This is Adolf Eichmann.One day he was abducted from his home in Argentina and murdered by Jewish lunatics...

This is Adolf Eichmann.One day he was abducted from his home in Argentina and murdered by Jewish lunatics. The world did not stop this atrocity from taking place and to this day Israel has not suffered any consequences for it. Why?

He admitted to everything. You gonna claim he was tortured too? Lol

they were told quietly but firmly not to pull that type of stunt again or suffer the consequences
( Martin Bormann : Nazi in Exile by Paul Manning )

This poor white man was coming back home from work and was abducted. Justify this.

He killed alot of jews, even admitted it himself

So? He had every legal right to be left alone in Argentina yet he was abducted and killed in some foreign country. You cannot justify this.

This is Osama Bin Laden. One day he was murdered in his home in Pakistan by American lunatics. The world did not stop this atrocity from taking place and to this day America has not suffered any consequences for it. Why?

They have a military ribbon for a terrorist organization which murdered and mutilated British soldiers.


He was living there illegally. If the Pakistani gov knew where he was, he wouldve been extradited to the US.
Eichmann had every right to be left alone and Argentina demanded his return.

>The world did not stop this atrocity from taking place

Thats because the intelligence agencies let 9/11 happen in order to justify Irsael's war against the "Axis of Evil"

Lol you’re saying it would be justitied if USA droned him down if he was living in Afghanistan? USA tried droning him multiple times even before 911

they sneaked into sovereign soil illegally, with the help of local jewish intelligentsia

as a payback, the other nazis sent to kill Penjerek's (one of the snitches of the anti-eichmann conspiracy) daughter

in pic related you can read
>Young student found dead in Lavallol this May 29th
>another victim of a racial-motivated attack?

>implying he's dead

Eyyy proof? Nah, burial at sea!

>they sneaked into sovereign soil illegally
see this is what i'm talking about! apparently some mouthbreathers ITT don't understand the concepts of sovereignty and the rule of law. If it was up to them everyone is liable for abductions because their feefees got hurt

lol fuck israel
even jews know when to shut the fuck up,
they do it quickly

He moved to Argentina using false papers, and was a wanted war criminal who was hunted down and brought to justice by the people he tried to exterminate. During his trial he did not deny any of the accusations made against but rather attempted to use the excuse that he was "just following orders".

put me on a plane to fucking israel right now

they will fucking pay

kinda looks like bing crosby

i didnt know, when did this happen?
ongania was known to be a philosemite, he let the jews in and operate freely (like they had been doing post 1945)
as for Germans doing this it is very unlikely. Ongania had full control and would have massacred all of them in an instant, they knew they had to lay low

Argentina was a Nazi safe haven. You do not have the right to abduct people from said safe haven. Even if he did something wrong, two wrongs do not make a right.

Argentina tried to do something about it by running to the UN and claiming that their national sovereignty was violated by having the Israelis capture one of their citizens in their own country, Israel admitted it, and both Argentina and Israel agreed to drop the case and it was decided that the way in which he was brought to trail had no bearing on the actual legality of his trial.

So yeah, people tried to stop this from happening and then they all collectively agreed to just let him stand trial.

What are you so upset about, again?

Eichmann entered Argentina under a false name and false papers, that's also illegal. Why aren't you bitching about that?

it happened in the 1961-1962, during Frondizi's presidency

Eichmann was well known in the local nazi social circle as one of the highest ranking ones (if we take Adolf out of the equation).

Mossad was behind his ass since he sailed out Germany and came here like other 12K- 15K germans affiliated to the NSDAP, wanting to avoid the consequences of the allied massacre, you know, having their children raped by soviet soldiers and their wives taken away by americans.

He got snitched out by Penjerek, a jew from Buenos Aires Province.

Eichmann was very appreciated among the community, so both his friends and nazi associates took revenge on the jew's daughter

Afghanistan was an Al-Qaeda safe haven. The USA did not have the right to invade said safe haven. Even if Al Qaeda did something wrong, two wrongs don't make a right.

>it was decided that the way in which he was brought to trail had no bearing on the actual legality of his trial.
The Israeli court decided. Not Argentina

You need false papers to travel when you're wanted dumbass.
True. America learned its tactics of terror from papa israel

Okay and what does that change? Argentina agreed to drop the case.

Yeah, you also get captured and executed when you're wanted for war crimes, too.

You missed my point entirely.

He's baiting, he knows perfectly well every party involved agreed to let this guy hang and there isn't an actual problem, he just wants attention.

is this faggot serious?

What did they do?

>Okay and what does that change?
Obviously nothing because a white man was still illegally abducted and murdered
Argentina did NOT want him to hang or else they would not have been a nazi safe haven.
Your point is crap because you're comparing and organization to an individual after you prior comparison of osama got BTFOd

Plenty of former Nazis were employed by various South American governments and they were used to train security forces and intelligence agencies and God knows what, but at the end of the day, they were still wanted war criminals. I don't see you crying any crocodile tears over all the people they're responsible for slaughtering yet you're bitching about the legalities of their extraditions and trials.

there was a pogrom during one month approximately, many jews targeted and killed, including the jewess

Jews are pretty dirty did you forget desu?

because the world is owned by those same jewish lunatics, you should've aldready know this

>war crimes
Guilt by association is bullshit.


i was about to say how come the rising italy be so cucked but its ireland ayyy

very sad desu but i suspected as much
crocodil tears? you guys are the ones crying crocodile tears about muh holocaust using it to justify violations of international law. my arguments against the treatment of eichmann are based on the lack of emotions.

