We need guns to defend ourselves from the gove-

We need guns to defend ourselves from the gove-

>*NUCLEAR BOMB EXPLODES on your house*

well, conservashits?

Other urls found in this thread:


gun toting americans unironically thing a tyrannical government wouldn't go this far and the army would side with them etc. Delusional idiots.

When the People can no loner control its Government, the People need a new form of government.


If they nuke their own country and destroy their own infrastructure will all that destruction really be worth it for them? No. They'll have nothing left to rule over.

then maybe you should start trying to ban nuclear weapons?

it's not the 18th century anymore, burger

if the army were to fight the population they're supposed to protect, they'd still win

you know who we will rule.

What the ever living fuck would you know about what the American Army would or would not do? I mean, besides beating the fucking German Army into the dust.


Yes, you're right. But consider the means by which we may arrive at revolution have increased with the times as well. All it would really take is redpilling everyone about everything.

>American Government would nuke it's own people

>Hello, sir? Could you please hand over the contraband?


a government prepared to use nuclear weapons on it's own citizens should be in it's entirety lined up to a wall and scorched with flamethrowers

also, dumping.



Tell that to Vietnam and the taliban

Spain, let's get real here for a second... The elites won't plough their own fields, that's what we're here for, at least according to them. No one in their right mind is going to nuke their slaves only to starve in a bunker later on.

If shit ever goes down, it's going to be martial law with some seriously brainwashed soldiers out there on the streets trying to arrest or shoot dead anyone that's against the status quo. And good luck with that, because they wouldn't be on their home turf and guerilla warfare actually works, see Nam.

Your argument is basically "well the army has better weaponry than you do", which really isn't the fucking case, at least in Murrca', which is why you needed to exaggerate your point by bringing in nukes. No one's nuking shit.

Can nuclear weapons search the remaining houses?

>All it would really take is redpilling everyone about everything
that's a little too difficult. and how do you know the army wouldn't take the civilian's side?

the army will take its own side. not the government's and not the people's. that is what happens when nations collapse, eg., yugoslavia, bosnian serbian war, etc.


Did shill. I’ll have my guns until I die. No government is going to glass it’s own populace. We all know this shut the fuck up with this weak bait.

if the gov nukes its own people its already lost

This. You cannot sweep a house with bombs, tanks, helicopters or airplanes. Nor can you place these on every street corner to quell any uprising.

You got to have boots on the ground to do this, and they're going to be outnumbers 100 to 1.

OP just doesn't suck dicks, he is also an award winning brainlet.

THE GOVERNAMENT WOULDN'T KILL THEIR POPULATION. It would enslave by force, henche it would be armed military men vs armed citizens trying to fight back the tyranny.

Yeah the govt is going to nuke its own citizens... Yeah right.

Now Israel might do something along those lines, but it still has nothing to do w the right to bear arms. We have guns not only to protect us in a worst case scenario from the tyranny of governmental overreach or aggression, but to protect us from nuggers like you. It's a matter of personal protection against anything you don't like- sorry you can't have them in your faggot country.

Millions of people all around the world use Sup Forums every month. More on other social media sites. It's very easy to redpill people now, that's why (((they))) are working so hard to promote their own propaganda outlets, like the Alt-Right and ANTIFA. All it really takes is simple effort. The military would take the civilian side, because the military is made from the People. All you need do is remove the things separating the People. In America they create a division by race, you'd need to overcome things like that to be successful. Lastly you'd have to tel the truth and create good propaganda. The Enemy lies and is weak because you can expose them, so do not lie. Then all the People will listen.

Only a handful of daring revolutionaries is required for such a thing.

You retards legitimately belong in mental institutions.

i jej'd

it makes it way more difficult, but it's far from impossible, they'd still win. if the government were to cross the line of attacking its own population, and assuming the army would take their side, (which is improbable as fuck, but whatever) they would probably go full tyrannical

>muh my main argument is a very specific situation that is extremely unlikely to happen

Exactly. These faggots are so fuckkng gay.

Thought of dropping the same thing

Worry about your own shitty country José

>durr i present a very specific situation, but you can't assume any other specific scenario. only mine is valid durr

The IRA model of resistance is effective against stronger forces like the Northwest front is planning

Also they won't be doing so much booming when they can't pay anyone to be their army anymore


Reminder that 13 year old Vietnamese potato farmers with plastic pistols were able to force the ENTIRE United States Armed Forces to retreat and forfeit a war.



I don't understand your point. Americans should give up their guns because if the army doesn't desert in the case of a revolution (which is unlikely) then the government has a chance of winning?

