Do you really believe that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work?

Do you really believe that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work?

Please tell me that you're not that delusional.

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He was being sarcastic

Andrew Carnegie


the majority of millionaires are first-generation

slide thread, do not respond past this point

Only way to be rich in the 21st century is through blue or white collar crimes

No, I expect the government to provide everything for them
t. libshit

>just hard work
you have to not be smart too
which the average american is not

Yea, who do you think plays the Lottery?

Oprah Winfrey is pretty much exactly what proves that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work. Only she's a billionaire.
Also, all fields.

The problem with Americans is they all see themselves as millionaires who are temporarily poor.

if not the average poor person, then at what level could an American become a millionaire, obviously yes if you had literally nothing you most likely couldn't but how much exactly would one need to have the chance at success?


>Do you really believe that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work?
If you can provide a service for enough people at the right price anything is possible. Stop blaming other people for your deficiencies.

Oprah's backstory is a complete fabrication.

Yes, and there is plenty of proof to support that belief.

It's not because of hard work, but smart work. Leave blowers work very hard probably , but they will never get rich..

2 years ago I was smocking crack in empty buildings and hanging out with other crackheads. I had absolutely nothing and lived from day to day..

Nowadays I'm completely clean and I run my own online business.. I'm not a millionaire (yet) however I have now around 30K in savings and it's growing.

so what is her real story ?

Poor american? If they are high jn conscientiousness and intelligence, and gratification delay.

I'm 30 and 1/2 there, so i have a decent chance of hitting it by 40.

White collar is lesser sentences, but you almost always get caught. It's just how long.

Blue collar crimes comes with high risk, high reward if done right and a chance to escape. Chance of death,prison,robbed etc.

Blue collar takes guts, you legit gotta have no empathy, be a sociopath or psychopath.
Drug dealing you could survive but you'd have to be a mid-level dealer max. Even then it's a huge risk, the product you sell reflects the customers.

Xanax was insane profit you could make a 2mg bar for under 10 cents and sell for $1.50 per bar in bulk online. Issue is your product is highly dangerous in the fact it's the very people you sell to who get you caught.

It's all risky, weed is very smelly and a high high chance of getting caught. Xanax attracts horrible people and good people, but a lot of people don't know how to use it then get caught and rat.

Selling heroin and cocaine is for someone with 0 empathy, you can't make a living selling cocaine to the kiddos who wanna party. You legit gotta have people baited into your product watching them die as you laugh to the bank. Cocaine and heroin users always eat aswell.

So drug dealing I'd say under 5% make it out. Any moron selling drugs online for bitcoin is gonna have a pain in the ass trying to transfer out all that money without raising flags. Also bitcoin is traceable but they won't bust low level buyers.

You could rob houses but good chance you get shot

Everything has a huge risk.

You're confined into the class you're born into unless you're the 1% where life gives you everything

also there is a jewish catchphrase (and jew insider joke)

Sam bought apples from the farmer for 10 cent each.. He sold them on the local market for 25 cent each .

A year later he got rich! He inherited 2 million from his dad..

Colbert would have never made it without the support of a jew. Really makes you think.

>pull yourself up by bootstraps
>clean up, get hired
>work minimum wage for a year
>demoralized by lackluster pay
>late sometimes, miss a day or two
>no promotion
these capitalists think that working hard can make millions, so stupid amirite lol

how is that a problem? it seems like a great mindset

You need roughly a million dollars to retire anyways. If you can't reach a million dollars, enjoy the work force.

I'm a former heroin addict and your story is complete nonsense..

A millionaire, probably not.

But the average poor American can work their way to middle class if they tried and from there their children could become millionaires.

However most people are, I don't want to say lazy, but apathetic in a way, and it does take lots of hard work to work up but it's not impossible it's just not fun.

But no if you shit out kids by the dozen and work a crappy job without ever developing skills and looking for new jobs you will never not be poor.

>Do you really believe that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work?
It has literally happened thousands upon thousands of times. Some of these people have become icons in American history.

Fucking Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were dope smoking rejects who made computers in the garage at Steve's mom's house. You don't get any lower.

Not with your attitude, user.

It is. Miserable liberal shitbags can’t stand things like ambition.

