The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an...

The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an invisible intangible substance called Dark Matter that we are expected to believe in because "wise men" have predicted its existence through mathematical formulas. Yet, according to atheists there is no good reason to believe in God because He cannot readily be detected by the naked eye.

Why is it considered appropriate to throw blind faith behind a mere theory while rejecting over 2000 years of Christian wisdom?

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Okay. Use mathematics to prove god exists.

This. Plus the fact quantum theory shows that observing a particle affects its existance. We live in a simulated universe on Gods hard drive.

>Plus the fact quantum theory shows that observing a particle affects its existance.

Some me a mathimatical equation that objectively proves you're sentience.

Can't, not yet anyway.

Double-slit experiment (1927) you literal philistine.

Mathematics doesn't exist either.
Show me two.

Yeah but one of those conclusions was reached using the scientific method, the other wasn't.

Youtube lied to you

>Yet, according to atheists there is no good reason to believe in God because He cannot readily be detected by the naked eye.
So you're just now noticing that atheists are retards?

>Has no clue what mathematics, if any, could "prove" dark matter exists.
>Couldn't do serious math to save his life.
>Takes the word of other men that it exists...ON FAITH.

I do not think you correctly understood the experiment.

Great arguements guys.

this proves nothing because you also believe yours the only right one. try again

fucking google it "you literal philistine"

Mind distilling the points from thst 1+ hour video cobber.

Yes, ill google your arguement for you. The state of /pol.

Asian girl feet are best feet.



who cares about stupid shit like that,i want to suck her toes

Dark matter is dead, hadn't you heard. Seriously CERN gave up trying to find it. Several other big papers have come out saying the same thing. The universe is electric. The sun is electric. Comets are electric.

set speed to 1.25 and watch the first 22 minutes

You don’t understand properly. Go back and get a better grasp

>blind faith behind a mere theory

That is not what is happening at all. You are a clueless shitposting idiot.

What the fuck is this shit?

Dark matter is nothing more than a phrase used to describe the fact that, in simplistic terms, we have too much gravity for the amount of matter that we have. It doesn't mean that we literally have invisible matter floating around that your expected to accept of faith.

Atheism doesn't arise out of an inability to view God with our eyes. Stop making shit up, faggot.

Sure thing, im gonna spend a few hours right now.

It's absolutely hilarious how christcucks think they have the wisdom of sagelike old men on this board and the atheists are all apparently much stupider than them because they don't wanna take the physics classes needed to understand dark space mathematically.

But the Christcucks are just wise old men am I right. They can just say God did it and that's that. Why the Christian semite god? Shh don't ask questions goy

Its worth noting that 33% of the "dark matter" was recently found to be warm-hot interstellar gas that was ionized just enough to be barely detectable .

Its also worth digging into the background behind a lot of the numbers that the standard cosmological model is based on. In a lot of instances critical measurements are wrong, like REALLY wrong (take the measured temp of microwave background radiation vs predicted levels for example)

Proving yet again that this is just a new age form of mysticism that hides behind a priest class of scientists who's theories are not only often wrong, but inaccessible to the general population.

Except they already have detected it. You know that they’ve never “found” or “seen” gravity right? Go jump off a cliff if you think it doesn’t exist

only replying because of the asian girl. but its not blind evidence its predictions based on models which draw from reality. you're supposed to learn this in your 6th grade atheist years

>I don't know or understand what dark matter is
Sage goes in all fields fellas.

Anyway, for those interested, dark matter isn't a thing per se, it's a description of a phenomenon we don't know the cause of yet. The gravity that affects the universe far surpasses the force the amount of matter that is actually in it can produce. We don't know what causes this because we can't see anything (hence "dark" , but there is SOMETHING exerting that force (hence "matter" ). It's not that we don't know if it's there, it's that we don't know what it is or how it works.

Because dark matter can actually be predicted. And btw ignorant baffoon lots of scientific men believed in god. Tesla, Einstein for example. Just because youre not smart enough for science doesnt mean it isnt real. Stop believing flat earth theory fool, read a book for once.

>The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95%
>created by a fucking Rabbi

Holy kike you're dumb. And you're posting gook porn too?

You mind distilling the first 22 minutes of this video.

Dude!!!! Who said that they know everything? Who said they are never wrong? Who said that all the knowledge in the universe has now been learned, pack it up joe?

It’s called scientific advancement you fucking ingrate. Do you expect everything handed to you on a platter? So sorry to disappoint you master.
Fucking maggot

Anything that requires the particle to have a specific location collapses the wave and counts as an "observation", doesn't need humans. Fundamental reality doesn't have a direction of time or any specific locations, just probabilistic chaos. You can measure the nature of the underlying reality in a vacuum. We are in a special state which is a result of the big bang singularity, a chain of collapsing probability waves with a direction in time and specific locations for particles.