>Government nukes their own public
>Thus not only losing ALL support from the populace but actually KILLING ALL OF THEIR POPULATION
Meaning they no longer have any money, any power, and are despised by the entire world as a tyrannical terrorist government.
Wow real good fucking plan you el goblina mongrel.


big shaq pls go

Slide thread. Fuck off, commie.
Sageworthy faggotism.

Pict related, Sage thread.

The left likes to use a lot of hypotheticals, but this one is perhaps the least thought out. The second a government uses armaments like bombs against their own people, they've lost. The people will never accept their rule again. The military would split and kill the government loyalists (the lefties). Who's going to pay taxes after a stunt like that? People would storm every government building and lynch every official that hadn't fled the county. You guys in Spain are ruled by EU bureaucrats that you didn't vote for and can't remove without armed conflict or tax starvation, so I can see why this seems like such a plausible thing to you.

>become an armed violent militia, goys!
This is the (((leader))) of the Northwest Front. You see? The Enemy deceives you because his strategy relies on deception. You can defeat his tactic by exposing his cheap sleight-of-post! And when you expose him, call him what he is, what will he say? If he denies his kikery it's clearly damage control and if he says nothing then admission. This is how you defeat the Zionist.

Fantasizing over your Sampson option again?

>We have a warrant for this property sir, we wi-

>*NUKEWLER™ MCBOMB™ EXPLODES on your federal building*

well, statists?

The point is that a scenario in which the population had to defend themselves with the guns and win thanks to them is extremely unlikely to happen

op message was mainly a meme.

this is my point

As insurgencies have proven. $25 IED's can take out tanks, a small pack of tools can take down an entire cities power grid, drones can be used as makeshift airforce and surveillance and a metal bar can destroy an armoured wheel if you hit it in the right spot.


We are talking about the US, not about Syria or Mexico, if i were you i would be more worried about Catalonia.

>unironically thing a tyrannical government wouldn't go this far
Its "THINK" you ignorant nigger
and it's not even "think", it's "most likely", and the pentagon knows, see pic related a red team strategist


We need to ban guns now

>why doesn't the government just win the guerrilla war by bombing them?

>muah typos
kill yourself.

You don't nuke your own cities and/or population b/c you need them.

>muh extreeeeeme gubmint will KILL civilians fallacy

LOL you fucking liberal numbskulls really believe this? No wonder you're such statist cucks.

Fuck off.

>a scenario in which the population had to defend themselves with the guns
You might not be able to see the situation now, but you can't guarantee that it won't happen in the future. An armed population is the last resort to stopping tyranny. Even Karl Marx said so.
>and win
It would be VERY easy for an armed population to win in the case of a civil war. At least if we're talking about the USA.

We can imagine many scenarios in which the government attacks its own population. All of them are very unlikely to happen, and in many of them guns wouldn't make a difference. Also, you people are also assuming that it isn't a civil war scenario in which armed civilians support different sides

You’re fucking stupid
You can’t control your people through destroying them you fucking moron because then you’re just king of nothing

This is absolutely retardthinking

Read the archives

Israel's plan is to do exactly that though. Should Israel be overrun by an enemy nation or nations, the Samson option is intended to nuke every hostile country aswell as themselves.

I agree, 200 whole years of psyops and indoctrination does not give room to any kind of revolt in US.

But in the hypothetical extreme case, there would be a huge doubt about the actions to take by their corrupted power elite. "Do we bomb our citizens and follow the demographic control schemes, or we keep them as the useful slaves they are?"

>call someone a Jew
>if they respond it’s a lie
>if they don’t its proof

You’re actually retarded aren’t you?
Jewish posts are easy to see but you definitely can’t find them by calling everyone a jew

So israel’s greatest defense is a suicide bomb? How unironically lame

If the US Air Force was ordered to bomb a US city, they would more than likely not agree.
If people did it anyways, their families and the neighboring cities would cry murder and spawn more revolt

Why didn't they use that shit on Cliven Bundy?

You have no 1st Amendment rights unless you take up your 2nd Amendment responsibilities.

>*NUCLEAR BOMB EXPLODES on your house*
I'm sure the government would be happy over that pyrrhic victory.

fucking progressive piece of shit, and the worst part is that I am born in the same country as you, Spanish scum

this, same goes for the retards saying
>hurrrrr der goberment gone drone u amerifats what yer gunz do to those??
Legitimate retards

My seatbelts won't save me if an asteroid hits my car, so I better have them removed - a retarded child could be strangled by them.

