Heaven's Feel

Only a month and a half until the first Heaven's Feel movie. What are you looking forward to seeing the most? Where do you think part 1 will leave off of?

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I'm looking forward to part 3 being out and subbed so I can watch it because I'm not going to get catfished like I was with the Rebuild movies

Part 1 will end with Shirou and Sakura embracing in the rain.

After the credits we'll see Saber being turned into Saber Alter.


It would be great, but I think ending first movie on day 9 might ruin the pacing for the other 2. Maybe on Saber death

Read the VN faggot

Saber didn't die you fag

I'm hoping for it to end on Shirou and Sakura confession in the rain scene. It wouldn't feel right for the first movie to end before that.

A lot of people have been saying to end with the battles at the Temple and Saber's death but that would leave the whole situation between Shirou and Sakura unresolved.

Depends on how long the first movie is.

Each movie is supposed to be a little over 2 hours each.

You know what I meant you cockgobbler

Hopefully they won't fuck any Kirei moments.
That and I want Sparks Liner High OVA as a BD bonus.

Catfishing as an internet term means to lure someone into an online relationship under a false persona, though I doubt that's what he meant.


Part 2: Dark Sakura awakening
Part 3: Final battle and epilogue

Fuck off loser.

Read the VN you candle-sniffing fuck fence

Go climb a wall of dicks.

Reading first 2/3rds of HF is pure torture.

How can you still type when you have so many balls swinging in front of your face?

Pure intuition. How can you breathe with all those dongs down your throat?

Photosynthesis. How can you still see when you have semen flowing down all over you face?

I want Shirou's parents to be revealed.
This is the one thing original that I want shown as we need to see what his biological parents look like and HF is the only mention of them.


My love for fate media has given me sight beyond sight. How can you act so calmly when you're getting plowed so thoroughly?

I hope they are black.

>this is the state of the fate fanbase

Congratulations boy, now what do you want to wish for?

For ufotable not to fuck up the final Shirou vs Kirei fight.

To be the little girl.

Mods are fags.
The writing in Fate stay night is still shit.

So you want everyone involved to die?

>love for fate media
>still hasn't read the VN
Read the VN you faggot

Fuck wormslut

We know the writing is atrocious, but the setting is intresting and best girl finally gets her route animated


Fuck you shitless, tasteless pleb.

Rin sucks too


Yes, Sehai-kun. Please kill everyone before ufotable inevitably fucks it up.

Well, Taiga's okay

They are.

What the fuck is this shit?
This is Deviantart-tier bad.

He's the jojo priest.

Enrico Pussy

>Movie I
First 3 days glossed over since we already saw it in the UBW anime, but focused on Shirou and Sakura plus Shirou meeting Zouken.

Kirei tells Shirou about Kiritsugu.

Saber vs Rider, Zouken witnesses Shinji's incompetence.

True Assassin summoned, Ryuudou Temple. Shirou and Saber come upon Caster and dead Kuzuki. Caster death.

Shirou and Ilya meet. Shirou invites Ilya to his house. Ilya finally realizes that Kiritsugu is dead.

Shinji tries to force Sakura to come home.

Lancer vs True Assassin, gets rekt by both Hassan and The Shadow.

Mapo Tofu.

Vs. Zouken and Puppet Caster. First sighting of The Shadow. Zouken taking over that random chick's body.

Saber vs. True Assassin. Saber consumed by The Shadow. Rider helps Shirou escape from Zouken.

It'll have to end here.

Why didn't the characters change their clothes during the 2 weeks? They must smell bad.

Shirou projects imitations of all their clothes.

the fight is fucked up from the beginning desu
most of Shirou's fights in HF are cool because hearing his thoughts make it more intense

without Shirou's inner monologues, The Fistfight is just Kirei punching the shit out of Shirou

the concept behind the design is great, it's just the artist is fucking retarded and give him a giant fucking nose and nigga lips

The main problem is the haircut, someone edited it to have his usual hairstyle and it doesn't look as bad

I'm curious to see what ending they'll go with.

wheres rin?

> Dick Worms
> Mapo Tofu
> Yuki Kajiura soundtrack
What more can you ask for?

Same as UBW, HF True End. Sparks Liner High will be a BD special feature.

>Kajiura version of Mighty Wind

They'll go with True End. Sparks Liner High will be integrated with the battle with Saber Alter, except Saber will save Shirou by using the last of her mana to activate Avalon's healing power. Normal End will be the BD special feature.

I hope Kajiura does a cover of the Church theme. Gotta have that in the movie somewhere.

No it won't. That would take away Rider's shining moment. That fight is the only one in all three routes where Medusa manages to achieve a victory.

The Fate/Zero soundtrack is getting a stand alone release this month. It includes a third disc with some unreleased music, and live arrangements of a few songs.


Kajiura ost is what I'm looking forward the most. Specially the theme song.

>Hopefully they won't fuck any Kirei moments.
Especially the mapo tofu. You don't mess with that scene.

That would ruin the entire point of his character, the fire turned him into an empty husk.

Eimer sang it in one of her recent concerts. Apparently, it's a depressing song.

Not necessarily. Think about it. It could pan out like in Bad End 40, Femme Fatalle, where Shirou can't bring himself to kill Saber, so the plan fails, but the fight continues with Shirou using Sparks Liner High, but then Saber would save Shirou by activating Avalon. Rider would still have her moment of glory, Shirou would have a badass moment, and Saber would find redemption.

Sad thing is, the artist actually drew him proper on his own time

Holy shit, really?

