Is he based?

No he's just another Zionist attention whore. He's good at arguing with the mentally ill like the rest

And what are you?

You need to learn basic fucking strategy. "The enemy of my enemy" and all that.

He's just a normal religious person, the same as any other christian. You larpers need to stop attacking right wing alt media.

Stephen "gas chamber" Crowder is a little too far right for me, sure I'm a Nazi and think we should gas the jews, but this guy goes WAY too far.

Is not gay Jared actually gay

His pretty fun to watch. Not everyone needs to be '14/88 kill all jews'

>too far right

Steven “Jews Scream Louder in the Fake Shower” Crowder is essentially the leader of the alt right. I want to establish an ethnostate but this guy is just too extreme. He won't be satisfied unless we genocide every non white person.

What's farther right than "gass the joos"

He actually said that we should withdraw all funding from Israel and all other nations in the Middle-East at one point.

Did he really?





He is a retard he literally said

>i just think if you have sex you shouldnt use a condom ever.

Too antisemitic for me, goy.

Crowder is insane. He said the Florida shooting was a tragedy because "not enough kikes and niggers were exterminated". Absolute madman.

I wish this were real...

The thing about using entrails as a tourniquet for castration was a little bit to much for me
Also his state enforced "lymph rape" for all "juden" idea almost made me puke

Here's the picture of him and his "KKKrowd" about to castrate and then "lymph rape" a young Jewish boy.
Is HCN gas not enough???

Me too



At one point a lot of people said one thing than a couple of years change their opinion that is natural than again you guys hate fucking jews so why should you fucking care what happens in not a fuck given land?