Why are millennial women paid more than millennial men?

Why are millennial women paid more than millennial men?

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anyway, do you have a source for that claim?

Source please. Outrageous if true.

> kill yourself

im blackpilled and NEET so thats probably a contributing factor

>40 years of feminism
>grrl power
>women are better men are dumb hurr propaganda

>women bias in 2018

who the fuck expected anything else? pussy pass in the workplace is a real thing, folks.

It really isn't fair how men get paid way less than women these days. Maybe we need to protest.

cuz they pussy cash knowmsayn

Women in the past were paid less to work because they were considered more valuable as mothers and wives at home, this trend has since reversed.

affirmative action

Because they work full-time instead of part-time?

this. Women have the benefit of living in the most upside down, materialistic, narcissistic period of human history and are taking their cultural advantage to the bank. This is true of every woman I know withing +/-10 years of my age (25)

Here you go:

>inb4 muh dailymail

In the near future western women will earn more in all age groups (they'll still campaign to further disenfranchise white men from the work force though). Soon most sectors of the work force in western countries will be roastie-dictatorships.

Won't work, bitches don't get along well enough to be the only people in the work force and the Government isn't going to let half the population just drop out of paying taxes.

more women than men in universities? feminist quotas? girl only programs? affarmative action for high pay jobs?

I'm fine with not working, the country, the system, the people fuck me so why should I support it.

A lot of them don't actually get anything of value accomplished at work either.
I work construction, and have a female friend that makes the same amount as me folding clothing. Just because it's a high end store.

Because “muh glass ceiling”

Regulations. Basically, you need to prove that you pay women at least as much as men. The result is kind of like the "baker's dozen" origin. You know you're being honest with your pay, but you know the regulators don't know that. If they decide to take issue, you want to have a little wiggle room.

That and women have an in-group bias and men have an out-group bias, both in terms of gender. In other words, both men and women are biased in favor of women. From an evolutionary perspective, this makes sense and it's what's allowed feminists to be so blatant in promoting anti-male crap.

One reason is that the style of teaching suits them up until upper management positions.


they get all the kushy jobs too while men still have to do shitty labouring jobs

men are withdrawing from society
I spend only on food and for internet access
my boots recently fell apart, so I sewed them myself
withdrawing and giving up on consumerism is the right thing to do

Bullshit, I've been unemployed since I finished school. I have had very short term employment for agencies during busy holiday seasons and that's it. When I eventually become homeless I will probably hang my self. I have already found a few suitable trees in the forest.

You misunderstood, men will still work but they'll just do all of the shitiest low paying jobs whereas wamyn will do all the best high paying jobs and will hold pretty much all managerial positions. Eventually even most cops will be women as is already the case in Sweden.

When a less sophisticated group conquers a more sophisticated group, they don't kick everyone out and try to run the society themselves. They keep the same government officials and make them slaves to conquering group. This way the country continues to function smoothly under new owners.

This same thing happens today with women in tech Women get manager roles in tech even though they are generally worthless in that field. The men do all the work themselves, but the women is still the "boss".

This is a possible future for every field and sector of life. Men will continue to keep the society functioning, but women will be boosted to an unbelievable pedestal like we've never seen before. The power of sexual manipulation is getting out of control in the west.

Because they suck dick for mid-level positions while men have to work their way up from the bottom.

another 1 post by this ID with "millenial" as the topic

post tits filthy slag

>women to men ratio in college is 60/40
>females in the service industry make from 1.5 to 3 times their male counterparts on average
>female-dominated careers have a lower cap on earning potential but a higher entry wage, think the initial cost of becoming a nurse vs a doctor and the ultimate payoff

thats the overwatch tranny. its not a woman

Society will collapse way before then. Women barely work. They just shuffle paperwork and pass their workload over to beta men to do. Companies will have to hire triple the amount of women to get the same job done. Women are extremely demanding and won't work in any condition other then the ideal and even under these circumstances they need a week off for their periods and need 15 doctors appointments per year. They make poor leaders, they hate each other, and they rarely have the drive to work overtime.

Society will fall before they magically biologically change.

>Companies will have to hire triple the amount of women to get the same job done.

They won't. The men will pick up the load and go overtime to get it done. Men who work with a lot of women already do this today. The basic principle of our society is that men want to take care of women, and women demand someone who will take care of them. Those base instincts drive the whole thing. Men will continue to take shit indefinitely so long as they have base instincts.

