Why do liberals still think they are anti-establishment?

Every liberal I know still thinks it's 2005/1965 and they are rebelling against the conservative Christian establishment.

They are all still talking about Bill O' Reilly like he is relevent, or some of the more aware ones might acknowledge Tucker Carlson as being the leading republican commentator.

I don't think any of them even know what nationalism means or why Trump won the presidency. I hear people saying "Trump won because he was a celebrity and people like reality tv celebrities" like 100 times. I think they learn everything about the political landscape from AJ+ videos on facebook.

Why are normies so fucking retarded?

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It's a plague. They're the real low information voters. They talk about the Christian Right like it's the 90s. The Christian Right barely exists now. They are just incredibly uninformed/illinformed. Most of the barely have a basic grasp of what right wing beliefs are.

>my cousin freaking out because Trump told nigger apes to stand for the anthem
>cousins says "HAHA trump doesn't even know what he's doing! he's so stupid! he has no plan or goal or vision!"
>tell him he's a civic nationalist
>"w-what's a civic nationalist?"
>explain what civic nationalism is to him
>he looks confused
>changes the subject

this guy is a fucking engineer

It's funny because they eat up media propaganda now and think they are "anti-establishment". Blows my mind.

It's the most confusing thing I have ever seen in my life

The establishment CORPORATE media is acting like they are anti-establishment, and telling democrats that they are the anti-establishment

Meanwhile they mock alt-media or are completely ignorant to it's existence altogether.

I know people who unironically shared Eminem's video acting like he just destroyed drumpf. These are educated people with high paying jobs.

AJ+ is literally Qatari propaganda intended to destabilize the social fabric of the US. Anyone who watches that shit, but still parrots the Russia intereference meme needs to wake the fuck up, and fast.

>qatari? what is that?
>lmao what are you islamaphoic? wow even foreigners are smart enough to know that DRUMPF is bad

They need their perfect enemy as a strawman for their narrative. They can't deal with politics more complicated than plot of Harry Potter.

Yeah, dude. Well, if it makes you feel any better I know a 45 year old psychologist who's never heard of 1984 or George Orwell. A woman, of course.

Don't just them know what mistakes they're making

Why the fuck are her mutt eyes so far apart?

>have socials teacher in 11th grade
>short darkskinned manlet
>looks like an athletic rand paul
>always brings up the latest on AJ+
>is jewish
Most confusing class I ever had.

My business professor would come into class and cite Vox as an academic source

Usually about how white men are inherently hateful or some shit

It's funny how they get all their opinions from celebrity propagandists on corporate network television and then turn around and accuse us of celebrity worship even though places like Arthur Donald make it abundantly clear we're doing it with a heaping dose of irony. And by funny,I mean we're going to have to gas them all, very soon.

At certain angles she's sexy as fuck

She looks like a dolphin


An education does not indicate someone is smart. The dumbest pozzed out people I know are highly educated, and believe everything they are fed. It's really sad to watch.

>if it makes you feel any better
How. That's one of the saddest stories ever told on 4chinz. Fuck.

because its what the establishment tells them

LISTEN to me user please

The taxation of the right, the influence to mix races, the high costs of college for normal people and super low cost for poor people, and the shitty education system that brainwashes college and high school students, it’s all an effort to promote stupidity and ignorance as strength and intelligence
It’s literally orewellian, and they very much want smart people to have less money for kids and less time for family so they don’t reproduce. They make it as easy as possible for poor stupid people so that there are always more and more stupid people. It’s to conquer humanity, that is, the intelligent ones, the real actual people that are here

>At certain angles she's sexy as fuck

You need to get off the farm once in a while.

they won the culture war, which forced the right to self reflect and develop. their entire identity hinged on being a rebel and they can't manage that identity when they are in charge. Trump was the best thing that could have happened to them, because now they can go back to pretending they're rebels (with the same beliefs as megacorps, banks, political parties, etc)

I would blow a load all over her titties and watch her rub it all over herself, if you catch my drift.

I would a Venti.

