Outlawing Ammo production will solve America's gun problem

If you don't have any ammo to shoot, what are your guns good for?

This includes:
- outlawing supplychains for ammo parts
- homemade ammo a federal crime

If you didn't know, ammo can expire. The gunpowder can go stale after years and not fire properly, so Hamburgers will eventually run out and can't get new ammo.

Problem solved.

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>ammo can expire
Why don't you enlighten us on the expiration date Dunbar?

>Ban guns without banning guns
>This will solve the problem
>They wont turn to black-market and/or homemade manufacturing
>A fucking Cuckmany flag
>A free sage

Have a read:

Learn to read:

"This includes:
- outlawing supplychains for ammo parts
- homemade ammo a federal crime"

Some ammo stock is made from corrosive materials m8y. Nothing last forever.

A bullet is a sealed container itself.


Also, 50 year old Chinese surplus ammo will do that.

>be 15th century caveman
>make gunpowder
>be 21st century internet user
>too difficult to look it up

German engineering my ass

A bullet, it's a sealed container. There is no air exchange from the outside to the inside of a bullet.

Fuck off, Kraut.

>Drugs don't exist after banning the production and sale
>Alcohol didn't exist after banning the production and sale

If you ban bullets people will buy fertilizer and pressure cookers in response.

Are you going to ban the material to build ammos too you dumb fuck

>machining brass is hard
>basic chemistry is hard
Hello black market ammo production cottage industry

>can't buy gunpowder anymore
>go out to shed
>piss on some hay

This guy knows what's up

>The gunpowder can go stale
lolno you fucking turkish nigger subhuman

I'm Australian, unfortunately I have to learn this stuff....

>prohibit crimes by law, problem solved
>ban drugs, ban alcohol.
>I'm a very smart eurogarbage

>Banning things stop the from existing
>Meanwhile Muslims get enough firepower to take over a city (even briefly) in the UK, the most overprotected and regulated country in what is probably the entire world

dumb nigger, water damage, this 54r from 1949 shoots just fine.

And outlawing nigger and muslim imports will solve Germany's problems. Too bad it won't ever happen.

Wheres the gun powder and whats the main cause of rounds jamming

Then it will be the time to switch to homemade rail guns and lasers. And killer microdrones.

But the US is driven by it's MIC they NEED ammunition to feed the wars they have created in the middle East.

Stopping ammo production is about as realistic as the US stopping foreign intervention.

The US doesn't have a gun problem, they have a non-white problem, blacks and Hispanics are the people CAUSING the gun deaths, not whites.

Ban non-whites, NOT guns.

>But unless you’re popping open an old rusty ammo can buried in a partially exposed creek bed, this shouldn’t normally happen.

>Wheres the gun powder
Sealed inside the brass casing. Why would you even have to ask?
>main cause of rounds jamming
(pic related)

Then why is it always white people who shoot up schools?

You don't unwrap rounds before you shoot them, there's nothing to unwrap

>OP reveals himself as an anti-white shill

There was that one gook who got a pretty good score...

Why are you so obsessed with Americans and their guns, Mohammed?

We should just ban anti gun speech and media coverage. In the same way that "shall not be infringed" is now interpreted as "shall ne infringed", "freedom of the press" should also have reasonable restrictions. Attacks on our rights are attacks on the constitution. Even when they are made by leftist politicians and the fake news.

>Why are you so obsessed with Americans and their guns, Mohammed?
jelly asf, all he can get his hands on are a "gas pistol"

As far as school shootings in particular he still holds the high score, I believe.

What the fuck are you talking about?


Mass shootings are committed proportionally to the races.

Keep in mind they account for a very small proportion of gun deaths, most deaths are caused by non-whites.

If you are referring to the most recent attack in Florida that was a Jew, if I recall correctly Jews have an increased chance of several mental illnesses.
Often Jews are confused with goyim whites, but there is no reason to lump them together.

Damn 32 kills..... impressive

This is the dumbest shit I've read all day, might as well make it a federal crime to own power tools and metal scrap.

Pistols only, too. Hell, one of them was a .22lr pistol.

So you really have to go all the way back to 2007 to cherry pick a shooter that matches your narrative?

School shootings are very rare, if you don't look back for more then a decade then you probably get a misrepresented sample.

>"It's always whites who shoot up schools"
Actually there was that one gook.... oh turns out he has the high sco....

Well aren't you a bit of a dickhead mate?



They're more than rare, of the 19 school shootings this year, only 1 was an actual school shooting. The rest were suicides, or gun discharging elsewhere.

There have only been a handfull of actual mass shootings on schools in the past decade or so, user. There's the recent on in Florida, Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech. Not a whole lot of other incidents.. Try finding them.

