
Star Trek isn't real, George.

Is molesting students allowed in Star Fleet, George?



>In make believe land things happened just like I wanted to
Send this fuck back to Manzanar for a fresher course on why people need guns to defend themselves from the gov.

Star Fleet didn't allow faggots to sodomize each other in class either. The Vulcans pointed out that this was plainly logical. The Klingons gang-assraped Sulu anyway, just for the lulz.

Posting this mandatory clip of his jerking a dude off on howard stern. At some point we should spam a link to this in the comments on all of his social media.

>When you have to rely on science FICTION to counter arguments

Reminder that Klingons are /ourguys/

I reeally like the Orvelle and was pleased with Ed "Mass Murder" Mercer for whole sale slaughter. His command has killed three crews, destroyed two ships and captured one. Can we hope for Genocidal Monster, Ender Scale.

What's wrong with Americans

>Star Fleet

Starfleet is one word. Also officers carried phasers everywhere because they were equipped with a stun setting.

Needing science fiction to address a political situation because you'rd that disconnected to the real world

Oh shit quick burn the constitution!

>resorting to movies and television
The political left is politics for the brainlets.

and in hogwarts literally everyone was armed

The klingons are the master race in star trek, indisputable.

Thank god we have sodomite child molestor actors to tell us the correct political positions to take.

GMO burgers

Same with lolbertarians needing Ayn Rand novels to make their autism work.

>no one is allowed to bring phasers into class
>kid brings phaser into class anyway

I wish I could be so delusional as to mix up reality and fantasy.

klingons are subhuman brutes who can't control themselves

The argument is next level retarded. Starfleet is involved in eternal war with at least 6-10 races at a time. Violence is routinely the answer even if they claim it isn’t. The Federation is aggressively expansionist and provokes war for political and military gain. Takei is a turbo fag.

please don't carry phasers



t. nonce

I guess the left forgot that he was touching children how quick their memory fades

you were on a tv show, you just had to say something and it existed

trying to create an imaginary world in a state of near utopia and compare it to the real world

In hogwarts teachers were armed.

So we're taking advice from a guy who molests people now?

Are they missing the point that murder is already illegal, and yet the killers are still doing it.

Dizzy paedo twat.

He's just an apologist for starfleet.

Hey, aren't we great, we don't let kids have phasers.

Meanwhile... he just whitewashes the whole culture of sexual harassment fleet-wide.

If you're a woman and you want to work in starfleet, you have to wear a mini skirt, go-go boots, and subject yourself to the constant sexual advances of every male member of the crew, the captain included.

Halflife 3 confirmed

>This one fictional series proves gun control works, so why can't American give up their guns?!
>Also pay no attention to the other fictional series where everyone is armed.

>Some fictional character did something
>So you should hand in your guns and let the US become Mexico and globalism is good.

Oh, my. Introducing penile material into your anus is illogical, Mr. Sulu.

Reminder that star fleet is fascist

pretty sure starfleet academy had an armory.
I know every constitution class had one. Galaxy class as well, and those had children on board. Infants. Newborns. Schools too. Taught by starfleet members. Therefore armed and trained teachers.

George does not even know dicks are made to go in vaginas, and not poopchutes. So his argument is invalid.

Klingons are niggers so not really a good example...also Takei is a butt fucker so not a good example.