Cute as fuck too bad I'm so far away from her. I wonder if she likes muscles and going to festivals

I think some of them genuinely pretend they didn't vote to keep us from from Islamification because it's just simpler around their liberal friends

Painfully true. On of my female relatives has two master's degrees and is a private enterpreneur, and she's a raging SJW who would turn into raging racist overnight if mainstream media told her so.

I've been trying to figure out how the world works for years. Not too long ago everyone didn't give a shit about anything.

Now they read a headline and think they know it all.

The SJW/Anti-Gun Left is just a reshoed Religious Right

The left actually used to be in the middle and not retarded from 1992-2008. They had progressive views but wern't going overboard like they are now with this gender shit and everyone's feelings matter and safe spaces. Then Obama won and something shifted and it shifted quick. They somehow managed to slingshot themselves as far left as they can go and are leaving more and more of their moderate base behind. And at the same time somehow stole the title of being in bed with big business like the Republicans used to be. Though the left is mostly with the tech industry.

If the Republicans got their shit together and dropped/toned down the religion and abortion shit and pushed out the old RINOS and establishment Republicans they could be the majority party for a long time. There are alot of lost moderate independents and democrats looking for a home. Trump managed to capture their interest. Not the Republicans.

Leftists have never been anti-establishment.

Every leftist revolution from the 18th century and on were top-down revolutions funded by big bankers & provisional governments.

Communism was a scam by the Jew Marx (a cousin of the Rothschilds) to establish a Jewish dictatorship run by a central bank.

The entire corporate, banking, media, etc. establishment (international communism & capitalism) teamed up to destroy "fascism" & National Socialism because it was the only legitimate threat to the establishment.

Neo-Marxists have been of control of academia & most institutions since the 60s, and before that in a lot of Europe.

One of the most popular songs in the world literally promotes communism, and the band behind it was well-known than Jesus.

That's the point of the song "Welcome to the Machine" by Pink Floyd. That everything from rebelling against your parents, rebelling against your national traditions, "dreaming of a big star" (an obvious reference to communism) is exactly what was expected of you by the system, and part of the "machine" Marxists think they're fighting against.


The pretense of rebelling against the establishment was always a scam to get them on board to do the bidding of the establishment and act against their own nation and people's interests.

But guess what, people who think Trump is legitimately "anti-establishment" are also just as gullible.

The unholy alliance of big data and advertising has led to the reverse engineering of the human conditioning and the perfection of the oldest and best strategy of powers that be- divide and conquer

If they stopped anti abortion they'd lose voters who are socially conservative and vote for the Republicans for social conservatism.

Things are getting and better and better for some people, and worse and worse for others. It's a huge disparity that gets larger with time. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Notice the middle class distribution is less every year? The momentum we are heading in is catastrophe. Imagine a kid holding a rubber band, stretching it and then releasing it on us to make an ouchie. Not imagine a double thick rubber band and an adult stretching it to hurt us. The kid just hit us, now the adult will soon hit us.

she's honestly the best example of why we need to bring back one drop rule

Why is punk rock so fucking liberal these days? All of them are faggots politically. Fucking Thomas Gabriel is a fucking tranny now and Fat Mike prances around in skirts and shit these days. Mike Ness cries about trump before shows and Anti-Flag preaches liberal bullshit more than they sing. Its weird too because NOFXs newest albums has some pretty woke songs on them too.

Punk rock was always leftist anarchist.

because of the fluoride in the water, op.

I'm 100% certain those voters would never go democrat anyways.

I've never observed a period in punk rock history when it wasn't just pure retardation, unless I missed something.

I remember bands like Rancid used to sing about media brainwashing and stuff, so I liked that a little bit when I was younger. I always assumed leftists were anti-corporate media until the Obama years and the 2016 election. Now they are willing to fight for corporate media till the death for some weird reason

No fucking way she's a quadroon

because white nationalism is racist

no fucking shit it is. you want to deport or kill all non whites

of course they're going to be upset

They had a better argument back in the day and punk shifted away from politics heavily in the 90s-00s especially with genres like ska and pop punk being more popular. Bands like Bad Religion and Pennywise were political but I wouldnt call them strictly left leaning.

