Woah.... I never thought about it like this before... mind = blown, right Sup Forums?

Woah.... I never thought about it like this before... mind = blown, right Sup Forums?

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anyone who replies to this thread after me is a certified nigger


killing is nature slaughter house is immoral though they industrialized farming so the small farmer had no chance Capitalism in the 1800s made food affordable and cheap but at a cost it strangled out small farmers


vegan bro. meat is disgusting


Why do people think shitty pictures are some sort of argument?

>plant need sunlight
>slauther doesnt
really makes you think

>You can't die of heart disease if you starve to death first.
Seriously though, unless you are trying to tell me that going vegetarian/vegan will make me immortal, claiming that my eventual cause of death will be X instead of Y if I switch my diet is meaningless.

>be vegan
>expose yourself to lots of health risks
>on the flipside you are less likely to die of heart disease
>die of something else
meat BTFO

jesus... that shit is basically poison

To start with, humans get easily sick if they eat raw meat, a sign that neither their stomach nor their immune system are designed for meat. Real carnivores have stronger stomachs that also "eat" the parasites, bacteria and worms of rotting meat.
>Humans cannot digest meat well: mostly they have to cook it. Carnivores don't cook. Humans began eating meat on a large scale after the invention of cooking.
>Humans are the only primates that eat meat (any animal can eat meat in small quantities, but no primate eats meat on a regular basis).
>Humans who eat a lot of meat get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and all sorts of degenerative diseases. Carnivore animals who eat a lot of meat live healthy lives.
>When they don't abuse of meat, humans live very long lives by the standards of the animal kingdom.
>Humans need to sleep about the same amount of time as other herbivores, who sleep a lot less than carnivores.
>Human "canine" teeths are shared with horses, not with carnivores. There is no carnivore that has teeth like our canines. Horses have them. Whatever their function, it is not to eat meat.
>Humans are the only carnivore that enjoys putting "sauces" on meat. In fact, very few humans would eat meat cooked with no sauces. What sauces do is to hide the taste of meat.

>If a vegetarian diet were dangerous, half the population of India would be dead or very sick. On the other hand, in the places where the diet is mainly carnivorous, people do get sick and die by the thousands of all sorts of diseases.
>It is fairly easy for a meat-eater to become a vegetarian; it is difficult for a vegetarian to eat meat. This is a sign that the human digestive system has to be trained from childhood to digest meat, otherwise it wouldn't.
>As a world traveler, i noticed that the percentage of vegetarians among independent traveler is way higher than in any of their countries. After enough years, i started realizing that it's just natural selection at work: meat eaters are more likely to get sick when they travel, and therefore are more likely to stop traveling. All it takes is a slightly different way of cooking the meat and humans cannot digest it anymore. Over the long run, this creates a disproportional number of vegetarians among frequent travelers.
>At a personal level, i have always noticed that my friends who eat meat are afflicted with weak health, get easily injured and are more likely to get a flue. Needless to say, they would claim that this has nothing to do with meat, and that they would be sicker and weaker if they stopped eating it.

>There are both meat-only eaters and vegetarians on this planet. The former (the Eskimos) are rapidly disappearing, and had never been a vast population. The latter are tens of millions (in South India). The only recent scientific study of life expectancy for Eskimos ("Life expectancy in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada, 1989 to 2003" Health Reports 2003) showed that they lived about ten years less than the average in Canada; but, of course, this could be due simply to the fact that their lifestyle was so primitive in many other ways. On the other hand, life expectancy in southern India is actually higher than the national average, with Kerala topping the list, but then, again, southern India tends to perform better than northern India in many social indicators, not just life expectancy. So the real relationship is not between diet and life expectancy, but, with all due respect, between diet and intelligence: the vegetarians of south India have created better living conditions, whereas Eskimos have created worse living conditions. I am aware of Nobel Prize winners, nuclear scientists and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs from south India, none from Eskimo tribes.
>Last but not least, most humans are disgusted by dead animals. If you see a dead cat or dog or raccoon in the street, brains and entrails splattered all over the asphalt, you are more likely to vomit than to salivate the way a real carnivore would.

>le soy is bad for you meme

Carnie cuck detected. Vegan of 25+ years checking in btw, body building for 5. Feels good man.

do you have that same shade of green your leader has?

enjoy your hemolytic anemia

fuck you, you degenerate nigger.

Post body with timestamp, fucking pathetic soy-boy faggot.

I wish my mind got blown, i can't even get my dick sucked ffs

Yes very natural

diet cokes, well done t-bone stakes and ketchup. fuck you.

Literally what.


Nope, not gay. Carnie cucks are just obsessed with meat, aren't they guys?

Oh no the discord vegans are here again launching raids to promote their cult with bait threads.
Go back and take your discord commie shills and lgbt/pol/ cultists with you

But greenhouses look like this

Sage and report for off topic.

