Adolf Hitler's First Letter (1919) about Jewry

September 16, 1919

Dear Herr Gemlich ,

If the threat with which Jewry faces our people has given rise to undeniable hostility on the part of a large section of our people, the cause of this hostility must be sought in the clear recognition that Jewry as such is deliberately or unwittingly having a pernicious effect on our nation, but mostly in personal intercourse, in the poor impression the Jew makes as an individual. As a result, antisemitism far too readily assumes a purely emotional character. But this is not the correct response. Antisemitism as a political movement may not and cannot be molded by emotional factors but only by recognition of the facts. Now the facts are these:

To begin with, the Jews are unquestionably a race, not a religious community. The Jew himself never describes himself as a Jewish German, a Jewish Pole or a Jewish American, but always as a German, Polish or American Jew. Jews have never adopted more than the language of the foreign nations in whose midst they live. A German who is forced to make use of the French language in France, Italian in Italy, Chinese in China does not thereby become a Frenchman, Italian, or Chinaman, nor can we call a Jew who happens to live amongst us and who is therefore forced to use the German language, a German. Neither does the Mosaic faith, however great its importance for the preservation of that race, be the sole criterion for deciding who is a Jew and who is not. There is hardly a race in the world whose members all belong to a single religion.

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Through inbreeding for thousands of years, often in very small circles, the Jew has been able to preserve his race and his racial characteristics much more successfully than most of the numerous people among whom he has lived. As a result there lives amongst us a non-German, alien race, unwilling and indeed unable to shed its racial characteristics, its particular feelings, thoughts and ambitions and nevertheless enjoying the same political rights as we ourselves do. And since even the Jew's feelings are limited to the purely material realm, his thoughts and ambitions are bound to be so even more strongly. Their dance around the golden calf becomes a ruthless struggle for all the possessions that we feel deep down are not the highest and not the only ones worth striving for on this earth.

The value of an individual is no longer determined by his character or by the significance of his achievements for the community, but solely by the size of his fortune, his wealth.

The greatness of a nation is no longer measured by the sum of its moral and spiritual resources, but only by the wealth of its material possessions.

All this results in that mental attitude and that quest for money and the power to protect it which allow the Jew to become so unscrupulous in his choice of means, so merciless in their use of his own ends. In autocratic states he cringes before the 'majesty' of the princes and misuses their favors to become a leech on their people.

In democracies he vies for the favor of the masses, cringes before 'the majesty of the people', but only recognizes the majesty of money.

He saps the prince's character with Byzantine flattery; national pride and the strength of the nation with ridicule and shameless seduction to vice. His method of battle is that public opinion which is never expressed in the press but which is nonetheless manages and falsified by it. His power is the power of the money, which multiplies in his hands effortlessly and endlessly through interest, and with which he imposes a yoke upon the nation that is the more pernicious in that its glitter disguises its ultimately tragic consequences. Everything that makes the people strive for higher goals, be it religion, socialism, or democracy, is to the Jew merely a means to an end, the way to satisfy his greed and thirst for power.

The results of his works is racial tuberculosis of the nation.

And this has the following consequences: purely emotional antisemitism finds its final expression in the form of pogroms. Rational antisemitism, by contrast, must lead to a systematic and legal struggle against, and eradication of, the privileges the Jews enjoy over the other foreigners living among us (Alien Laws). Its final objective, however, must be the total removal of all Jews from our midst. Both objectives can only be achieved by a government of national strength and not one of national impotence.

The German Republic owes its birth not the united national will of our people, but to the underhand exploitation of a series of circumstances that, taken together, express themselves in a deep, universal dissatisfaction. These circumstances, however, arose independently of the political structure and are at work even today. Indeed, more so than ever before. Hence, a large part of our people recognizes that changing the structure of the state cannot in itself improve our position, but that this can only be achieved by the rebirth of the nation's moral and spiritual forces./3

And this rebirth cannot be prepared by the leadership of an irresponsibly majority influence by party dogmas or by the internationalist catch-phrases and slogans of an irresponsible press, but only by determined acts on the part of nationally minded leadership with an inner sense of responsibility.

