Wouldnt it make sense that Adam and Eve were Black?

I mean laying around naked in lands of jungles and exotic animals could only have been in Africa- not in cold with cave bears and lions. You would die if you went naked in the caucus mountains, likewise whites would get sunburnt if they went naked anywhere else. Also this coincides wuth the out of Africa theory so its got the bases covered

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they were the first common human ancestors so yes, it would, because they would look like chimps.


Africa was not the cradle, merely the womb.

From Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich :
"I saw the curse pronounced by Noah upon Ham moving toward the latter like a black cloud and obscuring him. His skin lost its whiteness, he grew darker. His sin was the sin of sacrilege, the sin of one who would forcibly enter the Ark of the Covenant. I saw a most corrupt race descend from Ham and sink deeper and deeper in darkness. I see that the black, idolatrous, stupid nations are the descendants of Ham. Their color is due, not to the rays of the sun, but to the dark source whence those degraded races sprang."

>yfw niggers are literally cursed

No because Adam and Eve were the first humans

the garden of eden was in heaven itself, where ever god kicked them out to would have been somewhere in the levant

Would make sense,i mean,Adam leaves Eve a single mom and Cain kills Abel for chicken wings

Explain that

Depends on when you think modern humans formed. The earliest hominids walking out of africa would've been dark, but they aren't considered humans. If 'humanity' then evolved after that they're likely to be more like semetic people and less like sub-saharan africans, who are themselves dark due to evolving to be that way and not because humans all started that way.

Whats the context for this?

Blacks are the beasts of the field; they have not been given souls nor conscience (the breath of life).

They are literal subhumans.

it means Australopithecus lived in Africa, but anything of human significance evolved outside of Africa.
also this

It wasn’t that either, kike. If you are white then you never had black ancestors.

so they stole form a neighbors tree, were also high and imagine talking snakes.

they then got deported back into their shithole?

blacks were created before adam & eve, the same day all the other animals were created by god

What did he meant by this?
also CHKD


kek confirms

I’m honestly starting to buy into this theory.

Of course. Truth is truth.

why would the have nigger hair though
whites turn dark brown when in the sun for a long time

No, the book of Genesis is a poorly written historical record of the first tribes of mankind. Adam and Eve is a metaphor for the first mutated humanoid ape that had a weaker jaw, allowing for a bigger brain-pan and a higher intelligence. The fruit of knowledge is becoming self-aware. Before that, our ancestors were all incapable of making moral decisions because they were not self-aware. The snake represents that little voice in your head, powered by your limbic system, that lures you into short term gains over long term consequences. That's really what original sin is, your lizard brain telling you "you need food", meaning that if you're hungry enough, you'll steal it despite knowing it is immoral. That's what the concept of Satan really is, the temptation to put short term pleasure over long term suffering. That's why delayment of gratification is such a fundamental part of being successful. When you are not self-aware, you don't know suffering. That's fundamentally what I believe "being thrown from paradise" is about and why people nowadays say life would be better without technology, living as primitives with no wants.

These stories and archetypes are fundamentally about concentrating a boatload of high density information into a few sentence structures in order to use less intelligent people as a transference mechanism of this information.

Probably, would explain why that nigga stole the apple.

Well you missed the point because the fruit they took wasn't about food or any short term gain.

>The fruit of knowledge is becoming self-aware.

Yeah, that's what I said.

He's talking about of book of lies being self aware and continuing to lie by leaving out information as well.

The snake didn't lure eve with promises of 'you're really hungry right now, eat the thing you were told not to eat because you're so hungry' you moron.

This is not political. Sage and report for off topic.

I don't think you're talking to the right person then, because you aren't addressing anything I said.

>Arrival of Beaker folk changed Britain for ever, ancient DNA study shows
>At least 90% of the ancestry of Britons was replaced by a wave of migrants, who arrived about 4,500 years ago, say researchers


What I wrote is right there, if you want me to clarify anything you can just ask. Pretending you have magical mind-reading powers is not an argument, hell it's not even useful.

The inhumanity of blacks is always relevant.

It clarifies any interaction with or observation of them.

Not everybody can tan though. Some people just burn, and peel, rinse and repeat no matter how much sun they get.

8th day creation theory is a fun thing to bring up at any Sunday school class.

Blacks fucked it up for everyone? Sounds about right

the first hominids were like chimps, dark fur over pink skin

no need for dark skin if u have fur

Blacks do not have naturally occurring European DNA from their ancestry. They are an offshoot of a shared ancestor. They are like lions to syberian tigers, related but genetically distinct and able to interbreed. The difference in this case is most noticeably intelligence, propensity for violence, impulse control, skull shape and skin color.

Pic very related.

the out of africa theory isn't true, anyway

Wish it had been brought up to me as a child! Would have saved a lot of time.

It would make sense that the entire story is just a metaphor for how humans are above other animals and are able to understand right from wrong. Therefore we are able to be judged for our actions.

I'm atheist and I see the purpose for the adam and eve story.

It also proves women have been manipulative subversive cunts since the dawn of time and you should really second guess everything they try to get you to do.