I think there's a wellspring of potential if someone pulled off a modern punk band that aimed the bs detectors at the appropriate targets

I'm not sure most normies even understand what white nationalism is or what it means.

I think they have a cartoonish image of Hitler exterminating 80% of the human population because their jaws aren't sharp and aryan enough or something

They also think (if they're even aware) that the current white nationalist movement is just like fat autistic NEETs and literal KKK members or some shit, they know little to nothing about it.

Maybe similar to yourself

I've seen a few hardcore bands try to make music videos about George Soros and make anti-liberal shit and it came off as kind of gay for some reason

The only person I've seen who could artistically lampoon modern liberalism is Sam Hyde

That's why you listen to hardcore you moron


I dont think itll work, record labels like Fat Wreck and Epitaph would probably make sure they get black balled.

Stop posting this ugly mongrel nigger you fucking retard

>wanting to keep a historically white nation for white people is racist
>but forced wealth redistribution from whites to nonwhites isn't
>anti-white discrimation ("affirmative action") that has been around since the 60s isn't racist
>turning whites into a minority in their own country via forced mass immigration isn't racist
>however wanting to keep Tibet for Tibetans, Japan for the Japanese, African countries for Africa isn't racist
>forcing whites to deal with massive anti-white crimes by niggers isn't racist
>open anti-white ideology and propaganda pushed in mass media and academia every day isn't racist
>wanting to control demographics in a way that doesn't replace the original population is "killing all nonwhites"

This is why the left has always been retarded, glad they're going off the deep-end and showing us how they've always been.

>I would blow a load all over her titties and watch her rub it all over herself, if you catch my drift.
What did he mean by this?

La Creatura

Don't fret over their ignorance. Harness it. Enjoy it. Use it to your advantage. Their refusal to face reality is their greatest weakness. Destroy them with it.

>It's been about 15 years since when all of you go to the grocery that data is captured and stored

they already were capable of engineering us but now that every trackable choice we make is logged somewhere just gives them that much more power too

Lucifer in the Sky with Diamonds...
Let me red pill you on (((economy))) for a second: The whole monetary system of today is an entirely arbitrary process. Money created out of thin air and distributed mostly to individuals who contribute nothing or even negatively to society, while underrewarding actually productive individuals to keep them on the leash.

The reason why people understand the first part (arbitrarily created) but not the second is, that then all their lives efforts for their good, good money would be in vain. This creates such enormous cognitive dissonance, they better resent to mindless consumerism or tell them, where the politics have to "save money".

Why does her one eye look like it's trying to get away from the other?

>Why do liberals still think they are anti-establishment?
Because they are told so.

They watch shit like Game of Thrones, everything they see and hear is filtered and "safe".
This is what you get from decaying people who subsist off of the lowest of lowbrow entertainment.


u dumb? certain black skulls have their eyes apart from each other when compared to other races

culture drives people more than any autistic rant or political speech. there's little difference anymore and you better believe that is by (((design)))

is she black? im colourblind all i see is tits

>if you catch my drift
Please elaborate

Holy fuck you are a raging faggot. Of course she likes those things. She's a fucking half-human being. I can almost guarantee that she wouldn't like your weird ass. Take a cold shower and practice not being a fucking serial rapist.

probably because it was blatantly political which isn't a good vehicle for musical expression? You gotta do some lefty shit and make some obscure song like the beatles would do and 40 years from now everyone asks what was that song really about etc ooh how mysterious it tickles the edges of my mind.

>You gotta do some lefty shit and make some obscure song like the beatles would do and 40 years from now everyone asks what was that song really about etc ooh how mysterious it tickles the edges of my mind.

kek this

>was this song a piece of crypto-fascist propaganda?

I watch game of thrones. I just started. Sure it has a fucking hidden message or two, but it also glorifies rape and killing the weak. I like it.

