Productive, realistic solutions to the racial problems in America

Sup Forums has for years shown that America has many racial problems. But what are some non-meme answers to fixing this?

>inbe4 ethno state
>inbe4 genocide

I'd like to hear ideas from anons that aren't mentally insane.

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Hard to fix bad genes. You're fucked unless you do something drastic.

Listen dumbass, crispr will result in virtually everyone besides edgy retards being white. Now post more qts

become a regional supplier of tainted drugs which induce sterilization
ask the cia for funding

Non-whites outbreed us, it's either we begin outbreeding them (we can't gibs for children because it's even worse then) or something more drastic.

>What is 2 + 2?
>Don't give me any of that 4 nonsense. Give me a real answer.

>durr complex political issues are as easy as 1+1

Sperm donation eugenics + pay people to use the super sperm.

problemo solvedo. In a few generations everybody is Einstein level brilliant.

Abortion, diabetes, heart disease and black-on-black murder are doing doing a fine job. End Welfare and wait it out. Also: arm yourself. They get violent.

>give me a solution
>but don't give me the solutions that have worked historically and are commonly advocated for because I don't like them
made me respond

Genetic bioweapon that destroys niggerdom on the planet.

Blacks are at replacement-rate. Whites are below and Hispanics are above.

Bring back the option of segregation and create a conservative state within the US where it's illegal to show homosexual/racemixing/liberal-marxist propaganda in public. That way all the fags, mentally ill, and minorities can live in their own sodom and gommorah utopia and we can have our Christian utopia

Your argument:
If 2 kids are constantly fighting then the most practical solution is to separate them.

If 2 groups of people are fighting the most practical solution is to allow them to tear the country apart.

Ethnostate, literally no other option. Anything else is just useless half measures that will only slow down the problem.

>he thinks developing a antinigger virus wouldn't solve 90% of the worlds problems

Get rid of group identity politics.

But the problem is that as long as postmodernism and leftists politics remain intact, especially in university campuses, then you can't get rid of identity politics. Individuality is completely gone with postmodern and Marxist thought. Group identity politics began to seep into academics and education systems in the 70's due to Marxist intellectuals introducing the idea; originally they blamed the oppressors as the rich capitalists - this ideological thinking caused tens of millions of deaths in the Soviet Union and Mao's China. When the atrocities leaked to the west and the public, academics who supported Marxism looked bad. To keep their reputation they decided to create new oppressors and group them, instead of capitalists it was now white people and anyone who was successful. Slowly, postmodernism and group identities began to shape in the education system so to make it easier to control people. For example, leftists politicians now use group identity politics to make complex social and economic issues seem more simple so they can hook younger voters who have short attention spans, instead of explaining the complex reasons for women having lower pay all you have to do is blame one group - men. Instead of finding out why black communities are deselect - blame white people.

Don't you see. Individuality is gone. You are part of some tribe. Your white? Then you are an oppressing cunt as your ancestors enslaved us, but even though the facts say that the vast majority of our ancestors weren't slave owners they still blame you because the younger generations have been brainwashed. This isn't a conspiracy theory anymore. It's a fact. As long as group identity exists, race relations will be shit.

You can't fix it with getting rid of that one thing. Group identity politics. The funny thing is that groups like BLM go completely against Martin Luther Kings ideas of judging an individual not by skin color, but by character.

>Get rid of group identity politics
So completely rewire the human brain?

Get fucked homo. I hope you get curb stomped by a black tranny communist!

Increase immigration.

Stay mad

I ain't mad, I'm glad

>drastic welfare cuts
>free same-day abortions
>tax cuts for married cohabitating couples with children
>federal pension system for full-time employed professionals
>end bussing
>end legal immigration, to include guest worker status and chain migration

This shit is all easy. For more larpy options:

>One-time flat payment for getting sterilized
>Repatriation incentives
>Amendment that restricts immigration when White demographic is below 1965 levels


Human beings also have an instinctive nature for individuality and autonomy. Do you not realize that grouping people and using that group as one unit for your political agendas lead to the rise of the Soviet Union and Communist China? Which led to the death of tens of millions of innocent men, women and children. We currently live in a state of chaos thanks to identity politics and grouping people, the polarity between the left and the right is widening due to it. Do you not see that politicians and think tanks grouping people instead of treating then individually is a problem? The same thing is happening. Just look at my country for fucks sake where a literal Marxist has a chance of getting elected in the next three years due to this tribal thinking.

11 Million in 1930 (9.7%), 40 Million (12.6%) today. Hasn't done much but slow the demise of the US.

What if we start fucking the black women? What if we just absorb the blacks into the white population?

>inbe4 ethno state
>inbe4 genocide
Those are actually the only real options other than surrender I suppose. The truth is you'll never get any change without at least the threat of violence.

Then it's not worth it. I don't think our problems are so bad we have to become mustaches twirling villains to fix it and if you do then I'd rather just not do anything at all.

If everyone around is playing as a team and you're playing as an individual, what happens?

vid related

Ending birthright citizenship, which would either require a constitutional amendment or a based majority on the supreme court.
REpatriation incentives aren't even larpy. You don't have to call them what they are; you could just frame it as n international development program or something. Like a permanent Americorps.

then sit back and watch your descendants get gang-raped by incoming hordes of African nigs and Mudslimes. Violence is already upon us.
>The time for bearing the twig of peace is over
>The time for bearing the sword is upon us

The state see whites as the problem. The solution is increased immigration, promotion of miscegenation and the suppression of white identity. Leading to the political, economic, cultural and physical dispossession of whites. There is no democratic option. Pretending that there is is just optics.