We got where we are today. Eating meat gives energy orders of magnitude above that of plant because of this our distant ancestors could spend less time eating and more time doing stuff that would actually advance us it also allows us to support out dispropotionallty powerful brains. You can never become a dominant species as a herbivore.

Lol I knew you wouldn't, because like all vegans that aren't on anabolic steroids you are a weak, effeminate, pale and doughy nu-male.

Not at all off topic desu. We can't have an un-fit white nation (and we won't!).

Sure thing Cletus, kek.

Exactly the greenhouse op shows isnt suitable for anything but small memefoods

>only primates that eat meat
Welcome to falsehoods. Chimpanzies literally tear apart other monkies and eat them alive.

And it's full of flowers rather than food.

But to be fair: you could also slaughter a pig in there.

Those are all packed up so tight with no breating room....
This is plant cruelty!

people should cut down their meat intake. i personally have. i could never give up having a burger or a nice steak on occasions though

Not just other monkeys, even other chimpanzees.

It's really brutal to see, but such is nature.

And in your tumor ridden brain this means what exactly? Lmao.

Please let this be a 4'9 skinny asian woman. This is the only acceptable reason.

Eh.. I'll take my 50% chance at heart disease forming over a higher chance of mental illness.
They have mechanical hearts, they don't have mechanical brains

Carnie cuck's sound logic and analysis is second only to literally mentally retarded people. Kek.

>When you're too poisoned to open your poison.

Plants are being slaughtered...they can feel you just cant hear them scream....for life to exist on this planet other life must suffer and die. Why is this so hard to understand. You have no moral high ground for being veggie you are just dumb

>Plants are being slaughtered...they can feel you just cant hear them scream...

Carnie cucks, ladies and gentleman.

FUCK you’re a fuckin loser my man

You are an omnivore you stupid little shit.
You need meat, and veggies, both.
Otherwise you are unhealthy.
You are not a herbivore. Learn science instead of looking at random buildings as though that's any kind of rational point.

Plants don't have nervous systems to register pain.

>you are an omnivore
>expect like other omnivores
>who eat their meat raw

You can eat it raw. It's just that we are not adapted to that. We could be. But cooking it helps to alleviate problems so that's what we do.

>you are an omnivore
>except when it comes to eating meat
>because omnivores eat their meat raw
>unlike you
>because you are an omnivore
>a very special omnivore
>infact the only omnivore to not eat meat raw
Jesus carnie cuck, can you just end your life?

>guys we wuz lions n' shit but like without the teeth, claws or ability to digest what we're eating

In awe of this level of retardation.

Eskimos eat all their meat raw.
And you can eat meat raw too.
We cook it though in our culture to help eliminate any bacteria ( due to all the packaging we do and so forth ). And it helps to make the meat more tender so it's easier to chew.
However your front teeth are sharp enough to tear into raw meat.
And some cultures eat a lot of it.
This is the second time I've had to respond to your stupidity. Let's see if you post the same tripe a third time due to non existent reading comprehension.

Pussy hides behind undies and dresses, yet we still eat that tasty treat!

Aesthetics is science now?

Eskimos Suffer from Atherosclerosis

Claims that Eskimos were free of heart (artery) disease are untrue. A thorough review of the evidence concludes that "Eskimos have a similar prevalence of CAD (coronary artery disease) as non-Eskimo populations, they have excessive mortality due to cerebrovascular strokes, their overall mortality is twice as high as that of non-Eskimo populations, and their life expectancy is approximately 10 years shorter than the Danish population."

Mummified remains of Eskimos dating back 2,000 years have shown extensive hardening of the arteries throughout their brains, hearts and limbs; as a direct consequence of following a carnivorous diet of birds, caribou, seals, walrus, polar bears, whales, and fish. The June 1987 issue of National Geographic magazine carried an article about two Eskimo women, one in her twenties and the other in her forties, frozen for five centuries in a tomb of ice. When discovered and medically examined they both showed signs of severe osteoporosis and also suffered extensive atherosclerosis, "probably the result of a heavy diet of whale and seal blubber."

any other /poor brit/ here who just smells weed when he sees a picture of a greenhouse?

because pigs don't feed on sunlight, you slide-thread-making jew pig

Eskimos Suffer from Severe Bone Loss

Their low-calcium diet and lack of sunshine (vitamin D) are only minor factors contributing to the extensive osteoporosis found in recent and ancient Eskimos. Alaskan Eskimos older than age 40 have been found to have a 10% to 15% greater deficit in bone mineral density compared to Caucasians in the US. This research published in 1974 on 107 elderly people concluded, "Aging bone loss, which occurs in many populations, has an earlier onset and greater intensity in the Eskimos. Nutritional factors of high protein, high nitrogen, high phosphorus, and low calcium intakes maybe implicated."

