

I have heard that Nazis/National Socialists are pro-animal rights. Is this true?

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Yes. Views on nature are based off of paganism which considers nature above everything (hence capitalism is considered toxic). And Hitler loved animals obviously.

i don't pussies on pedestals my dude

literally don't give a fuck

Anyone who abuses or neglects other creatures (animal or human) deserves severe penalties and public shaming. It's not morally acceptable and shows degenerate weakness of character.
Slaughterhouse livestock also deserve to be treated humanely and given swift, merciful deaths.

animal abuse is pretty fucking degenerate

as if you can talk

So you don't think there should be any penalty for animal abuse?

Beasts have no rights.

eye for an eye

Only niggers and spics torture animals.

Even when white people hunt they always try to kill as fast and humanely as possible - WITH LEGAL PENALTIES FOR SHOTS THAT CAUSE UNNECESSARY SUFFERING.

Rednecks and wiggers who allow dog fighting and torture are just like niggers.

I get culling them if they're wild and on your property stealing chickens. It's a farming thing you fucking shittydwellers wouldn't know about.
But when you start causing pain for the fun of it you deserve to be dragged across a floor made of cheese graters

Being soft on animals was created by the Jews to make men soft. Human civilization is based on not giving a shit about animals.

Neither do Bulgarians

Deluded. Animal worship is a devil's doctrine.

Of course! Animal cruelty is the lowest of all lows. It's very easy to torture the creature that cannot defend itself.

>Being soft on animals was created by the Jews
I'm pretty sure Hitler was an animal rights advocate that implemented animal rights laws in Nazi Germany. So it's pretty much the opposite of a Jewish plot.

Nobody's talking about animal worship, we're talking about preventing callous cruelty to sentient beings.

>should be the penalty for animal cruelty
That's not a crime. Animals are property, how could a piece of property be treated cruelly?

i am a nazi, and I love my dog.. cats though can go to hell.

>sentient beings
you need to brush up on science there.......

Yes. Unnecessary violence towards animals is not only cruel but also a clear sign of a degenerate individual (psychopaths mostly)

that's funny
in otherwise loving animal too much like furry is not degenerate ?

extreme cases of animal cruelty are a sign of mental degeneracy.
a bullet is the only cure.

If you're a Christian, you know that animals are under the dominion of man, and so we have responsibility to them, like a master to slave, or father to children. If you're not a Christian, you think all living things are just more or less complex arrangements of matter, so animals, like clocks, don't command any particular treatment.

This guy gets it.

I'm not a fascist but animal cruelty is pretty gay

Property rights. If you own it, you can do whatever the fuck you want with/to it.

That said, animal abuse is not white behavior.

White nationalist. Animal cruelty is near peak-degeneracy and should honestly carry a punishment that will either ruin a person's life (immense fine/life in prison), or end their life directly (execution). It shouldn't be tolerated in any civilized society.

Both left and right are 19 century bullshit completly failed in 20 century.

Animals just follow their instincts without any judgement. They are by deffinition innocent. Unnecessary sufering of animals especially that whom trust humans shoud be punished severely

>Being this autistic
Sometimes I wonder where the line is between Ancaps and Kikes. You're so similar in so many ways it's almost frightening.

If you kill or harm an animal you don't plan to eat, you are a nigger, unless it was trying to kill you.


Unnecessary cruelty to animals should be punished. Empathy for other species is what separates us from apes. Notice how some lesser races like chinks and Africans don't have empathy for animals?

And what do you mean by this?

Animals are just animals- they do not ask or seek out your cruelty. There is absolutely no need to be cruel to any animal or wildlife. We even treat our livestock with care and kindness (most of the time...hopefully) Animal cruelty is a true sign of someone without a kind bone in their body and this isn't mental illness- we need to just kill off these fuckers because if they have to treat an innocent animal like shit- why would they give a fuck about you? In Indiana we are starting an 'animal offender list' like the sex offender list so that our shelters do not adopt animals to the hoarders and abusive. Side note: They should have NEVER allowed Mike Vick to play and make millions again after that shit.