>hello fellow white people
Right. Repelling invaders is evil. m8 even using Harry Potter as a guide your opinion doesn't make sense.

>violence is already upon us

But homocide and violent crime is at its lowest point in our history including black crime and sure I know they still disproportionately commit more crime but that doesn't change the fact that it's going down year after year. So I doubt the future you laid out is going to come true.

What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody is invading. Do you know what that word means? If they are coming here legally that's not an invasion and blacks were brought over here against their will how is that a invasion?

Now if you're talking illegals I agree 100% and they need to go but that doesn't fix the racial problems here in America.

simply take a look at what races commit more of each crime. then look at the projected racial demographic makeup of the U.S for the next 100 years. Then you'll realize that the only reason the crime rate is going down slowly is because a big portion of whites have cucked themselves into being defenseless. Nigs and mudslimes have no concept of legal-morality or ethics.

biological solution to a biological problem. the answer isn’t in “organizing”, “waking people up”, subversive “memes”, or breivik chimpouts. the return of the heroic individual is nearer at hand than you can imagine, the one man able to live world-historically, to stand against Time for all Time, to overcome billions.


A racial war is inevitable. You can plaster Love posters all over sanctuary cities but eventually races separate.

God separated people at the tower of Babel. We are meant to be separated.

The problem occurs when jealousy comes a callin'.

I don't live in America.

>economic hiccup
>neoliberal house of cards collapses
>seizure of power a la 1920 Revolution
>mass persecution and expulsion of nonwhites

Fuck your End of History. We plant our roots in hell to reach heaven.

People (such as OP) would deny this. For fashion, out of fear, because it relativizes the importance of their generic lifestyle, but they can’t conpreh it. They won’t accept change.

Their solution? Do nothing. Eventually, you’ll be bred out, relegated to a minority, and just go away, free of conflict, which is what OP wants. He would have us all place our necks on the block, to avoid changing and challenging his neoliberal End of History paradigm that’s made him feel so secure about society and his future.

Racial problems dont have solutions like you are hoping for. There is no easy way to fix it. The easiest one of the difficult solutions is complete segregation. If this cannot be implemented then america and most of western Europe is doomed.

You advocate killing tens of millions of people. Yes I reject you.

No. I accept it as an inevitability and sole alternative to death. We’ve created a kind of unsustainable powderkeg. Genocide shouldn’t be an option, as we should not be forced in together for political manipulation and monetary / corporate profit, but that’s where we’re at now.

Now, the reward of survival and the shame of executioner will go to whoever is ready for conflict, after said keg ignites. And, if you’re so conflict averse that you’d really rather lay down and die, being eaten alive by a competing racial or ideological group, then the least you can do is kill your self, and not spread that poison to your neighbors.

bringing back formal segregation laws would probably do wonders, every multiracial country has some form of racial segregation, i think zog will bring back formal segregation laws in a desperate attempt to prevent america from breaking out into civil war and it will probably placate everyone

idk about Europe, damn shame what's happening over there it will probably only be solved by full blown reconquista because real estate is at such premium over there

Kill or be killed, is the one universal ancient truth of nature, it is as old as time itself

Right, in such times of reckoning that the false state of multiracialism (again, I cite international profit as its cause, to the detriment of The People) can’t be sustained. That’s when the sins of thatbsociety must be atoned for, and painful “correction” has to take place, not as a welcome event, but as a kind of necessary self-flagelation.

>OP gets conservashits to display just how stupid they are

10/10 thread lol

We could cite 1990’s Rwanda, as an example of the false society coming painfully crashing down, or we could look to South Africa today, as the accelerated version of lying down and waiting to be removed, conflict free. Slowly being made a minority, slowly being delanded, raped, murdered, slowly, slowly. The only reward the South African white (and the only reward for the timid throughout history) is an unimpressed sigh from their pitiless executioner.

end subsidized incentives for staying out of the workforce
end subsidized incentives for single motherhood
legalize drugs

You looking at a symptom not the disease; the disease I central banking with that you can prop parasites, without it parasites are exterminated with relentless efficiency, any empire that fell had central banking

Example: look at millionaires and billionaires pre central banking, they would have said parasites get the bullet and so would 99% of society; there was ideological cohesion which was derived from the struggle of nature

I agree, but the entire world today is based on that evil. It’s also based on infinite growth on a finite plane, dictating it’s inevitable fall. This is where we are, in too deep to turn back and doomed to destruction. The only choice we have is, “do we fight for the rebirth of our society and people, out of the ashes of this one?” or, “Do we lay down and die, preferring to go down with the comfortable evil of the failed society?”

kill the jews

>not genocide cuz jews aren't people

"Infinite growth" is technically true man can use his brain to build more (books, inventions, e.t.c) and use efficiency to get 1000 miles from one gallon of gas and the "infinite" from outside of earth;earth is a grain of sand compared to rest of the universe so yes infinite(incomprehensible number) is true to man on scale

The problem is infinite money (can't exist or happen) :- central banking is the infinite money maker which enslave man not the incomprehensible of the universe: the infinite


>end all social programs for non-Eurocentric ppl other than a free oneway ticket to their ancestral homeland or sterilization or abortion.

>remove the jew from all positions of power and influence (banking, politics, news, publishing, social media, film, tv, video games, education)

>promote high birthrates among the smartest Euro-centric peoples thru subsidies and positive propaganda.

>promote virtue and Christianity while discouraging vice and degeneracy

>promote innovation, engineering, and science thru subsidized education

>defund subsidies for Marxist social science and humanities