14, also known as prime

14, also known as prime.

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14 isn't a prime number stupid.

prove it

is it for making babies

It can divide itself by 2 and 7, therefore it is not prime

Old hag.

I'm not convinced.


Please don't be rude to Megumin. Even she has no control over her age, and has to abide by the limitations of her mortal vessel.

Sorry user but 11 is, not 14.

Prime numbers are simply numbers which cannot be divided in other pages for example 13 is prime

14 is not a prime number cos it can be divided by itself, 1, 7, and 2. Prime Numbers are odd numbers that can only be divided by itself and 1

But 13 is prime

The prime number is 15. Anything above that is too old and anything under to young.

>Prime Numbers are odd numbers
2 is an odd number now?

Also not prime.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31. Choose.

user I think your somehow mistaken. 14 is indeed a prime number.

In anime maybe. irl, girls are best at 22 though there are some rare exceptions.

>megumin (14) gets divided into two megumins (7)

Please fuck off back to redshit.

>Megumin(145 cm) gets divided into two megumins(72.5 cm)

How do we deal with the fact that we'll never have sex with a 14 year old?


>irl, girls are best at 22 though there are some rare exceptions.
Girls are best at 11-13 regardless of dimensions.

Sup Forums - Anime & Mathematics


>kids are best at 11-13...
fixed it for you

Also 14


it's actually best to fuck a kid when they're 9

Speak for yourself


you succeeded? how???

my man

Go to Thailand
Or do this

educate yourself
oh who am i kidding

a prime number is a number that can only be multiplied to by 1 and itself

no numbers multiply to 14 you dunce


14 is still prime

Prime breeding age.

Mikan is 12

Superior (and definitely cuter) 14-year old meme girl coming through.

It depends, I would take a 16-20 Megumi, little girl from konobijutsu is at her prime at five

i wonder how tight 5 year old vagina is


prob stress toy tier

14, also known as old hag.

those eyebrows

Not even /sci/ can handle those numbers right now

14 years old


Very broad shoulders.


I was 14, we were at a party, shed fancied me for ages, we were both drunk, her parents werent home and I went back to hers

Sorry for the useless post; I'm testing something. It's for the good of humanity.

2 is a special case.


I believe in you user, you can do anything you set your mind to.

I want to tell Megumin I love her.

A very high prime number

>tfw 14 year olds illegal in every civilized nation through age of consent or some other legal fenagling
>tfw prime breeding age is outlawed because of prudes

I want to ruffle Megumin's hair until she begs for mercy

Where I live minors can marry if their parents consent and they have a purpose of forming a family e.g. girl's pregnant.
If father is adult - he's convicted with statutory rape, albeit it's a different clause in our law: "defiling minors".
So Kazuma and Megumin should be okay.
He looks 16 or something, I'm not aware of MC canon age.

Even better

Kazuma is 17, and Megumin is about to turn 15. Totally fine.

And all we have to do is crack the code.

>I was 14
>shed fancied me for ages
>I was 14

>we were at a party
>we were both drunk

i thought i was gonna be jelly of a good story but i can fucking smell that cesspool of an inbred suburb lmao nevermind

It's all in the numbers.

Not him, but you still sound jelly as fuck.

Normalfags need to return to whence they came.

I agree, but you have to learn to mask your jealousy better user.

a valiant effort, but I don't think you're ever gonna get through to him mate

age of consent in most asian countries is 13

I like you user, we are in accord.
We stand enlightened above the savages and their debauchery as the chosen few.