Do not even reply to troll threads.
Report them.

Anyways the use of nuclear bombs gives way too much international attention. And using them on your own population makes things even worse.
Guns still do have a role, even a spiked club does.

For sure, every army is patriotic to the pith and wouldn't agree on that.
But what about a "fuck everything up" protocol from the pentagon? Or "haarp the shit out of yellowstone"?


I can't, but it's extremely unlikely. I don't think it's a strong argument

>It would be VERY easy for an armed population to win in the case of a civil war. At least if we're talking about the USA.

The guns might not make a huge difference. A lot of scenarios could happen

for example
>most of the army could join the civilians side not needing the guns to win
>some civilians could support the government's side

Doesn't matter then OP, it's all speculation and dealing with "what ifs". Does the gun culture of America bother you btw.? Because it really shouldn't, it doesn't affect you in the slightest, you're in Spain.

Food for thought: the Japanese had a pretty clever saying about Americans back during WWII, "there's more guns in America than blades of grass". Since then the number of firearms has grown quite a bit you know... The leftist talking heads like to imagine this scenario where all of a sudden every gun in the US disappears overnight, but that's not going to happen. Ever. Too late for that.

But they see a problem (gun violence) and they want to fix it, so they keep pushing for more and more legislation. Problem is, said legislation only really affects the gun owners that are normal, fully functioning human beings who happen to like collecting and sometimes shooting their firearms, not the criminals or the clinically insane idiots planning to "do damage".

So people get pissed off and rightly so. You bake yourself a standard cake, next day someone comes and demands a slice ("it's only right, I don't have a cake after all"), this keeps happening over and over again, by the end of it you're left with crumbs only while the dark underbelly of the baking industry keeps pushing beautiful, artisan cakes to whoever pays most.

"It's going to stop the senseless killing though" - no, it won't. The Anarchist Cookbook came out how many years ago? I was a kid when I first read that, since then there's been plenty of other similar "guides" published on the Internet. I didn't do shit with it, but plenty of other people would should they choose to. It all comes down to morals, but any idiot can make a bomb with fucking fertiliser and what have you, that's scarier than some edgy shitlord with a 9mm, at least to me.

You want my honest opinion? America doesn't have a gun problem nowadays, it has a mental health problem.

forgot to add armed civilians*

the nuclear bombs part was mainly a meme

My favorite companion piece to that.

this is incorrect on multiple levels.
1) people will not follow orders to fire upon innocent civilians.
2) if members of police or military did follow these orders they have disavowed by action their allegiance to the constitution and the bill of rights within it and would be fighting against 320 something million people.
3) if members of police or military have sunken that low in conscience, or the surrounding society finds it acceptable to use coercion to take away arms of innocent peoples then that society is severely decayed and won't last much longer anyway beyond infighting.

Well if the army joins the civilians and the balance changes drastically (tanks, está todo inventado..) that would be indeed a likely scenario of a nation bombing their population. Not in their name but in islam's or russia's of course. Or maybe NK, and every pseudocommunist nations which are designed to be that guarantee.

>civil war for some reason (probably because tried to ban guns)
>government decides to carpet bomb it's own cities.
>international community deebly concerned, sanctions imposed, some countries probably unofficially or officially start aiding rebels
>government pops off a nuke
>international community forms coalition to liberate the people.
GG no re.

It's absolutely fucking moronic to give away your guns, the thing that protects a citizens individual liberty, based off the fact that you personally think it's unlikely to happen.

>millions of people use Sup Forums


To me it isn't that of a meme sadly.
Nukes are one of many coercion tools US has over their citizens, the most weird to happen but an option (if not the extreme option) to consider.


The exact number is 6 gorillion.


If you nuke your own kingdom, you're left with no kingdom to rule. I know you're not OP, but once again, no one's nuking shit.

stay mad fag

>Spaniard talking about American policy

>Bomb the people you rely on as a government
If it worked that way we would have been nuked LONG ago.

>You can't change the government of your country, it's been 250 years! Duh.
Shiiiiiiii, pack it up, Sup Forums, let the jews win.

American policies on a nutshell: corporations and banks. Fin.

Not only that, he doesn't know his own fucking history; both the fascist-socialists and marxist-socialists fucked themselves over with the civillians during the Spanish civil war

Hey a Spaniard with "Rey" in his ID


>Does the gun culture of America bother you btw
Not really, I just don't understand their love for guns.

It won't end gun violence, but restrictions would certainly help. Where did that kid get that gun in the first place? how could he get it? what would have happened with more restrictions?

not an argument