Then why do certain media keep going on and on about the countless mass shooting incidents and school shootings you ask? Because if 3 gang members start firing at each other in some Chicago shithole neighborhood, that's a 'mass shooting' for the statistics. Did it happen to be near a school, and did the principal dial 911 to report shots fired? BAM. School shooting.

Actually this would make gun violence go through the roof


No M8 Its not Infringed .. you can have you Shiny boomstick rifles and all stuff gun like .. no problem with that, you just can get ammo for those and Gun ownership didnt automaticly apply to ammo. Guns != Ammo.


>18) A 17-year-old student was arrested after firing a gun into the floor of a classroom of Metropolitan High School in the Bronx, N.Y., on Feb. 8.
are students bringing guns to school a fucking national tradition or what
what the fuck is this shit

That’s not how the second amendment works, faggot. It’s for protection against our government when they grow corrupt, too bad you’re busy getting acid tossed in your face to be aware of that though.

It scores you a B minimum at show and tell.

You can't trick a right. Telling people they can have guns but then making it impossible to ever use that gun is an infringement.

wait, but gunpowder isnt that hard to make? we did it once or twice in 7th grade (and no, i dont drive around on my travel scooter, im one of those beer drinking brezel eating german cunts) plus its not that complicated to make ammo yorself, even if its not that easy to get the stuff for it, mabey (amazon sells stuff for it probably and if that doesnt work than ebay) the american would probably do everything to protect there FREEDOM *motherfucking overused cheesy eagle scream*

>Bronx, N.Y

>"Yo nigga check out dis gun my uncle jawralius gave me"
>"Yo nigga does it work?"

>BAN THE AR15!!!
Then after they successfully ban the AR15 the next few school shootings will be conducted with pistols.
Then when the Muslim terror attacks become a daily occurrence and children are being run over by trucks of peace every day, they'll look the other way. It'll just be considered PART AND PARCEL of living in such a DIVERSE and VIBRANT multicultural society. Next we'll be binning our knives and banning eggs.

good idea OP i like the part where the second American civil war happens and the day of the rope ensues. do you have another story for me? I like these j

States tried this with abortions. One clinic licensed in the middle of nowhere. SCOTUS shot it down. Bitches have been trying to game fundamental rights since they existed. Nobody who actually make decisions is as retarded as you.

You know, I personally think that citizens should have access to guns and other weapons.
But seriously, you can't argue about "infringing".
I get the constitutional argument, I get it, it's a value for you burgers.
And the basis of that constitutional value is the (justified) skepticism of the governemnt.
An armed population is respected by the government and all that.
The thing is, do you really want the right for "everyone" to bear arms?
Shouldn't there be certain specifications to be met in terms of criminal record?
I know, people can manufacture guns themselves, but be honest here, a nigger won't put in that kind of effort; in fact, the avergage criminal won't.
I really would like a liberalization of guns here in Germany, but at the same time I wouldn't like everyone being able to get it.
Like, who do you think will arm themselves, the cucked portion of Germany or Abdul?
It's a difficult situation, especially once the cat is out of the bag and the culture is there.
However, I think that far less people would have to die in non-tyrannical-government-times before they grow to be tyrants if there was a bit of a regulation.
Banning certain firearms is stupid and the focus on 0,03% of gun deaths (mass-shootings) and then a fraction of that done with the AR15 exemplifies the stupidity of the left.
I think a sensible measure would be to check criminal records, and if it's something worse than a simple case of fistfighting (i.e. :murder/robbery/etc) then the individual should be checked up on by the police.

Besides constantly shouting "shall not be infringed", do you have any actual ideas?
I like guns just as much as the next user, it's sad, that guns are so hard to get here.
There has to be some sort of optimization, though, imo.
Tying to prevent mass-shootings is an absolute meme though; and were the left consistent, they would have to call themselves "populists" for trying to get to the people by inflating such infinitesimal events into an epedemic.

Outlawing fentanyl production will solve America's opioid problem
If you don't have any fent to shoot, what are your needles good for?

This includes:
- outlawing supplychains for fentanyl precursors
- homemade heroine/fent a federal crime

If you didn't know, fentanyl looses efficacy after a while. The drug can go stale after years, so Hamburgers will eventually run out and can't get new opioid.

Problem solved. Next up: Lets make all Crimes Illegal. Problem Solved.
Moon base when?

We don't live in caves you savage. In America we have dope ass garage workshops.

>The gunpowder can go stale after years and not fire properly
I have some 22yr old power I use for .45acp and it works fine.

