
Happy Labor Day/end of Summer from Orchestr/a/

Have some sweet Summer jams on us:

We've got a major need for strings of all kinds as well as flutes. If you're interested, please join us at our pad:


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So if it's end of summer, that means it's the start of autumn right?

Are you guys doing seasonal songs now? What's a fall themed song? There's touhou fall themed stuff, but do you guys do touhou songs?

Don't get your hopes up. It was just a coincidence that we finished a song with Summer in the name by the end of Summer.

Well it would be cool if you did seasonal songs.
How long does it usually take to write and record a song? Do you ever get a song out at the same time as the anime is airing?

It varies wildly from song to song. Some songs take weeks, some take years, some are sitting at the bottom of the pile collecting dust. We have managed to push out a few songs during the season it aired or immediately afterward, however.

It all comes down to what instruments we have available at the time.

We've done it a couple times, but we're usually limited by a lack of instruments.



Not that I can even play, but what are you currently lacking in?

>We've got a major need for strings of all kinds as well as flutes.

we need like 4 zitar players.

That, and we're always looking for brass players so we don't have to rely on the same two or three people for every arrangement.



>m-muh deep summer picture
Unsave that from your drive please.

KF isn't even related to the song being played.
So deep.




Fun fact, romantic summer was arranged back in july 2015.
Yes it took two years to complete this one song.



Will you guys ever take song requests?

We don't outright decline requests, but it's unlikely a request will get done unless you or someone arranges it.

How many people know how to arrange anyways? It seems that of the people who know how to play an instrument, very few of them can arrange music.

Probably 10, maybe.
You can take the easy way of transcribing the parts piece by piece and fill in the rest with music theory, which is a lot easier than proper arranging.