We complained about it
>In Argentina, the abduction was met with a violent wave of antisemitism carried out by far-right elements, including the Tacuara Nationalist Movement.[133]

>Argentina requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in June 1960, after unsuccessful negotiations with Israel, as they regarded the capture as a violation of their sovereign rights.[134] In the ensuing debate, Israeli representative Golda Meir claimed that the abductors were not Israeli agents but private individuals and so the incident was only an "isolated violation of Argentine law".[134] On 23 June, the Council passed Resolution 138 which agreed that Argentine sovereignty had been violated and requested that Israel should make reparations.[135] Israel and Argentina issued a joint statement on 3 August, after further negotiations, admitting the violation of Argentinian sovereignty but agreeing to end the dispute.[136] The Israeli court determined that the circumstances of his capture had no bearing on the legality of his trial.[137]
But we pussy out


He was though, even Wikipedia says this.

>my arguments against the treatment of eichmann are based on the lack of emotions.

Obviously because they damn sure aren't based on facts. Argentina's sovereignty was violated, the Israelis admitted it, they settled it through direct bilateral negotiations, then the case was dropped.

But that's not satisfying enough for you for whatever reason.

He was a war criminal. Would it be horrible if the police arrested a murderer when he was heading home from work?

So you guys are saying that basically it is alright to kill mass murderers and soldiers that went to war right?
All right then, guess i better start revving up my choppa cuz this is going to be a long night

But I thought white nationalist dindu nuffin and muh free speech.

Tf? Jews didn't have an army. Try harder.

Because he’s Nazi scum and deserves to burn in Hell for eternity

>Argentina's sovereignty was violated
Case closed.
Now how you we guarantee protection for our own safety from the dastardly mossad agency?
Not if it doesn't violate international law. My government is meant to protect me from mossad terrorists Mr. AnCap

no man i am talking about the guy killed, he was a war criminal but that does not give anyone the right to kill him or to abduct him without the proper legal proceedings

they did though, they were called the allies

Jews can do whatever the fuck they want to Nazis.

Their women and children were the allies?

not if it steps on other countries rightful soil without their consent, would it be fine if they did it on USA or France? or really anywhere else?

Hold up. What was the name of the Jewish army and jewish state? Who were it's generals?

I think britain fits the bill pretty well for that dishonorable title

France is different because unlike the New World, it is a real country.

not an argument

Dishonorable? How? A democratic government, Nazi run by a regime of terror. Don't forget of course that the Nazis were the AGGRESSORS.

same the other way around. Kikes deserved what they got

He admitted to seeing two peasant hovels in Poland being turned into hermetically sealed chambers to gas Jews with diesel exhaust from a Soviet submarine engine.


US ARMY, USA, Patton for example

'Eichmann said towards the end of the war that he would "leap laughing into the grave because the feeling that he had five million people on his conscience would be for him a source of extraordinary satisfaction."'



> ID: CuCcK
Ok im leaving this thread.

are you Jewish or just a brainwashed idiot?

2nd one was called USSR it had Red Army, and Georgy Zhukov as general for example

alright then, guess i'll just go to abduct Israeli citizens now for being war criminals, poisoning the minds of the young and producing insurgent forces inside the intellectual circles of civilized countries
PS: those insurgent forces i am refering to are the fucking commies

Why does an unarmed population deserve violence because you disagree with them? Dat school shooter logic.

Patton wasn't a Jew, Pollack.

why hasnt trump released photos of this niggers busted dome yet

>droning before 9/11


No, I think you're just a paranoid schizophrenic justifying violence against an unarmed population.

Why does an unarmed man walking to his home deserves to be kidnapped? do murderers and rapist deserve to be publicly executed wherever they may be disregarding the countries law?


>Comparing war to a social disagreement

Dat school-shooter logic.

You should look up the author Joseph P. Farrell.

If those people are actively trying to destroy everything i think it qualifies as a war

No, they deserved it because they declared War on germany first, and did many bad things to the country. Also, they wanted to push for a commie government there. Also in china.. Do you see a patern?

There aren't real countries in Latin America just arbitrarily drawn borders of colonies.

based off that single post? that's pretty rich.

Only in your schizophrenic brain.

Socialism isn't the same as an ethnic movement you weird, weird guy.

Well it was fun, i am off, you can rot in this pit you have dug, i hope some day you see the light that it is not okay to abduct/ kindnap someone no matter the situation

Give our nazi back fucking jews

You don't believe in kidnapping people for nationalist causes? You don't love Juaaaaan Peron, El Caudillo?

Oh I dunno, maybe because he was A FUCKING NAZI !

Holy shit, Juan peron was completely opposite to Nazism it is much closer to Socialism and Communism than anything else

I've seen you about all day shilling for the Jew. No Irishman in his right mind gives a fuck about Jews, what are you ?

Okay, forget about the commie part. And read again, they declared war on germany and started to boycott germany and asked the US to do the same.. So what did you expected from the Germans? to be polite with them?

Let's not forget how many jews made rooselvelt enter the war, as same with churchill, the zionist puppet who didn't wanted peace

is not an argument

Didn't want peace? England literally let Hitler take over Spain, how is that not wanting peace?


Juan Peron wasn't a socialist. He was militaristic, chauvinist, statist fascist.

Unarmed civilians.