You mean everyone besides whites. We're legit the only race that has companion animals who are not for eating or working but friendship.

Behead, and publicly hang all animal abusers.
Only nonwhite shitskins abuse animals
There is a famous quote by Ghandi saying you can judge a nation by how well you treat it's animals.
Guess which race treats and respects wildlife the most? The white race is the only one that actually gives a fuck about animals and other living beings on earth.
NatSoc Germany was the first nation on earth to pass animal rights laws officially.
All other white nations quickly copied these laws.
I will literally fucking fight anyone mistreating a defenseless animal.

Well, they are, they have emotions, feelings, memory, can communicate.

the absolute state of ameritard education

Also I admire and get inspired by Native European Animals the most.
Especially Animals from the Ice Age since it was /ourage/ and no other race can claim it's history or timeline.
Wolly Mammoths display power
Wolly Rhinos display strength
then we have the Sabre-tooth Cats , European Cave Lions, European Bears, Ground Sloths, Etc.
Would love to go back in time and look at these magnificent animals .

>behead & publicly hang all animal abusers
no. that encourages violence as a source of entertainment for the masses, and in turn is also degenerate.

a bullet in private is enough.


> a bullet in private is enough
I guess the cheka did something right then

You're a good person. I like you.

>Scientists know that individuals from a wide variety of species experience emotions ranging from joy and happiness to deep sadness, grief, and post-traumatic stress disorder, along with empathy, jealousy and resentment. There is no reason to embellish those experiences, because science is showing how fascinating they are (for example, mice, rats, and chickens display empathy) and countless other "surprises" are rapidly emerging.

Animals are made for eating.

However, that doesn't mean unethical abuse should be un-moderated; there's no reason to torture something living. That's just for degenerates and fuck-heads. I give zero shits if someone eats cows and pigs, or horses and dogs. Meat is meat. But don't abuse animals.

Far right/paleo-con

Death to all animal abusers.

Penalty should be death.

Right-wing and I think hurting animals is nigger degeneracy.

Ok, every now and then there's threads like this one. so answer me this:

(1) Kicking a pig is wrong, right?
(2) So sticking a knife in a pig is definitely wrong.
But doing it because of nutrients don't seem to outweigh the wrongness of (2).

So why won't you turn vegan? You can never eat meat in your whole life and live perfectly healthy, and you will never contribute to an industry that actually abuses animals on the daily.
So are you lazy, or you are you just a hypocrite?
I expect the spergs, but maybe I'll hear some honest answers.

In principle I agree with veganism.

In practice however, meat is simply a cheap and convenient source of protein that is widely available. There's no moral justification for it. I eat meat out of convenience. I if were wealthy and had lots of time on my hands I might explore a vegan diet or hire a cook and a dietician.



>my dude
t. nigger

checked user thanks

Definitely the lowest of nigger-tier behavior.

I care more about animals and my cats then I do about most people.

Me and the GF went to Petco.
Way to many Beta fish. I ask "why so many"
Petco employee tells me " A certain kind of people buy them in bulk to fight them to Death"
So fuck Petco for catering to niggers that buy fish to fight them like dogs.

>Slaughterhouse livestock also deserve to be treated humanely and given swift, merciful deaths.
so, would you say sikhs are based?

checked user you're welcome

You're probably the biggest pussy here.


> not letting him sleep in your bed with you

my political affiliation is supreme kike-fucking niggers

Yes, both are degenerate, you degenerate.

eye for an eye. libertarian nazi.

>What is your political affiliation

>and what do you believe should be the penalty for animal cruelty?
Human extinction.

>I have heard that Nazis/National Socialists are pro-animal rights. Is this true?
Yes. It's one of the few reasons they're one of the only political groups in history I support in any way.