>Apparently, it's a depressing song.
Not surprising given Heaven's Feel's darker tone.

That's meaningless. Heaven's Feel isn't about making Shirou look "badass". That's not at all what it's about. Altria isn't even aware that Shirou has Avalon in him in the first place.

You're putting the cart before the horse. Sparks Liner High does not take priority over anything. It's a cool fight but that's all it is. In the grand scheme of things, it's entirely unimportant.

It's not entirely his own fault anyway. I mean, in the end, Nasu and Takeuchi approved it. So if nothing else, they thought it was cool.

would look even better if

> it he had his original hair
> instead of that outfit, he'd have his original armor without the shroud and the mantle on

There's no point in having an Alter overlap that heavily with the original. Even Saber Alter has a different outfit from Saber Vanilla.

the thing that makes SLH cool is that Shirou kills himself during the act
the last part of the scene as he lays there besides Alter, having completely destroyed his mind is what makes it stand out for me from the rest of the fights.

Lemme clarify it this way. It'd be a way to pan out the fight in the movie and make the climax more exhilarating, sure, but the bigger reason to do this would be to redeem Saber in Heaven's Feel. Saber wouldn't know that Avalon's there at first, but she would notice her mana flowing into Shirou following their fight and figure it out. It'd clear up the plot hole over the lack of Avalon's presence in Heaven's Feel. Ufotable addressed Avalon in the Unlimited Blade Works anime, so why can't they bring it up in Heaven's Feel. The point of Avalon is that its healing power works so long as Saber's in proximity to provide her mana to activate it and heal Shirou's brain damage. Shirou doesn't die, but he's rendered brain dead after using that last projection. Avalon can possibly heal that though.

well, he'd still have the guns...

though I'm fine with him having his new haircut, so long as he keeps his old armor.
I really don't like his new outfit

> Shirou doesn't die, but he's rendered brain dead after using that last projection. Avalon can possibly heal that though.

Zero states that Avalon can't heal your brain, so there's that

>the whole situation between Shirou and Sakura unresolved.
Well, yeah. It doesn't really get resolved until the very end.

I'm looking forward to it hopefully coming out in a theater near me

It's not about redemption. user, I don't think you understand. There is no glory here. There is nothing beautiful. This is a cruel, ugly, painful ending and top of that, no one will ever remember it. No one will remember what transpired there.

To give Saber any semblance of salvation, even a tiny one, would make this moment meaningless. There's nothing graceful about how Saber's life ends. Shirou brings down the knife and ends her life in one fell swoop. No drama, no finesse, no final conversation. There's no redemption here. There's nothing. Because the point of this moment is that Shirou is throwing everything away, even that which he treasures, to save Sakura. He's cutting Saber off without mercy, to the point of wiping her from his memories, so that he'll have the opportunity to save the one he loves.

Giving Saber this moment may give her some form of resolution, but it would diminish Shirou's own resolve. It's meant to be a cruel, merciless, but ultimately meaningless end.

>There's no resistance. I end Saber's life with one blow.

>"----------, ---"

>There were memories. There was the warmth of life. Her warmth was always by myself.

>I kill her along with those memories. I search through my mind and throw them away to where I can't find them again. They'll never return. I'll never recall her now.

>---Such a thing will never be forgiven.

>I chose this path. I killed someone else to save Sakura. Using my own hands, I killed someone who protected me until the very end. Neither regret nor a confession will bring forgiveness. ...This is what it means to ally with someone. I'll keep sacrificing important things for the one I love.

>And on this path...
>There's nothing brilliant enough to make up for what I've lost.

Why does everyone on this poster look so off?

Any chance to hear it now?


>Saber is only 154cm tall

Are we supposed to believe that she's the strongest Servant?

Most likely after the Rider battle at the school so after Shiji loses again and get beat up or on Day 6.
Movie 1: Day 1-Day 6, Movie 2: Day 7- Day 12
Movie 3: everything else

Hopefully each movie will be 2 hour to 3 hours.

Isn't that Takeuchi's drawing?

I'm here user. Sorry, Sakura kicked the shit out of me for being a edgy cunt and losing the latest popularity poll to her.

well she is from the early 6th century

That's incorrect. Kirei had no idea about Kiritsugu using Avalon. He just thought that he could kill him by destroying the brain. There's no info that suggests that Avalon can't heal your brain.

This. Kerry states that Avalon can heal anything, including self-inflicted wounds. The only condition is that Saber must be nearby for Avalon's healing power to work.

Well, we'll just have to see how ufotable handles it.

How did it heal child Shirou? Didn't Saber already disappear by the time it was implanted in him?

There was still some remaining bit of Saber's mana left in Avalon. Kerry just used the rest to save Shirou.

I just need that Ufotable animation

If you play Fate, it's explained. Avalon has its own sort of "battery" of magical energy that can heal, but that battery gets used up quickly, and being near Saber is the only way to recharge it. If she's not nearby, you can still use the leftover energy.

Maybe this game wouldn't need so much info-dumping if everything didn't have needlessly complicated mechanics.

What are your favorite tracks from Fate OSTs?

How does Kiritsugu have an ability that allows him to instantly regenerate a demolished heart?

What if they are not?

nope, this is Takeuchi's cover art

Or maybe you should graduate from elememtary school, and use clues from the rest of the VN to conclude that mana doesnt instantly go away, it tends to fade out. Shirou was saved probably within an hour of Saber disappearing.

Avalon, dumbass.

Jeez, Rin and Rider have knee problems.