Acid attacks are part and parcel

So this is in our news today. In the borough next me there were about 300 acid attacks. These attacks are in the hundreds and are increasing. Of course this is barely being reported on. This report is mostly about a voluntary ban on the sale of acids in the borough of Newham the "acid attack capital of Britain" not working. The fact that hundreds of these attacks are taking place in the country is nicely added on the end

Acid attack is such a faggy problem to have. Get real mans problem like gun violence.

If someone came at me with acid, I'd just shoot them.

I think it's done kinda sneakily

They are often caught by surprise. There was a case that got press attention that happened right next to my mums place last year. They were pulling up next to fast food delivery drivers and throwing it at them

They're doing it to just random delivery drivers? You fuckers need guns.

How's the situation in London?My girlfriend wants to visit that shithole,but I suggested some comfy Eastern European countries.

I hate it, but I guess other people visit and live here and like it. I'm thinking about going to eastern Europe soon too. I would suggest a comfy European city.

like psychos just doing random people?
or taking people by surprise that are involved in shit or their relatives are involved in shit?

Yeah. They are going to double down in their attempts to take yours over the next few years. You probably would be facing some sort of ban right now if Clinton had got in. You have got to resist that. The NRA is probably your best bet in doing that, and having your own collection.

We're pretty safe. It's damn near impossible to amend the Constitution at this point. Congress can barely pass simple laws.

>attempts to take yours over the next few years
Not possible. They will just keep banning bits and pieces and make it harder and harder to buy a new one.

Also the NRA is group of cunts that doesn't give a shit about the average gun owner. Their only interest is maintaining and gaining more control so they can be the ones that get to tell people what to do.

I think it's all different types. I've seen CCTV where it's thrown at shop workers during robberies and drug dealers throwing it at rivals. The press have reported cases where it's been thrown on ex's after a break up.
That case I was referring to before was a series of attacks done in one night. They were teens robbing delivery drivers. They were on bikes pulled up next to delivery drivers chucked acid at them, robbed them, then repeated the process. I think they did about 4 attacks in the space of about an hour

I'd rather be shot than acid attacked.

so they are at war with you and nobody is fighting back? seems a losing strategy


>Their only interest is maintaining and gaining more control so they can be the ones that get to tell people what to do.
I am NRA. This is exactly what we do. You WILL NOT have our guns.

i give her 6 years tops after that pic was taken before suicide

That doesnt look nice but she got off lightly. I think she can life like this, espeacially if she gets some replacement ear.


It's the same as with those child rape gangs. People just seem to accept it as part and parcel. If you look at a lot of the crazy stories that appear in the press a lot of them seem to come from the UK.
It's like no story can appear crazy enough anymore. People just think, yeah crazy shit goes on here. People are demoralised

She still has a perfectly good fuck hole. If it was a man i would agree but a woman is always going to find a man even if they are fucked up, there will be someone out there to whiteknight her.

They carry on. This girl was really pretty. Was dating some African and broke up with him