First off, take off that meme flag.
>(1) and (2)
Yes, you're causing unnecessary pain to an innocent animal. Shame on you
>killing animals because of nutrients makes it okay
Not exactly. Even if you're pro-animal rights, you have to acknowledge that humans evolved to be omnivores. Killing animals senselessly is wrong, but we can't NOT kill animals either; we need to satisfy our own biological needs. We'd be liberals if we denied facts like that. As several people in this thread have already said, slaughterhouse animals should be treated with decency, and given a quick and painless death.
See, the thing is, modern veganism is just not convenient enough. Getting what your body needs if much harder/expensive if you avoid meat and animal products. Every vegan needs supplements of some kind to actually stay healthy; a vegan diet is not just "lol just eat only plants and no meat".
Now, if someone ever invented some sort of pill or food product that perfectly substituted meat (both in taste and nutrimental value), and made it readily available and inexpensive, everyone would go vegan. Whoever did that would be a huge historic inventor. Doubt it'll happen anytime soon. For now, stick with the animal rights ethics.

>it was /ourage/
Yeah and you spent it exterminating all those animals you like.

the end of the ice age meant the end of those animals too you nigger
Humans moved back to the Levant to warmer and tropical climates and fertile soil.

>the end of the ice age meant the end of those animals too
Yeah. Because humans wiped them out.

>Humans moved back to the Levant to warmer and tropical climates and fertile soil.
Humans wiped out the large animals on EVERY continent, regardless of whether the climate was changing or not.

That's pretty honest. Thanks.

look at that
only shitskins hunted the animals to extinction
no mention of Europe anywhere

Somebody please post that Tyrone Black Panther meme please.

Punishment depends on scale and type of abuse.

Buying you in sand up to your neck and pelting you with rocks until you lose wake up...and we start again.

That's because it just didn't include Europe in the image, dipshit. Europe suffered some of the earliest extinctions during the Late Pleistocene. It's also one of the earliest stops for humans out of Africa.

This is why LARPagans and natsocs are retarded and everyone will always consider them Left/Liberal.

This is true. But if a dog bites me or a cat scratches me intentionally I'm totally ok with slapping the shit out of it. Not kittens learning to hunt and pouncing.
Like that cat riding the roomba and clawing that big doggo. That fucker deserved a backhand. Spoiled animals are fucked up.

The North American mega fauna all died in The YD event.
Solutreans hunted the mammoth but never made them extinct.
Indians never hunted any mega fauna at all, they were already extinct by the time they arrived.

>Capitalism isn't toxic

No. They didn't. And that doesn't explain South America. Or how Mammoths survived on St. Paul Island until 3,750 BC.

Hang yourself.

Go back to Tumblr, cuckbeard.

fuck yall and ur bitch ass animals

Yes, gentile. Buy your consumer merchandise.

Maybe your toxic tardphobia is the problem, nigger.

Found the white trash dogfighter. Lemme guess, made a couple nigger friends in the county jail, now you are out on parole and have fifteen pit bulls out back.

It's pieces of shit like you that ride around stealing pets for bait animals. Fuck you. I hope someone catches you and shoots your punk ass.

nigger sympathizer, dogs and cats actually have value unlike a nigger.



Difference between sentient and sapient, but anyone who says a good dog doesn't love you back needs to get hanged from a tree.

Epitome of degenerate behavior - usually fueled by mental illness and criminality

Even the nazis were staunch animal rights advocates and had severe punishments for animal cruelty

penalty should be death, the capacity to do deliberate torture of an animal is a sign of an absolute untermensch asking to be put down

fuck you bich nigga i aint careing about some dumass animals im on top of the food chain bitch

Is that why cops beat up niggers all the time?

I think it would happen less if they were harder on abusers.

The trouble comes when defining animal cruelty. Idiot libs want to define cruelty as treating animals anything less than humans, but my fucking horse does not want a coat in a heated barn and my goat is not tortured to provide me with milk, she willingly comes in to get her grain treat, a business exchange.

cats aren't animals, they're giant cockroaches.

I don't like animal cruelty. Animals should never be cruel to people.

Remove yourself Pedro. Fucking jungle niggers.

Cockroaches are animals faggot

Empathy towards animals is a white trait.