This very fact serves to deprive the Republic of the inner support of the spiritual forces any nation needs very badly. Hence the present leaders of the nation are forced to seek support from those who alone have benefited and continue to benefit from changing the form of the German state, and who for that very reason become the driving force of the Revolution -- the Jews. Disregarding the Jewish threat, which is undoubtedly recognized even by today's leaders (as various statement from prominent personalities reveal), these men are forced to accept Jewish favors to their private advantage and to repay these favors. And the repayment does not merely involve satisfying every possible Jewish demand, but above all preventing the struggle of the betrayed people against its defrauders, by sabotaging the antisemitic movement.

Yours truly,
Adolf Hitler



>The value of an individual is no longer determined by his character or by the significance of his achievements for the community, but solely by the size of his fortune, his wealth.

>The greatness of a nation is no longer measured by the sum of its moral and spiritual resources, but only by the wealth of its material possessions.

What a fine fucking mess we find ourselves in.

What's the story of Karl Mayr? Why did he die in a concentration camp?

Its amazing that we have all this evidence as early as 1919 of Hitler intending the "removal of all Jews from our midst" but there are still people 99 years later claiming the holocaust never happened and Hitler was a good boy who dindunuffin

Sounds pretty anti-schlomotic to me

How the fuck did any of that imply the holocaust? It instead implied removal of them.

>removal of jews means there were gas chambers and nazis playing soccer with jew babies

We’ve found our patsy...

how about this: nazi germany was an organic homeless rebellion. under severe economic and social conditions that pushed native germans into extreme poverty, the jews become more affluent and comprised the majority of the population in vienna, berlin, and other major cities.

adolf was, like many germans, homeless. there was a huge homeless epidemic much like there is today in the US. the national socialist movement was a massive homeless uprising!

hitler was from austria, vienna was a jewish city filled with elitist, affluent jews that looked down on the goy
hitler was impoverished and homeless and felt like a foreigner in his own land who experienced direct snobbery from the elite jews. hitler saw himself and his compatriots oppressed under foreign rule

hitler/germans were enslaved by a foreign elite society in his homeland

now the jews escape to the west, and instead of learning from their errors of greed and snobbery, they continue to parasite and exploit the goyim in america, australia, canada, UK..... this time they implement harsh policies to replace the demographics and remove the threat of another White uprising against the parasitical elite.
Instead of leaving their sociopathic ways behind, they continue with greater greed and destruction. Now the whole genocide of whites makes sense. They want to continue to steal the wealth of the goy, but with no consequences as they experienced in the past- so they replace the able whites with disabled browns to prevent anyone from interrupting their pillaging spree.

>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)

>Joseph Goebbels

>Rudolf Hess

That's a pretty interesting letter

>he was invited to write about a crises in england in an english newspaper
>says that he doesn't want to offend the brits with an outsider perspective
>hope that they review what the did in the last 12 years
>says that it would be great if they would get rid of the "war psychology"
>hope that german and english people can work in the future and solve problems together

Although much of that is true, I don't think Hitler had any significant experiences of "direct" contact with the Jews until well into his political career.

His much-loved family doctor was Jewish, I believe the man he sold his early artwork to was Jewish (name escapes me), his commanding sergeant in WW1 was Jewish, and so on.

It is true that he hated Jews from at least 1919 when he blamed Germany's capitulation on Jewish communists, but before then there is little evidence of anti-Semitism being expressed. In fact, during his homeless years (in which he did read anti-Semitic literature admittedly) he seemed to hate the Slavs more than anyone, considering how many were flooding into Vienna.

>so they replace the able whites with disabled browns to prevent anyone from interrupting their pillaging spree.

The reason why this makes no sense at all is that practically every nation which is not white hate Jews even more than white nations do.

Hitler was a massive Britboo.

There's evidence to suggest he was aware of Hess's flight, even. At the very least his frustration with Churchill's bombing campaign on civilian populations influenced Hess's decision to sperg out.

Hitler is the anti-Semitic version of WE WUZ KANGS. It's pathetic.

play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>every nation which is not white hate Jews even more than white nations do.
this is based entirely on recent holocaust sympathy and ignores the centuries-long grudges held by the jews
it also misses that ethnically divided countries accomplish little to nothing of political value, as they spend all their time squabbling

>Capitulating Frenchman continues to capitulate to foreign invaders


well shit

did the frogs ever get over ww2?

It at least makes absolutely no sense for jews to encourage islamic immigration to the west.