Only passive cuckolds believe in Christianity. Christianity will be the reason Islam takes over the world because Christians are passive faggots now who won’t even defend their own countries. All religions are retarded but the most cucked religion is Christianity

> Kids invented murder
Sounds right


If its your fucking story why did fucking white people come up with it you fucking useless nigger?

Satan fools not only fools but smart people too. Repent or die.

I like to think that it shows that women made men self-conscious and then everyone knew they were naked and could be hurt. That's part of what the knowledge of good and evil is, knowing that you can be hurt and thus knowing how you can hurt others.

>"...thats when, contrary to the advice of the chosen people's god, Shanice ate the mango and felt ashamed of her floppy booty"

Religion rules politics.

The fertile crescent, the cradle of civilization and the scientific location for the Garden of Eden are all in modern day Iran. Since the average Persian and Babylonian was found to be white it is most likely that Adam and Eve were most likely white.

adam and eve were white. digits confirm.

So cheddar man got btfo and gen8cided

Niggers were the invention of the intercourse of Jews with animals. That's why God had to tell Moses to prohibit bestialism

More fucking idiots taking adam and eve as literal people.
You're hopeless. You have information at your fingertips and you're still following the lies. Shameful.

Color is irrelevant but it make sense that the devil tempted Eve; woman, even since the beginning of time, have been generally dumb and easier to manipulate. And Adam, acting like an emasculated man, let's his woman take the lead and follows her. Obvious instant regret ensues.

If a wiggly evil serpent were to approach a man and ask him to do something he was specifically ask by his Creator not to do, the man would say, "no, you look evil, I don't trust you and I was asked not to do that." But with a little kung fu word trickery the woman is convinced into eating the forbidden fruit. And man, not because he was tricked by words but because he's a sucker for pussy, follows his woman right off the cliff.

>the first lesson of the Bible

We should have more of these Sunday school discussions.

because blacks are the people Cain mixed with.

Adam and Eve is a story of how Asians became civilized. Asian creation story.

Somewhere in India or a random place in Asia some savages were forced to grow their own food.

Cain killed his brother and was cast off. He went west to Africa where he mixed with Khosians, Natufians, and the blacks. This gave rise to DE y-dna haplogroup negroes who spread all throughout Africa (like Bantu and Berbers) and then ended up inJapan via island hopping.

the fruit of knowledge of good and evil;
have you ever considered how fucked up adam and eve might have been before they ate the fruit, was adam fucking or even torturing animals, could all the fucked up animals, diseases, parasites, etc. be things adam and the big guy came up with for lulz. how many of his own kids did he sleep with. does one's "knowledge" let one consider the snake might have been the good guy bringing about morals to end or at least reduce a reign of terror?

Adam and eve didnt exist, retard

Noah was a descendant from Able, after the flood the line of Cain died off.

Adam = atom
Eve = Light emanating from the atom. The dawning of creation. The name Eva means mother which is derived from Eve. EVEning - The end of the light.
The sun/light is the phallus
The moon/darkness is the chalice
The tree is the tree of knowledge.
The fruit is the the knowledge..
The hidden knowledge that was taken and hoarded from us by the select few that now use it for their advantages.
The serpent is the kundalini... the rising through the chakras.
Hell is the base chakra
Heaven is the crown chakra
7 chakras. "7th heaven"
The 4th chakra is the solar chakra. In the chest. The source of life. The sun. The father. The number 4. The foundation.
Keep believing kike fairy tales, goyim. You serve by doing nothing. Just sit and serve and wait for some skydaddy to take you to paradise. You advance in nothing and will eventually become literal nothing.

>“Cain said to the LORD, ‘My punishment is more than I can bear. Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.’”
Cain was terrified of niggers.

Worldwide vs localized flood debate needs a thread.

The Bible tells me it's true and so it is user. That's all I can give you to the truth behind the bases of if it is true.

Yes, because it was made up by Jews, so of course they'd be black.

adam & eve story originate in the middle east

This. Black people are the missing link.

Adam and eve dont exist

An olive would take much longer than a few weeks to grow. If that part is a metaphor than why can't we examine the various uses of the word translated into world, earth and land and whether that would be a metaphor?

The genesis accounts originated in Sumerian literature. Sumerian word "E-den" refers to the Eurasian steppe to the east.

Whites came later from the angels that's why they are melanin deficient unless they've mixed with humans.

I legitimately don't have the answers you're looking for. Theologians have studied the Bible for centuries and we still have yet to know exactly what it means. I'm not trying to say everything in the Bible is literal as a lot of it is metaphorical however one man alone cannot decipher what it means. I don't reject anything that is written because of the pure fact I am not smart enough to understand everything that is written.

OP if you believed this, wouldn't that make EVERYONE black? This is the start of Man and Woman, Right? Then we would all be Black.

And if so, wouldn't the names be: Taniquishalala and Suquuuahnsqasssua?

Just asking?

ding ding

OP modern humans go back over 300,000 years

some have proof of modern humans (fossilized remains of bones, footprints, etc) that go back over 300 MILLION years

assuming whites evolved from blacks is way off in the fucking weeds

He was a descendant of Seth.

yes,and they would be ethiopian looking.

Is Satan the good guy for giving humans free will?