More importantly: why should I even care?

Jeg spiser sku ikke denne fiskepind.


is this that cooking bitch? who is she

Won't and can't happen in management. These are high demanding one pony shows. You sink or float because there is almost no one above you. No amount of affirmative action will dare a company to compromise on these positions because it would be the death knell for a company to have a high end position constantly failing.

Hva så Nordmand, kan du godt lide fisken? hahaha!

>high end position constantly failing
They won't fail. The men will do all the work, the woman "boss" is the figure head but is clueless. It already happens all the time today. Its what happens when men let themselves be sexually manipulated.

Nei jeg gjor ikke egentlig ikke det da.

I would eat the peanuts in her turds just so my mouth can touch something hers did.

Need nudes of this girl before any further comments.

True that, if you're a female in a male dominated workplace you can literally just say harassment or discrimination at anything and the company will bend over fucking backwards to do shit for you. Fucking bullshit.

Nå for satan, det var godt jeg var lige ved at blive bekymret for dig Norsk.

is this a biological man or woman because i really want it to have a dick...

holy shit, she got old fast

I agree that this will happen, but companies are motivated almost solely by profit and will end the practice as soon as it inevitably fails. Women simply do not perform the same as men do. Profits will fall executives will realise immediately why.

Det er bare en av oss i nord vi må være bekymret for desu.

Denne fisken er bare mongolens drittpost.

Before society collapses, I still want to see women fail at plumbing, garbage collecting, and electricity, like they do in the military.

I want their complete incompetence documented for millennia to come.

>Profits will fall executives will realise immediately why.

Things are not that simple. Modern women ruin whatever thing they join, yet they still get pushed higher and higher up the ladder. HR is controlled by feminists who hire feminist women. Once a feminist gets a high position in a company its over, she will disrupt the whole business and blame "toxic masculinity" when profits fall.

Its not so simple for the average person to understand the modern woman problem. We live in extremely gynocentric times. Men and women will firstly blame men for falling profits before they realize how worthless their female manager is.

Jeg kan love dig en ting, jeg spiser aldrig fisk og skaldyr fra Svensken igen, man kunne jo ende med at fange det.
Fy for den lede lort.

I don't think this retard was ever properly blamed for ruining Yahoo.

Thats the danger of female managers in an absurdly gynocentric culture; they will never get the blame they deserve. The same thing happened to IBM, immediately after Ginni Rometty came into power IBM went into decline, and its been in decline ever since. She will never get real blame because "muh first woman CEO slayyyyyyy".

When you watch interviews of these women that get these positions, they are clearly not very intelligent. They get these positions because men are biologically inclined to give women whatever they claim they want.

so like a bee society?

You Danes are a strange breed.

Well shit, I never realized that before, but we are becoming bees/ants in behavior.

Ja du er sku ikke helt normal heller.

or you can find a beta provider and latch onto him.
you know, as every woman eventually does.

Cause they're cute!

That's probably a good thing.

They spend it frivolously.
Those at the top know this gravy-train is coming off the rails, they're maximizing the speed at which they can extract resources from the population while crashing the value of the dollar by upping demand with immigrants.

They consume more shit than men. Id say 1 woman consumes more than 10 men together

Håll käften, NATO jävel!

It's zoe you fucking redditors.

She was way hotter 5 years ago.

(Why won't/don't millennials ____, is posted 100 times a day)

Says the EU member.

She is so hot. Holy fuck.

High chance trend is brought about by quota'd high-pay position

Says Turkeys protector.

Everytime you post this overmeme tracer slag.

Why are you obsessed with her?


It's fappening

Turkey is delicious. You just have to wrap it in bacon.

Become a useless money pit and ruin someone elses life. I'd prefer the rope than become cancer to be honest.

cook and clean and don't nag too much. its a good trade for your upkeep to a lot of men.

This is the most elaborate shill I have ever seen. You have been making this same thread for 4 years and these redditors still fall for it every single time.

>cook and clean
in 2018 that means order fast food nitely and hoard amazon trinkets

surely it's the bacon that's delicious.

Deliciously haram.


Women are basically Jews.

Wow that's what mental illness look like.That's like the "tfw being nip" guy and Morpheus.

What a (((mystery)))