>Miserable liberal shitbags can’t stand things like ambition.
THIS. They prefer commie welfare states.

Yes, but it takes several decades of making yourself useful and serving others in a meaningful way. There’s a reason older people have more money, it’s because they’ve had a longer period of time to work and aggregate wealth.

80% of millionaires are self made

How to not be poor in 3 easy steps
1)finish high school
2) find a job
3) don't have kids until you're married

This, you dont need more data

best friends

whats your online business?

>Smug, liberal, closet case faggot spits on hardworking, ambitious Americans
Nothing new here. Gee, Steve, we can't all suck dicks to make it in Hollywood.

I agree with 3, but 1 and 2 aren’t as straightforward and applicable as they used to be. If we were living prior to the 80s then all 3 of those would be solid advice, but globalization and mass immigration have made it so you almost always need a degree for a job that pays a wage that’s livable, and entry level jobs don’t offer as many opportunities for promotion without having a degree.

>the average poor American


Average people typically don't do spectacular things over long periods of time. However an outlier who is gregarious, smart, dedicated, driven, energetic, industrious, innovative, creative, hard working, tough (and perhaps a bit ruthless when need be) probably can.

These are not "average " people though. A criminal with only half of the above qualities probably can become a millionaire a lot easier though, provided they don't wind up in jail for a very long time.

The key to success in capitalism is two fold 1.) Most people are retarded and or lazy so don't be that. 2.) Very few people become wealthy on their own, it requires a long string of human interaction and transaction, from building relationships, to hiring employees and contractors to selling goods and services.

If you can't deal with people, you aren't gonna make it - as it is people who decide with their money who to make millionaires. Aside from a few exceptional and criminal cases a self-made millionaire came to be by providing services for thousands of people.

There is saying that if there are 1000 people who are a fan of something you do well, you can make a living at it - whatever it is. 1000 times that amount of people and you can be rich.

>went to grad school for chemistry
>drug discovery for 30 years
>wifey and I have 8 million net worth

I started work with 1,000 in my checking account.

You have to pledge your soul to Satan and sacrifice babies on a regular basis and enslave the surviving children to lives of utter ignorance and servitude.
Or you can become a Democrat and do it all by proxy

>Do you really believe that the average poor American can become a millionaire through hard work?

Thousands of people have done that. Can the average person? Probably not, but you don't need to be a millionaire baller to be relatively successful and comfortable. Why frame the discussion as "everyone has to be a millionaire or we're all poor", fucking kill yourself redditor.

That's fantastic. My dad was poor growing up and he bacame upper-middle class pulling in 200k a year by being the best goddamn general contractor in the neighborhood.
To do that it required intelligence, physical strength and resilience, and most of all an entrepreneurial spirit and the belief that one does not belong to the poor class because of birth.

People like OP's quote is an old style aristocrat who believes that the poor will forever be poor, as unfortunate consequence of their poor parentage and economic immobility. I spit on Steven Colbert and all who think like him.

What about Homer Simpson, who worked very very hard in that one episode and it was all taken from him

whats the joke? You can only inherent your wealth? I disagree, it's about filing a void, theirs always something there that can be done better or increase and expand on however we are just at a bad point. Too many missed opportunities in a saturated market.

The reality is, if everyone was rich then there would just be another level that someone would obtain to separate the rich from the even richer. Our society is classed based and mean't to be that way, that is how we build things like pyramids which show that. There will always be a hierarchy difference being is if you want to reach low enough to get the things you need in order to climb.

the problem with redditors is they copypaste other peoples "clever" one liners but never form an original thought in their entire lives.

Shouldn't of used heroin everyday now should you.

I've played with opiates and I've kept them as rare treats every few months,been doing it for 10 years now.

If you used opiates everyday you're a ducking Moron unless you needed them for an injury.

Also nah, anyone selling heroin is a piece of shit and just because you're the lucky one to escape doesn't mean the story is bullshit

“Hard work” is a uselessly vague descriptor.

you can absolutely do it if you work hard and stay under the radar subjectively related to the type of work you do. People who have too much exposure ergo artists and intellectuals etc cant make it if they have ideals they wont cuck for. Plumbing however has no such obstacle the obstacle in plumbing is that your a fucking plumber. If you enjoy it though youll make more money then I ever will. Especially more money than dick sucking OP


if the average person were a millionaire then being a millionaire would be average...