Protein, and especially animal protein, consumed in excess of our needs places serious burdens on the body. The liver and kidneys work hard to process the excess protein and excrete its byproducts along with the urine. As a result of this extra work, Eskimos have been reported to have an enlarged liver while living on meat, and to produce larger than average volumes of urine in order to excrete the byproducts of protein metabolism. The bones also play a role in managing excess animal protein (acidic by nature) by neutralizing large amounts of dietary acids. In this process bone structure and bone mineral content are lost through the kidney system, depleting the bones into a condition called osteoporosis.

Eskimos Are Infected with Parasites

Diseases of animals are readily transmitted to humans when eaten. One example is trichinosis (an infection with the roundworm Trichinella spiralis), which is found in about 12% of older Eskimos; a result of eating raw and infected walrus, seal, and polar bear meat. In most cases this parasite infestation causes no symptoms, but illness and death can result.

It means that primates naturally eat meat you dumb cunt.
If we were herbivores our appendix would still work, we wouldn't have canines and we would be able to digest cellulose

Why do we have sharp incisors?

Yes! This is because they don't eat veggies.
Do you think you can grow them in the Arctic dipshit?
However, do you think a herbivore can eat meat at all? They'll get sick. Very. And quickly.
However we do not, because we are omnivores.
We get great nutritional value from it.
And you? Are a fucking moron.

>It means that primates naturally eat meat you dumb cunt.
>tfw the carnie cuck is literally too stupid to understand his own logical fallacies so there's no chance he'll understand actual logic

Feels bad man.

Eskimos lack vitamin D they live in an unnatural environment which day are not evolved to which they are not accustomed to. They have to eat raw meat and organs because they cannot produce vitamin D through the Sun as efficiently

There ain’t nothing edible in that “greenhuose”, bucko. Have you seen a real factory farm? Do you know what petrochemical nitrates and pesticides runoff does to rivers and streams?

Do you know that if corn could scream yuo’d be able to hear Iowa from your back yard?

while i dont agree with the industrial meat complex, thats just a result of meat companies meeting demand at the cost of ethics, but its not like they gave a shit about the animals they kill

This is completely false


>vegan bodybuilding
gtfo faggot

>body building for 5.
post stats

Yes meeting the cost for spics niggers and white trash who have to buy $1 99 pound of ground beef sludge

Respectable people buy from a local farmer or seek out the Amish

10/10 straw man good work guys, this is impressive.

What ? I just slay my pigs in my garden and then we have a party

>zero arguments

You can't die of heart disease if you die of malnutrition first

I see no edible foods in that greenhouse. Just flowers. Actual farms use pesticides to keep their engineered food desirable.
Moreover, a vast amount of food discarded at farms are actually edible, they just look bad.
Also, people were made to eat meat considering we have the fucking teeth for it.

Because veggies have no decency.

No you've run out of arguments and it's not impressive. You'r severe lack of intellect is showing.

How's your estrogen levels, Carl?

>slay my pigs in my garden and then we have a party

Is this carnie cuck slang for having dudes run a train on your wife?

>severe lack of intellect

Tips fedora.

You mean my 13% higher T levels I'm assuming?


Eating animals is for losers and superstitious weaklings who imagine they can get power from dead animals.

Real men are vegan. youtu.be/bMQ1rzz9t5w

No we have our teeth structured the way we do because of speech and nothing else

The canine teeth meme. Raw meat is actually very tender and you don't need huge teeth.

>Tips fedora.
That's your response? LMFAO
You need to fuck off soyboy liberal.
You've lost the argument. And badly.

>Real men are vegan

Woah... entire foodchain BTFO

>You've lost the argument. And badly.
>tfw carnie cucks are by definition losers
>tfw I won by default

Your argument was...? Lmao.

Extermination camps looked neat too

Neither do fish, cephalopods, or arthropods, why aren't you eating those?

Well, first of all industrial greenhouse doesn't look like that

>me is a certified nigger

They're sentient. Next.

> Your argument was...? Lmao.
Oh it's several posts up.
There ya go. As I said already you obviously have zero reading comprehension.
And as I said and will say once again you are an omnivore.
Otherwise you would get zero nutritional value from meat. But you do.
Herbivores simply can not digest it. Period.
This is science. Not about your precious fewings.


It's like $10 anemia in a bottle

It's actually more natural than monofarming hectares of the same plant. Educate yourself.

>food is poison
>eats meat that has been pumped full of steroids estrogen and growth hormone
the american """""intellectual""""" ladies and gentlemen

>vegan talk
Oh come on, it's way passed 2009.
Some people really stick to fads though

You can eat sand too and be perfectly fine for a very long period of time, just because you're consuming it and shitting it out doesn't mean it's bioavailability is comparable to actual food (plants).

>My rabbi told me Yahwe wants me to kill the animals

That retard probably doesn't even know where salmonella comes from, and why thoroughly cooking chicken and eggs is a must today, when it wasn't always that way.

>comparing someones fucking garden to a food production environment.
vegetables are grown in warehouses too faggot
Does this look natural to you?
no. It doesnt. If you are going to make dumb ass threads at least make real arguments instead of "muh eden" "proof".

Sand gives no nutritional value to you.
Meat does.