You don’t understand either

because (blind) faith in God isn't trendy this century

no u

This is an appropriate explanation of the current understanding of dark matter

You're misusing the word theory. Intentionally?

Who said anything about them knowing everything you fucking mongoloid. I was simply pointing out their propensity for being WRONG all the time, about pretty much everything.

Typical Aussie shitposting about a topic he knows almost nothing about.

Those 95% are my manifested desire to lick those feet.

>The observable universe constitutes about 5% of the universe's total mass with the remaining ~95% being occupied by an invisible intangible substance called Dark Matter
la luz extinguido

You act retarded all the time but you probably aren’t retarded

Observation by definition needs humans, or god or aliens. Reality does have a direction, without change (time passing forward) nothing would exist. A particle can be altered faster than the speed of light simply by observation.

They simply have not. You are wrong. Post your proof dumb faggot.

So?????? Do we now trust the priests and fathers to maintain nuclear power stations? Are you saying we should dismiss science because it’s often wrong and needs revision? Should I turn to the bible? You’re a maggot piece of shit for trying to use that as an argument. A dumb fucking maggot

A "particle" doesn't have a specific location only a probability distribution of possible locations until an interaction with another particle requires a specific location. Some like extrapolate this to mean humans are the ultimate reason for why any particle needs a location at all but that's wrong, the process that started with the big bang is the chain reaction that collapses probabilities into measurable reality. That process emerged out of the chaotic system that can be measured in a vacuum and always existed.

this is what happens when you let art majors near science

They see the effects asshole. They can observe the affect of dark matter at the macro and sub atomic levels. I’m not showing you shit. I hope you die a poor excuse for a human being, calling out for god, not through faith but fear. Fucking hypocrite

If there is one thing humanity can be sure of, it is that god is not here, otherwise the argument would be solved. He, if anywhere is far on the other side of the universe, about his work. If you wish to find him, you will need microscopes, spaceships and all the equipment atheistic scientists can provide. Faith alone, has failed to locate or call god, since the beginning of the world. Perhaps he wants you to make some damn effort, not sit around bemoaning his absence.

Not an argument.

A simulation. The big bang being the point at which it was turned on.

>jew math

Good one Goyim, why do you believe in their lies?

There is no such thing as relativity, rather there are a number of functional theories that only work on locally KNOWN phenomenon.

Relativity CANNOT predict phenomenon. It is dogshit for it

>electrical meteors that cause odd phenomenon with the sun, planets?
>Gigantic Birkland currents flowing into all the planets, even the sun being a gaint space anode
>97%+ of the universe has observable plasma
>almost anything can be ionized into a plasma(cold), lightning arcs, bright clusters of dust, or z-pinches in deep space all reveal hot plasmas, massive electrical charges

Even the Vril society did not believe that bullshit. Because the universe is Electromagnetic. Field effects are self organizing, that means manifest destiny is real, it means god is real or some facsimile of an incredibly powerful universal force that ties all things together.

the other 95% is out beyond the light horizon

Except particles inside this reality aren’t on a specific position. You sound like you have a grasp of quantum mechanics but this probably wave starting at the Big Bang is nonsense. I think your mixing it up with the 2nd law and entropy. The probability wave of a single particle does not diminish over time

dark matter based on empirical observations theoretical physics maths shit, god based on faulty deductive logic and aggressive rhetoric backed up with threat of violence both corporal and transcendental

You are wrong. Dark Matter is totally unnecessary for a working model of the electric universe. Watch the video i posted before crying like a baby.

Theres no need to get emotional, compose yourself.

Even the theory of relativity is violated by quantum entanglement. Locality also falls apart in light of it. The big bang is irreconcilable with the existence of black holes. The latest models suggest theres this invisible stuff which has never been observed that comprises everything, and it comes in 2 forms (literally invoking mystical unknowns to fix their dogshit, broken equations lmao)

The standard model is an absolute fucking mess, and only an idiot would accept its claims at face value.

Even worse, it’s based on a guy walking down from a hill saying

“Look guys, I just talked to god. Now, he won’t talk to you. He won’t show you he exists. Don’t worry, he showed me! Believe me! I have all the answers. No, of course I don’t expect any adulation or praise myself. No please, stop it guys”

Electric boogaloo dude!!!!

A different theory. Stop the presses

Nah. Can’t be fucked right now. That’s why I’m here

>the other 95% is out beyond the light horizon
Really? That's not how I understood it, the dark matter and dark energy is supposed to exist within our galaxy right now.

not an argument. dark matter is dead. you are very butthurt.

It is not real user. It is just electricity and magnetic fields.

