Why do progressives want to ban civilian ownership of firearms?


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because they want progress for the sake of progress.
And in their eyes intellectual humans are above violence and guns. Despite what the truth may be.

It satisfies #12 and #13 on the list.


> 12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."
> 13. "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

Progressives are r-strategists and r-strategists avoid direct conflict.

They want to turn the US into a totalitarian dictatorship

Yeah? And America is currently killing citizen lives already thanks to their hobbible police.

No one should own guns. Not even the police. Fuck, I've never seen a fucking 'gun' in my life, and I hope it stays that way. Ask me or most civilised people I know about guns and it would make them cringe.

Just another item to check off their communist manifesto.

The Marxists want the population disarmed so they can stomp down you're door in the middle of the night and transport you to the gulag.

That's because you probably live in some tiny squalid flat above a fish and chip shop

if they take away guns we can't have civil war

progressives don't progress
conservatives conserve nothing

The irony of progressives reducing fredums.

The Jews are getting real shifty cos they know people are pissed

fuck off paki poster

Hitler didn't disarm people dumbass. He actually made it easier to get guns by changing some of the laws regarding them.

>Fuck, I've never seen a fucking 'gun' in my life
You also don't have free speech and your rights are being diminished every generation.

>why do progressives want to ban civilian ownership of firearms?

they only want to do this to civilizations that they want to conquer, for obvious reasons.

Because if no one has guns then you won't have a civil war when you try to subjugate the other side.

>I've never seen a fucking 'gun' in my life
this is extremely strange to me

yes we do have free speech, are you insane? We can vote for who we want too. If I didn't have free speech, I'd be arrested for critisizing the current govornment

I can see three guns in my peripheral vision without turning my head from the monitor.

>I'd be arrested for critisizing the current government
You're arrested for criticizing government policy. How is that different from being arrested for criticizing the current government.

>Be British
>Get arrested for being mean to muslims on the internet



This has to be bait.

Because they're faggots O.P. Because they're faggots.

A people independent is a people that doesn't need a gouvernment.

Isn't it obvious? Because people get dead.

> Can go to prison for saying words
> Have free speech

You are a slave.

because they want to terrorize you

If you just spread hate instead of using rational arguments and debate, yes

Do you don't You only get arrested for defamation and and hate fueled words who promote hateand terrorism and violence

>If you just spread hate instead of using rational arguments and debate, yes
"rational arguments" are a way of controlling speech. Hence no free speech. Oceania next generation.

That's not free speech then.

Because one can't initiate a totalitarian state if the population is capable of defending itself.

When facts and statistics are considered hate speech due to pointing in politically inconvenient directions, you cannot have a rational argument or debate.

Would you not arrest people who are vocally promoting terrorism all because of ''free speech''?

Because they want a monopoly on violence.


He actually did, fucking retarded leaf.
The corollary is that nowadays everyone is the jews, not just a tiny minority of LEGAL citizens.

Fuck off nazi cunt, 1776 will commence again.

Yeah, we have libel and slander laws, but our hate speech is limited to extremely inflammable stuff like advocating lynching niggers or gassing kikes.

You guys on the other side of the pond can't even quote Churchill on islam without being arrested

My grandmother would bring you behind the shed shoot you for being a faggot if you were in my family. She's 81, 4 feet tall, and would 100% kick your ass in hand to hand combat.

God damnit... Why does our father country have to be full of such incredibly weak "men" (I'm from the US)

>Would you not arrest people who are vocally promoting terrorism all because of ''free speech''?
Nope. Promoting and committing are two different things. People are able to believe anything they want too up to the point of action.
Unfortunately you no longer have a homogeneous country, so your laws will ultimately lead to self-destruction.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


Also see:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


> Muh hate fueled words

"Hate speech" is of course defined by the government to mean anything they don't want you to criticize. For instance speaking out about the grooming and raping of young white British girls on an industrial scale across the country by Muslim men is classified as hate speech. 9 people a day are arrested in this country for saying the wrong words.


On top of that we lose more civil liberties every year. Last year the state introduced greater mass surveillance powers than even China, so that all sorts of government departments can monitor all your digital history and communications without so much as a warrant. This year they're introducing measures to force you to give up anonymity on the internet.

Government floods the country with dangerous, savage people and then institutes a police state to "protect" you from those people and prevent you from complaining it. Britain is a textbook example of why you should never give up your guns.


Because they’re commies

They want niggers to rape our women in front of us before they execute them while we watch, and let us live after a real beating so we have to live the rest of our lives as a broken person.


You forgot your donkey flag

GFY commie scum

Neither are human rights, but one is a civil right.

>civil liberty

The same reason why guns were restricted in South Africa. Or former Communist block.


I don't think Assault Weapons are a human right, I believe the right to bear arms is a right given by the constitution, my statement being backed up by the constitution and your statement being backed up by a bald androgynous brown blob of unidentifiable origin. Assault Weapon isn't even a real fucking term; I'm active duty military, we refer to our shit as firearms, or in specific cases rifles, pistols, or machine guns, not assault weapons; and it's not a real word in legal jargon either. And healthcare is a right in the United States, hospitals are legally required to treat patients regardless of their ability to pay, something that is rather regrettable because we're already footing the bill for the countless bean-eating leeches you flood into the country who don't pay taxes and work under the table.

All in all, fuck you to whoever made this image.

Well said

>given by the constitution
drumpers are THIS retarded

Because they are delusional enough to be bootlickers.

I have no idea why they would want to disarm a free populace