What happend to us pol? The west is dying. >London is londonstan now

What happend to us pol? The west is dying. >London is londonstan now.
>Europe continues its open door and shore policy.
>Central and South Americans pour across our border while people call for our guns to be taken from us and our constitution to be replaced
How did we let it get this bad? We were once the most powerful nations of the world, now we fall to depths darker than our fathers could have ever dreamed

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Honestly? Life got too comfortable.

Hard times create strong men, who create good times, which create weak men, who create hard times.
But how did we get comfortable so quickly? Less than a hundred years ago the west duked it out with its self twice. Its partially our fault rebuilding Europe in our image instead of leaving the imperial setup of the pre world war Europe. Still, its unbelievable whats become of us

Birth rates.
That is qbout it.
I do understand politicians.
Not opening borders with a super old population means economic decline on top of an ever diminishing workforce. It would have been ugly.
As for Sweden and the Uk, I think many there are just weak.
In retrospect, this course of action was unavoidable.
We should ask ourselves what we can do now. What is done is done.

I don't buy the replace the old populace reasoning. They could incentivize people to have children and make the family be viewed as positive instead of negative as it is now.
I fear it's too late to do anything before the tipping point. Either we'll go over the abyss, or people will wake up and things will get nasty.

>Hard times create strong men, who create good times, which create weak men, who create hard times

i don't know which country got (((cucked))) first, probably germany, england or france

then it started spreading

we don't stand for anything, the "zeitgeist" or however you want to call it, is to be "tolerant" of the destruction of your religion, language, ethnicity, culture, nation, ideology and so on

those foreigners taking over actually have a sense of belonging, they're proud, unapologetic, and so on

tbqhwyf, a world war is probably our best bet, seeing how i can't foresee any ideology uniting us (even things like anarcho-capitalism are for over boarders and so on)
sadly, if there;s a war, it'd be against the russians

Easy communism and identity politics

Rome for example. They went from being controlled by the etruscans, to building a large Empire, to watching it slip away, due in part to paying for barbarian mercenaries and weak men as emperors. Then Rome falls and out of it arises the kingdoms and empires of Europe.
The cycle repeats

I had a friend group of 7 men, 3 women. 4 of those "men" cried and went "I am suicidal" when they were supposed to go into the military. My parents told me I could just fuck off and never speak to them again if I was as pathetic as them. I guess the parenting plays a gigantic role too. I was brought up pure redneck style. I could shoot with guns and shotguns, and operate an excavator and car at 5-7. Chopped wood and helped in the forest when my dad messed up a little and needed extra income. I rememeber I was a bit jealous of my friends that just played football and did kid stuff all the time, but as I grew older, I'm thankful that I didn't. They're 32, 4 of them live together (all men), 2 of them work as daycare workers for kids, 1 just drinks and smokes weed, plays a few gigs here and there to get free beer, and the last one got a girlfriend. The most basic and boring person I've met in my life. I got bored talking to her after 20 secs. They never had to do stuff they didn't want to do, so they made their lives this way. It's comfy, I'm sure, but they're dirt poor. They have only gathered around 2000 dollars each in things they own. Most of the value is in their PC's. 1 has a drum kit he got sponsored by his dad. I'm a multimillionaire on the other hand. I've dealth with the crappiest jobs since forever, and I think that's the way you should raise a kid, teach them to do everything. If you ignore them and let them play their lives away, they'll be a bum in later stages of their lives.


So what's a multimillionaire doing on /POL
Agree with everything else you said.

Thinks always get worse before they get better my friend.

i'd say france, they decided they didn't want to be a monarchy and instead starting accepting blacks (from former colonies) as citizens
the anglos are the second relevant, and the germans are catching up

Here's something interesting


Cuckeeism (cuc'k atheism) seems like a short-cut, but it's really a poison pill.

Most of Eastern Europe seems to be doing well on the population front. Greece is screwed though. Is the drachma still worth less than a bucket of sand?

I do agree. Having your kids do stuff when they're younger helps shape them for the future.
My dad let me drive at a young age as well as shoot various fire arms. Clearing out brush, splitting wood, weed eating, mowing, etc. around the farm.
Im not a millionare, but I was smart enough to try and get a degree in STEM as oppossed to going for philosophy. Currently in year 3
Working at a decent union factory job isnt much of an option anymore where I live, so college is pretty much it except for becoming a maitenence person or retail wagie.

I grew up with Sup Forums. Came to Sup Forums back in 2005 or something, I never left.

We became weak and gluttonous, and strayed from the old ways. Now we're being systematically destroyed.

Out of the ashes the phoenix will rise and a new better west will emerge. It is the way of all things.

Have you heard of food production?
Meat production?
But not the systematic crappy one but actually regenerative one?

¿ they've used the euro for a while now

There will be no rising.. and only ashes if people wait for action from someone else. Stop being reactive and start being proactive... Writing of Sup Forums is good and all but i hope you are not counting this as your "action".


Good on you, i was raised a farmer, tried to become a carpenter and was successful for a while then my mom got older and im fazing her out of the farm.
I live in a seperate house btw we got like 3 houses and the farmhouse.

Im not making superbank but i do good, literally 70% of my original friend group turned to crime, ones in jail for 7years for almost torturing some poor fucker to death gave him brain damage and almost blinded the poor bastard.

A few others joined a local MC club thinking they are hardcore, biggest fag club even kids scoff and laugh when they try to intimidate people.

This generation has gone to shit, im grateful for my dad who taught me to be half decent at least.

I know they use the Euro. A few years ago though on one of our elustrious news channels one of the analysts said that if Greece chose to quit using the Euro and go back to the Drachma, it would be worth less than a bucket of sand. Found that to be insane.

I assume youre referring to farming? The problem is that most farms in the area Im from are owned (or the fields rented) by one or two families. This makes it difficult to grow a decent amount of crops.

>Not opening borders with a super old population means economic decline on top of an ever diminishing workforce. It would have been ugly.

the only people who care about that are the Gnomes of Zurich, because an infinitesimal drop in GDP means they lose trillions

>Found that to be insane
one japanese yen can't get you much either, yet they're one of the strongest economies

and their government is "heavily indebted", only not to foreigners

After the military, I went to Svalbard. Got a job as a carpenter, built up a friendship with the coal miners, applied for a job in the coal mine and earned around 1 000 000 a year there with only 15.8% taxes. I bought a fixer upper house, fixed it, rented it out, bought another house, fixed it rented it out, and so on. I did that for some years until I had enough money to not work anymore and survive on the rent and what I've saved up. I had no clue at the time that the property value of the houses in Norway would go up this much in the last 10 years, but I'm not complaining.

the 'redpill' is that our people let this happen. Rewind the clocks back 100 years. Nobody in the world could dare to threaten europe except for europe. And we did. and we had brutal outrageous wars, and then decided we were MEGA KEKED. WE let this happen. Not the niggers, not the arabs, not the spicks. US.

You need to realize that our generation must FIX what the last 3 destroyed. In my opinion though, the west will fall.

Yes, we killed each other in the largest wars twice in the span of only about 40 years. But iron sharpens iron. Those empires had been going strong after they had tried to kill each other before (ala napoleonic wars, and even the middle ages). I blame us partially. In rebuilding western Europe after ww2, these nations gave up territory all over the world, and it was left to go to shit. Now that shit is trying to come home to us
I believe the west will fall as well, its only a matter of time