Comfy nuclear family thread

Post more pics like this. I've seen more art like this on Sup Forums before and I want a collection, I don't know what the style is called and don't know the right search terms. Name some good artists too. Interesting note: if you search "nuclear family art" on google, all the (((depictions))) are negative.

For the mods: this is relevant because the nuclear family is a cornerstone of a succesful civilization and it is under massive attack.

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If you are on Sup Forums right now you will never have a comfy family of your own.

>inb4 boomers "jokes on you, I have a wife and two great kids"

Lol looks a bit like a parody but still comfy looking, thanks.


I am creating a new civilization.

Millennial here, have a wife and 1 white child. Can't have the whole house wife thing thanks to the economy, but thankfully have supportive parents who watch the kiddo while we are at work so no daycare public education brain washing. It's not the perfect 50s ideal, but it's close.


I am well on my way.

Very nice, thanks.

>a wife and 1 white child
Congrats on the 1 white child, but how many niglets does your wife have?


None thankfully, just one child.

>the nuclear family is a cornerstone of a succesful civilization

actually it isn't. it's a (((judeo-christian))) value

MGTOWs are Darwin's laughing stock.

Thanks. Any idea what the style is called, or any good artists?

Also do you (or someone else) happen to have the one of the family standing in front of a car, the man with a rifle over his shoulder and his other arm around his wife, with the kids in front?

Boomers have grandchildren now you fucking retard.


Top kek. Western civilization is falling apart because of that mindset

Most of them are 40's and 50's American advertisements for Magazines

actually, quite the opposite. polygamy is the natural order of things.

The Saturday Evening Post had a lot of Norman Rockwell's paintings, he is kind of the Poster Boy for Americana

We are not animals and MGTOW means either you are not reproducing or you aren't providing your children a stable home.


i didn't say i was MGTOW. but anyway, the whole monogamy thing cucks men. the purpose of men is to spread their seed. what if the wife is barren? or has a genetic defect? this is why most civilizations had harems of women for their king. it just makes evolutionary sense

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Again, we are not animals. Civilized cultures are monogamous.

>Norman Rockwell

Last One

Is there a word for "nostalgia for something I've never experienced."

Thanks for your contribution. Some very good ones in there. Anyone have some stuff with guns in them?

also the spartans didn't have nuclear families. men and women got together to reproduce, and then the babies were shipped off to nurseries to be raised


>cucked cultures are monogamous


They were only good at fighting.




If civilization is by definition cucked to you, you need to go innawoods.

right, which was their purpose


(((civilization))). maybe



But they were shit at building a civilization. They are no longer around for a reason.

It's just sad that such values have been lost in many people.

let me guess. you also think women should have the right to vote

I'll contribute.


No. Maybe if they die by the hundreds of thousands or millions fighting wars first like men.

Very nice.


Thank you.

It’s the only way for a great civilization to arise. Every other way i.e. collectivization and/or degenerate multiple partners destroys a civilization. Kid waiting for his dad to get up to go fishing. What has happened to us.




Wow what a retard






It's strange to think that I have yet to meet some of the most important people in my life.

Not so good if they were defeated, eh?




"Past life memories''

They sure did have some thicc steaks back in old timey times. Wish we could go back to that instead.

So you just attribute all of humanity’s accomplishments to Jews? Nice bait

Is it wrong that in 2018 looking at a guy thats probably in his early 20's with 2 kids seems really weird? Most people that age have trouble paying the rent or even finding a place to live at that age.


You'll really trigger some liberals with these pics

Gen X.
I have a wife, four kids a dog. We own our home in the suburbs and go to church every Sunday.

Yeah, that’s a really awesome kike trick in action. Wagecuckoldry to stop you from reproducing, soylent to make you infertile, chip to track you

>so sayeth the virgin

Our era is weird, not his.

How old are you again?

That’s how my parents taught me to read but occasionally I got a slap on the head if I was doing it wrong. Fuck I was only three when I’ve read my first book and retold it to parents

Because there has been regression in the quality of life, economically and socially, for North Americans. Also, I always thought the guy in the first issue of Superman, which you have pictured, resembled Donald Trump.

Anemonia is the sociological term, but the user who said romanticism is closer to the truth.
It is good and healthy to idealize a more perfect time, even if that time is largely myth.

Nice to see redpilled slav bro here!

>victorian interior design

I had my first kid at 20 and my last at 32.
It is much easier on a woman's body to have children in their early 20's. For a man, it is financially harder when you are young and your emotional immaturity means you are hot headed and impatient. On the upside, you have far more energy for sports and play time and you will still be young enough for physical activities when they reach adulthood.

he's right, but that doesn't make it the right way to live.

Sure, we can act like animals but that's what makes us human, to move beyond being simple animals.

38. So by some definitions I am neither X nor Y but whatever.
I realize that you 19 year olds call everyone over 30 a boomer.

>men and women just got together to breed
No. There was normal marriage, the only stipulation being that you had to have someone of your chosing cuck you and fuck your wife if you were infertile because mo babies for dem wars.

>babies shipped off to nurseries
Fucking no. The boys were raised by their nuclear family (mostly mother because the father was on campaign) until 7, when they were taken to military training. They still had connections to their families and Spartan mothers are famous for telling their sons "come back with your shield or on it". The nuclear family is an essential part in every civilization to have ever existed, besides for maybe a few isolated tribes of kangz who never even manged to invent the wheel.

Interesting comment, user.
Please elaborate.

He is not right. Not really.
There are sexual impulses that may lead to reproduction outside the monogamous unit but for proper raising of young and the inheritance of property, monogamy serves humans best.
Be careful when trying to seperate culture from biology. Often culture ensures biological success, making the line between the two concepts blurry.

I've been there. It looks exactly the same

this guy's right but only 1m (2+x)f
>but then their won't be enough women for betas like me!!!
you're not gonna get married anyways so nothing will be lost

We should fight degeneracy together mate

I'm in my early 20s and been working internships in the summers and Im a a couple semesters away from graduating and working as an EIT full time. Im investing my money, not spending on flashy shit, etc

I would love to be a dad ASAP. I dont want to be 50 when my kids turns 14 like how it was with my pops . Ive never had a gf though and can't talk to girls, no game, etc. Not beta or soy boy just literally can't flirt. dont know the first thing about relationships except what ive gleaned from pol.

Im legit considering surrogacy because I can't, literally cant ask out random chicks and go on dates. i know wife material is out there but i'd rather be stabbed to death than chance embarrassing myself by asking out a grill i don't know. Literally cant do it, Would have to do surrogacy.

You're pathetic.

He means his wife and kids. Pretty interesting thought.

Join a church group.
Look, you are a young man with an education and a future who wants a family. Even if you are homely as fuck you will still be a catch for some nice girl.

It also destabilizes civilization like nothing else. The men who end up without wives are put on a position where their only rational evolutionary response is to destroy the existing system and institute a new one. They're a genetic dead end if they don't fight or if they die, so they would have nothing to lose.

I know if there was any justice in the universe or if human nature was sensible and rational, this would be true

But the further I go in life the less I believe posts like yours and the more I relate to songs like Break Apart Her Heart by Good Charlotte

Got the word for you user, it's Hiraeth. "a longing for a home you can't return to, or one that was never yours"

>the purpose of men is to spread their seed
The purpose of men is to raise a family with women. If you are for poligamy, you're a degenerate, end of story.