You'd be amazed how far you can get in life by just not being a lazy bitch.

Yes, but you need to own a successful business, create something new of great value, or play corporate politics to make it to executive level.

I run an online webshop where I sell new release music vinyl records. A lot of music from upcoming artists (that are not represented by any major record label)

And I do everything according to the book. No bootleg business, no shady things. I pay my taxes and are officially registered at the chamber of commerce etc..

some releases are sold out within 24 hours. It can go fast as the singers or bands tend to have a hardcore fan base..

They had prior knowledge from some where. They also got lucky when the economy was ripe,new and innovative.

They weren't low at all, I don't know where the fuxk they went to school but they made a choice to work in the garage, they weren't forced there

Have you goys tried the Hebrew Free Loan Society?

Own a plumbing business and have other plumbers working for you. Connect with contractors and large construction firms. To get new building work.

Actually yes. But you have to work your whole life for it, make hard choices, forgo work-life balance, swallow your pride. Most people would rather have a happy working class life, having children, drinking beer, than be a millionaire.

Only for chemistry? Not gonna elaborate more? Not every chemist gets in that position.

You make it seem like you came from the streets, you were a richer middle class person who went to college and had to eat peanut butter and jellies.

Big woop, job market is gonna be saturated due to all the people with the same mindset and parents forcing kids into college. Less jobs

Income is highly correlated with IQ. The average American is sub-100 IQ.
So no, the average American isn’t going to ascend to the upper class. They’re going to ride the median. Which still ain’t that bad, considering the median household income in the US is nearly double the 1% threshold for highest income earners on the planet.

Quit bitching and enjoy the trickle down, richfags.

There are institutions that loan money with out interest. Instead they negotiate a fixed amount of extra you pay back with the principle. So Muslims and others can avoid Usury.

Yes, that’s how all millionaires become rich. I wouldn’t expect someone on welfare/working for minimum wage to understand that though

Average people can't, because they're fucking retards. But better people can, and it isn't very hard.

You absolutely can be a millionaire. It's all about the choices you make. Most people accidentally have a kid or fail to earn the credentials that would make them valuable in the marketplace or otherwise make poor decisions. People who become millionaires simply make good decisions, invest in themselves, and find ways to be more productive than others by identifying value and pursuing it.

any more interesting info? what genres you work with? i'm tired of indie being dominated by smug soyboys
t. musician

why would an average person deserve to be a millionaire?

Literally anyone can become a millionaire by 28/30 if they get their shit together at 16 and save+reinvest as much as they can while getting by on readily available scholarships/discounts that litter life. You don't even have to get lucky, just don't go to jail/have kids/get super expensive illness you're not prepared for.

I can't be too precise sorry don't want to get doxxed or anything like that..

Let's say it's mainly black music (except for hiphop or rap which I hate) think about more serious music like soul, blues, gospel , jazz african repressings, latin, reggae etc etc


>he isn't earning $71k a year as a OTR trucker, living rent-free with grandparents, for 11 years, while owning a portfolio that was created 31 years before he was born, created by great-grandpa and living with 3 other siblings/cousins, saving/pooling/investing with them too
t.semi-retiring at age 33

Because a strawman is all the left has at this point. Sad!!

is this another one of those wealth surveys where they don't list anyone who's smart enough to hide their wealth?
because it sure looks like another one of those wealth surveys where they don't list anyone who's smart enough to hide their wealth.

I was born in a trailer park. Busted my ass in highschool through AP classes and ROTC. Served for 5 in the Army and 1 year at a private security consultancy; saved and invested my money wisely.

I work part time at a tree farm and I do a seasonal haunted house in the Fall. Attend college and am almost a year and a half away from my masters.

Have a 2br townhome with my wife and 1 son and she is expecting again. :D
She works at a vineyard.

Have a supervisory job at the horticultural research farm in my city lined up and have networks with all of the local coop owners, a few politicians, DA, local Army depot and with most of the police force.

Hoping to make my million by 40.

Also, just your daioy reminder that the holocaust is a hoax and hitoer did nothing wrong, ever.