The 2nd law isn't even a fundamental law just a macro observation. The actual fundamental laws don't give us a reason for the arrow of time or why any particle needs to have a specific position at all. We don't know why the big bang happened but we know it's what gives us a direction of time and the chain of events involving particles with specific positions instead of the norm of chaotic non focused energy.

Mathematics is only valid inside the universe. If God created the universe, why would he be subject to mathematics? Why would he even exist inside his own creation?

Leaf????? Really????

Sit down boy. Relativity predicted black holes you moron. You’ve got a few sound bites from your flat earth shit and THINK, THINK, that it’s fact and there is no way they could’ve misrepresented facts. Please die dumb and afraid

It does, not enough time has passed for the light to reach us. At least, before space started expanding faster than the speed of light, now from here on out the visible universe will only get smaller.

You realise that this theory shows that reality is information, and that is points to a reality controled and maintained by a higer power - an unactual ised actualiser. This was EXACTLY my initial point.

You don’t understand time either. And particles DON’T HAVE SPECIFIC POSITIONS

A simulation created by God. See my first post.

relativity is violated by quantum entanglement
relativity is violated by quantum entanglement

black holes are irreconcilable with the big bang
black holes are irreconcilable with the big bang

Do you know how to fucking read?

You made me watch a video that proves my first post u dopey.


sorry, i should have distilled it by saying i agree with you

Sorry sub atomic particles. I didn’t think I needed to mention that because we are talking quantum mechanics. Which are laws that only apply to sub atomic particles. I’m sure you knew that. I’m sure I’m not beating my head against a wall. Then again......... you do sound like a dumb fuck

You’re a spastic. Die confused and afraid

You can do that one yourself actually.

You have schizophrenia. Literally take your meds.

You can still take the materialist model further, the event can be a random event in the infinite eternal field of probabilities.

For what we consider physical phenomena like rocks to emerge the probability fields need to be collapsed to interact at specific positions momentarily. Macro laws like the increase of entropy which underlies our perception of the arrow of time emerges from that chain reaction.

So, curious, what does the fact that dark energy doesn’t exist:

anticipation of demonstrations by anti-fascist and far-right groups,

say about the existence of dark matter (if anything)?

The big bang is entirely based off the discovery of a cosmological redshift, which could be and most likely is something innocuous like a wolf shift. Since the CMB is also aligned perfectly with our local solar system this seems increasingly likely.

Further more when scientists start invoking magic forms of matter to fill in NINETY FIVE FUCKING PERCENT of the predicated energy levels in the unvierse, somethings seriously fucking off. Not to mention a whole 33% of dark matters cut was recently found to be REGULAR MATTER.

SURPRISE. (fucking morons)

Shit... actual link:

only redditors say things like "take your meds"

I don’t know what fucking chain reaction you are talking about. Relativity and quantum mechanics are not compatible. Are you new? You can’t derive conclusions in relativity that originate in quantum mechanics and vice versa

1: I
2: II

There. I literally proved 2 exists to you. Fuck off.

It's because our current scientific theories are bull shit and we have to cram anomalies into terms like "dark matter" to mask this fact.

>Now give me all your shekels goy! God needs gifts to appease him!

Lets just forget about science then. Let’s round up all the scientists and put them in a mass grave.

You know how I know you’re a christfuck? Because you expect that there is someone out there, some big daddy, that should know everything. You’re a child. You probably think the Illuminati runs the world and the government are hiding everything from us. You’re a child

of course its a simulation brainlets, thats why existence makes zero fucking sense, gravitons are literally impossible to detect because they do not exist thats as deep as the simulation runs

I described the chain reaction. Why does any probability wave collapse at all? Because "another" collapsed field needs a specific position to interact at. So that requires an original collapsed field, when we trace back our model it stops at the big bang. That's the origin of the chain reaction until we know more.

>Relativity and quantum mechanics are not compatible.
Says you, if they both model reality correctly they can be reconciled.

>disagree with a particular scentific theory
>this means you hate all scientists and want them to stop existing

Know how I know you know nothing about science user? You probably are one of those "I fuggin lov science xD" faggots. You're not a scientist user, kys lel.

Checked for space news

I wonder if the standard model lark of the whole 20th century was a deliberate deceit. I mean, the main mass of the left don't mean to be evil, they're just blinkered by there naivety & trusting natures.
You can only become a top tier physicist by asking millions of questions & suspending god knows how much disbelief.
I'm sure everyone followed themselves off into wankery & nonsense by accident, but is there a conspiracy or what?
Thornhill is the man. It's good to see his gang making headway lately

If you're a consciousness living in a constructed simulated reality, from our perspective the creator is "God" by definition. No reason to believe that this is a mythical white beard man as described in religious texts. Much more likely a civilization like our own who themselves also live in a simulation.

no im pretty sure we're the top simulation mate