The entire muslim world refuses to recognize the existence of Israel, and they nearly all want it literally wiped off the map. The presence of islamic diaspora in countries like Sweden and France has influenced the decisions of those countries to recognize Palestine. It is completely self defeating.

Its also very well known that Asians and blacks have little tolerance or sympathy for Jews.

So why would they want to replace a population over whom they can still milk the guilt card for another century or so, with another population hostile to themselves?

There are certainly people with an anti white agenda, some or many of whom are Jews, but they should not be conflated with 'the jews' as a whole. It would be like saying all whites are liberals because some whites are liberals.

The twist is that the French don't really care about what happened in WW2. Anglos can spout their le hilarious surrender maymays as much as they like but at the end of the day, while the rest of Europe including England ended up in ruins, France came out of the war in pretty good shape, having avoided any long, destructive campaigns on its soil. Nearly every other major population center in Europe was irreparably damaged whereas Paris looked the same in 1945 as it did 6 years earlier.

We played our cards well

this globalism and forced immigration, its all part of a ISIS/ISIL/Terrorist islamic motive.
we thank the brave Yiddish Jihadists who enabled victory for Islam
Muslims are eternally indebted to the Yids for handing western civilization over to Muslims and defeating the eternal goy
Without a sword, without a bullet, without an army the Yids exterminated the enemy and empowered their Islamic brethren to pillage and extinguish the infidel.

Yeah ok I'm sure Muslims will just let Israel exist as a way of saying thank you

what the fuck hitler got redpilled before Sup Forums. consider me shocked.

>being this deluded

kek you fucking cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Are you a building?

You frogs are demonstrably the jews of Europe. Cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Islamic hatred of jews is another bad meme
First, look at what they're doing to Islam in Europe, they're liberalizing and feminizing it and many of the Arabs are too stupid to stop it - they came for handouts, not jihad. They're the weakest and most degenerate cowards of their people.
Second, look at all they've accomplished against the jews. Look at ISIS. Jack shit. The Saudis are entirely in league with Israel at this point. Only Iran represents any sort of serious anti-jewish sentiment in the Middle East.

Whites won't disappear completely. They'll just turn the country into a godawful cesspool like Brazil, rife with corruption and crime and incapable of pursuing any higher purpose. Blacks and Asians when westernized are utterly indifferent to the jews. They will happily fight each other and whites.

If the Russians and England acted the same way as you there wouldn't even be a France anymore.

Hi Nigel, thanks for all your blood, sweat and tears. We ended up winning the war and we didn't even have to do any of the fighting, we just got you to do it for us. Sorry if it cost you your empire and all that, but don't worry, you belong to the superior French EU empire now.

>implying you are ever leaving

dont forget the rollercoasters into the ovens

Also, Europe is demilitarized as hell, and it only gets worse with passing time. The Muslims didn't run away from combat to serve, and the liberal bleeding hearts constantly spout excuses about how they don't need militaries or nukes and the like. They're not going to pose any threat to Israel. The Muslims have already shown themselves incompetent when it comes to preparing a military themselves, even when united, and they're normally too busy infighting for that.

There will be no European Caliphate to drive them out as some final "fuck you" to the parasites.

>We played our cards well

Hitler basically said to the French: Either surrender or I'm resuming military action! (this is after the blitzkrieg on the border of Belgium/France). Hitler didn't destroy France because you didn't resist. If Stalin didn't resists, Hitler would've never destroyed Stalingrad. Ofc it wasn't for Stalin or the Americans, France would be still Deutsche Reich... which would've been fine by me. That country would've been much better in Hitler's hand rather than the shit hole it is now.

Hess wen't to Britain to negotiate. Hitler wanted to know what will Britain and U.S. do in case he gets into a war with the Soviet Union


Still shilling here? How many shekels are you paid per day?

>We ended up winning the war and we didn't even have to do any of the fighting, we just got you to do it for us.
You mean the french or (((your people)))? Your statement is much more accurate if you meant the latter.

How did he get woke to (((them)))

It is true. We must recognize them as they see themselves, and as they are.

explain jews shilling for refugees

Maybe read Mein Kampf and you'll find out dumb burger

yea let's ignore all the plans he had the just relocate them that got cucked by the allies and ironically other jews.

It's like we live in a Jewish nightmare. Irs no wonder jews don't want anything to change. This hell is basically paradise for them.

Not if they train the browns to hate whitey in basic education and college

Wew turns out Hitler was right.