Wealth is largely relative. The "average" person is not capable of elevating himself to the top .1% regardless of circumstances. It is the exceptional and the lucky who are able to elevate themselves from poverty to the heights of power and wealth - more so in America than in any country at any time in history.

>otr trucker

You should be a railroad conductor/engineer. 70to120k a year, awesome medical coverage, and driving a train is easier. Just sucks when shit breaks or you have retarded set out and pick up work.

sounds like you had a lot of fun in life... *not

I traveled the world, lived in 5 different countries, fucked women of all shapes sizes and colors and used copious amounts of dope..

Ended up completely broke, but had fun.. Now I quit with all the dope and woman other garbage etc and are making money .

It is though. There really aren't any insurmountable barriers or obstacles to making money in America.

The rich having advantages doesn't change that.

if you are black, gay, handicapped or trans you have the barrier of institutional racism..which is very hard to break down..

Millionaires are overrated. Nothing like living innawoods with your family, your dogs, your crops and your guns.

lol keep telling yourself that kid
>t. 21 years old and own 230k in securities

Not as an employee, no.

Thanks education system

Well better stop being mentally ill or a nigger, because those don't succeed in any country.

I don't care if they do- it's not my problem.

>if you are black, gay, handicapped or trans you have the barrier of institutional racism..which is very hard to break down..

>institutional racism

That's just your excuse for being incompetent.

My dad grew up in the middle of the middle class, worked all through college to pay for it, and is a millionaire after 30 years of hard work. He’s not a genius or workaholic, he’s just an above average iq guy who’s put in 60 hours of work every week for decades. It’s not that hard in this country it really isn’t

Blacks, gays, cripples, and trans do have barriers and obstacles, but they are all internal.

The average US mutt can't even tie his own shoes, let alone become a millionaire.

The average poor American can't become a millionaire through hard work. So what?

That use to be America. Temporarily poor. Now adays half of the nation wants the government to supply them a life of luxury

Becoming a millionaire is so easy in the USA. I’m about to hit a million net worth and I’m not even 40. I don’t even make that much. Wife and I have both low end white collar jobs.

Here’s how: Stay out of debt. Live WAY below means. Turn off the glassjew. Buy used cars and live very close to work. Do not eat out. Find happiness in simple things. Stoic mindset.

I’ve done this over past four years and have over a half million in liquid assets. Don’t listen to the BS you can’t live the American dream meme.

If you live in California, being black and/or gay are literally *advantages* in sectors like tech and biotech. Any handicaps are personal problems (eg, genetic predisposition toward having low IQ).

Yes millions of people do this for retirement. You work, save a percentage of your income into your 401k and other investments, and by retirement age you should have several million. This is easy due to the compound interest

The fact that people can’t figure this out blows my mind.

I can’t imagine being like you, so intellectually inferior that even some niggers can figure it out. You have reached levels of low IQ previously not thought possible. Congrats.

what an idiot... and for what ? you can't take your money with you in your grave

This faggot get it.

Also I noticed those numbers, friend.

b, but American Dream! ;D

>They had prior knowledge from some where.
Jobs was an art school drop out. Wozniak was a hobbyist who taught himself by purchasing and building electronics kits in his garage.

You are literally an idiot. You're also a failure.

Yes, by working hard to understand economics and financial markets, you can become relatively wealthy. Of course, lefties just want gibs and will die due to natural selection eventually.

That fact is mainly lambasted because this country made it a sole selling point that anyone can achieve what they desire as long as they work hard. People don't like being lied to and put into a society where if you are born into a poor household working your ass 60hr a week will just get you a small bit of stability. God forbid you attempt to acquire an education for any in demand jobs.

I do believe that the average poor American is capable of becoming a millionaire through hard work. I believe it wholeheartedly.

I do, however, believe that it is not possible for all. Hard work is integral, without question, but there are many people out there who, despite an indefatigable work ethic, intelligence, gumption, etc. will not be able to for reasons beyond their control. That is simply the way of the world.

Americans have this weird survivorship bias when it comes to the fabled 'American Dream.' It's possible for anyone in any class, but not possible for everyone for a number of other factors.

Apparently you don't need any data seeing how he didn't post any form of source, just made a baseless claim.

Niggers do it all the time. NFL, NBA, etc