Shall not be infringed

Outlaw dick smoking and soon millions of faggots won't die from AIDS

Idiotic thinking.
In many Countries as Poland Czechoslowakia etc. after war there was millions of peaces of ammo and weaponry, Strict Gun Law remowes 99.8% and those who was caught hiding some ..was prosecuted and flew years in jail quickly removes the problem.
Yes there still some odd gun crime. But you can get to shop and simply buy gunz & stuff and if you want to get it illegaly .. its a big chance its a police set up deal and you can end up in jail. No school shooting on records.

another topic is how in whole civilized world there is no such phenomena as school shooting, gangz with gunz and posting on social media with glocks etc. only in USA.
Week people need to resort to power when they lac confidence Gun in hand giving you +5 cm to dick ?

I think this thread exists in the crossing point of something.

>Brownies make problems with problem juice
>ban problem juice
>whitey can still make problem juice
>Wat do
>ban whitey instead

"h-how do i defend myself if muh guns are banned?"
This is the only argument they ever have. Americans are not man enough to defend themselves properly.

Ever heard of knives, batons, pepper spray, stunguns or sheer man power???

>Looks at flag
>Its always the German's
I remember the last time you guys "solved" the gun problem

This is the most pathetic attempt at interpreting the 2nd amendment lmao

>ammo != arms
What's it like being literally retarded?

>Week people need to resort to power when they lac confidence Gun in hand giving you +5 cm to dick ?
Yea, right? Cops and military don't need guns. War can be settled with penis measuring competitions, right? Home invader? Just wipe out muh dick. Good thinking, user.

>implying there aren’t plenty of people with multiple thousands of rounds stored away. It’s true that ammo can degrade in storage, but modern rounds stored away from sunlight, excessive humidity. and kept at a reasonable temp should last indefinitely. Or at least long enough to pick off a few members of whatever goons Madam Chaiman President Dr. Ebony Lopez-Garcia Wakanda sends to round up guns after the 2030 brown wave election

his was hushed by the local media. Once small blurb on page 4 after 3 pages of Drumpf!

How can they make it at home if it's illegal? It's like a gun free zone for ammo manufacture.

Lol even i have a loading station in my garage.


You don't understand how self defense works.

The people robbing you are in all likelihood more numerous and better trained then you.
If you are alone against 2 people with knifes and you got nothing but a baton, you will loose and probably die.

A gun is an equalizer, which makes it possible to defend against practically anyone who would do harm to you.

courts have already disagreed with you

Your women are being raped by Muslims right now.

>Guns != Ammo
Ammo is defined as arms. Now tell me what do we have the right to bear?

retarded nigger

Yeah... the citizens couldn't really help the Gestapo with their jobs with (((them))).

Surely you are trying to imitate a far superior Aussie?


That's all well and good but then how do women defend themselves?
Ya dickhead!

This would actually work for about 5 seconds, packing your own ammo is easy and you can make your own gunpowder with urine.

I think they're all on smoko.

Its the right to bear arms.
You can not bear an arm without ammunition, so therefore the right to bear arms has been infringed and ammunition laws are illegal.

>just ban ammo-

Confirmed for being fucking retarded.
The vast majority of people are not trained in knife-fighting, and if you're not trained, bringing a knife to a fight is the quickest way to get yourself stabbed. If both people in an altercation are trained and armed with a knife, there's a good chance both will be grievously injured.

>knives, batons, pepper spray, stunguns or sheer man power
None of these work against multiple assailants.
>or sheer man power
I guess women aren't allowed to defend themselves, then. Alright then, Ahmed, at least we know where you're coming from.

Something something shall not be infringed.

>"Man" power

kek. Is it ficki ficki time yet?

back in what ?04 or 05? (maybe even earlier)Chris Rock advocated for bullets to cost at least 5.000 dollars! FIVE THOUSAND...do you KNOW how much money that is? for a BULLET? ...what d say nigga?! just you WAIT.....imma get a bulley on lay-away, and eventually smoke that ass.

But your Government it's corrupt from the core for many years now... and I can't see how you guns can solve this.
And what you will do with this gun .. Go and shoot some politicians ?, try .. and see what Government will do to you.
This Gun Vs Government it's stupid beyond imagine.
Your Goverment made laws, this laws restricting you from many things, for example proper education, and that how you controlling population, dump F*ucers can be easily control , as they cant understand complex problems, and can get distracted in easy way by simply things.
You simply not care about other people just about your ass.

>nobody will get ammo if it's not sold commercially-

Eat a dick, Jew
Go ahead and come for our weapons.
I'm living in the Turner Diaries timeline of Post-WW2 and I LOVE IT
>pic is OC

I choose to be much more effective that you apparently. You are more of a man than me I suppose. You mad you can't have a 50 cal?

Anti 2A thread#100

Yea cause I'm just jumping at the chance to make gunpowder with piss.

The fuck is wrong with you.