It's funny how much culture has changed since the early 2000s.

I also always laugh at atheists who believe they're some persecuted minority today.

Because if they realized they were working for the establishment and trying to take away everyone's rights, they probably wouldn't be liberals any more. In fact, that's why a lot of liberals turn away, because they have that moment where they realize what they really are.

What did he mean by this?

Those aren't atheists, those are attention whores.

What the fuck.


Trips demands to know now!

Commies got no answers for you here, liberals are obsessed with reliving the Enlightenment, and we can't pin down why.

Trips of truth

I've actually gotten a few social conservatives to see the light on this issue, just explain to them that the leftists are the ones getting the abortions, why stop your enemies from destroying themselves?

>reliving an era of careless sex and degeneracy
>can't figure out why they like that
You Fucking idiot... Please stay on that team.

If anything they're obsessed with continually larping the 60s civil rights movement, continually embracing further and further ostracized communities and concepts in order to chase that high. Gee, I wonder what the logical conclusion to that kind of behavior would be

Do you understand what happens to a woman when she regrets her decision? It ducks them up in the head for life. They become depressed and a drain on society. They are impossible to rehabilitate. It's like murdering their heart and will to live. If they do manage to take it in stride, they spread this message that it was freeing and they would have another one. They basically become billboards of false advertisement. So, if I were to accidentally hit a pregnant woman and her baby died, I could be charged with murder, but a father has no rights to his unborn child? Fucking neck yourself.


Nah, that's just typical liberal behavior. Liberals are hipster conservatives, and their positions are informed by conservatives. Hate of christianity, love of islam, etc.

Why the keep pretending like liberalism didn't have hegemony over the West for decades, I do not know.

Tell them they have been conned and the establishment switched sides. One bit of proof is how the neocons who supported the Iraq War are cozying up to the Democratic Party.

You can also explain to them that the whole immigrant thing is all about cheap labor that the corporatists want without regard to the countries that get destroyed by it. Liberals have just been tricked into supporting the globalist agenda.

Do you want millions more leftists and non whites being born? Because that's what banning abortion will get us, we are already on the ropes demographicly there's no reason to push us off the cliff.

Indeed. Not to mention a lot of intelligent people are driving themselves out of extinction by not having kids and focusing on their careers instead.

It goes worse in later seasons once they run out of original source material.

>Liberals are hipster conservatives, and their positions are informed by conservatives. Hate of christianity, love of islam, etc.

I'm not really understanding what you're saying. Liberals are reacting to conservatives by opposing Christianity but endorsing Islam, but they are still similar to conservatives at heart?

And you want to pin down why? Because it's romanticized on fucking television. Like the op points out, it's the only reason they do or believe anything.


the thing is that more freedom will always sound better. just like women were convinced to be work slaves because it was couched as a "right". of course a lot of women get out of it now by having babies and getting money from daddy government for it.

What a f***in' nightmare - I was not aware of that: Blacks even to ratchet to be on birth control.

Typically, they will "get older and wiser" and become conservative later.

Also, conservatives are still Liberals: Classic Flavour.

unironically kys

every brittany blasphemer will be hunted down and beheaded on the day of the mutt

hail goddess venti

Yup, an average of about 1 million per year prevented.

Instead of shows in abandoned warehouses where you were lucky to escape without being put in handcuffs, we have Warped Tour and an abundance of nu-male soyboys. Punk's been dead for awhile.

think she likes bbc? big bong cock

>Typically, they will "get older and wiser" and become conservative later.

I actually don't believe this meme. We saw this happen with Boomers and Gen Xers but I highly doubt we will see it happen with millenials.

We can be friends, for the moment. These parasites need cleansing first, then it'll be a simple game of the best man wins. Can we agree to such terms?

Mutt lover

Could also lead to an explosion in crime and degeneracy, which would immediately lead to a panicked clamoring for law and order

Yup, big data and advertising likely has the normies dead to rights inside their own head, dictating their opinions and their vote. They've cracked the code, and thus are more powerful than any government or really any organization the world has ever seen.