Everyone makes fun of leafs

>everyone makes fun of leafs
>forgets that we invented Jordan Peterson
dumb faggots

>Thinking it's something to be proud of.
Typical leaf

Nice attempt you could have also said you had steven crowder, lauren southern and all these other ones but I wasn't expecting much from a leaf.

JP is a bitch. Rake yourself.

you also invented trudeau, so it even things out if you're retarded enough to think JP is anything to be proud of

crowder is a fag and southern is a jew so no

false, cubans and a thot did that.
>when you get blown the fuck out

>Goydan Goyerson is an achievement

>implying Canada has nothing to do with making trudeau what he is
Hang yourself.

We didn't do shit, Jordan is his own person you faggot.

Aside from Jihadi Justin, most Leafs arent that bad IRL.

The real cancer and bastion of blue pilled idiots is by far definitely Australia, followed closely by New Zealand. These retards need to be cut off from the Western world already.

dumb faggot leaf fuck you

You okay there mate?


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>spouts nonsense saying that you have to tame the monster within you
>doesn't even own a gun

i don't take anyone that doesn't own a gun seriously. fuck off leaf

I'm not your mate, buddy.

>doesn't realize Canada has guns.
Eat more corn fat fuck

Shutup leaf

doesnt change the fact JP doesnt own a gun. and im not fat, i hate fat people

The burger exhibits his total ignorance.

Relax Cletus.

We have guns here. Lots of them.

>implying Peterson having a gun would somehow change the deep cultural rot of Canada

I'm not your buddy, pal.

He's a good goy.
A really really good goy.

Fuck I'll vote for him, as far as I've seen no matter who we get next they'll just suck a little less that trudeau.

You shouldn't hate yourself. Clean your room.

I'm not your pal, friend.

>start feeling sorry for you because it's true that everyone does make fun of you
>I'm reminded Juden Peterstein is canadian
You fucking deserve it all faggot.

Peterson's rise to notoriety is because of the AIDS infected faggotry coming out of Eastern Canadian universities "inventing" made up fucking words for their "invented" pronouns for their "invented" genders to differentiate the numerous "invented" personalities in their tiny brains and that somehow managed to eke its stupid redundancy into Canadian law.

Shut the fuck up, faggot leaf. You're the cancer that's killing Sup Forums.


They didn't invent Trudeau that was Fidel Castro

We're not your guys, bromeigo.


you're both niggers

don't you have some cookware to ban faggot?

Jp is a soyboy that takes the jew cock.

lol i just found out your country exists.

Candians didn't invent peterson you dumb cunt

He grew out of the life decisions he made

Yeah JBP told me to clean my room totally changed my life now I'm off to slaying dragons. Hahahaha jbp speaks out against gender pronouns so redpilled hahah libruls don't understnad der is only 2 genders


Like they say, a broke clock is right twice a day.

And peterson isn't a jew? He can't even consider answering questions about jews in public for fear of backlash.

Because Canada didn't, his Ultra-Liberal communist step-father did that, then the liberal party cemented him into the laughing stock he is today.

trudeau is a francophone faggot

>Lots of them
uhh....pic related.

Jordan Peterson is a cuck.

>wow he took the bait
this board is so fucking shit, i hope you all drink bleach and have lifelong seizures


Remember when this fucking retard cried about individualism?

The poor dude cannot be a teacher in leafland because leafs are pathetic faggots.

>Harvard professor turned rug salesman

why the fuck does he try so damn hard

fuck off Peterson buy yourself an add it you want to advertise your shitty iq tests

>makes fun of leafs
>we invented Jordan Peterson

But you repeat yourself.

>who cares about what happens around you just be a fucking based individualist and the crackheads cant break into your car for drug money fuck yeah dont try to change the world uness you are a jew

Jordan "Europeans are Evil and Jews are Good" Peterson

Jordan "Zionism is Great Naziism is Evil" Peterson

Jordan "Jewish Tribalism is Good European Tribalism is Bad" Peterson

Jordan "Individualism for Goyim Collectivism for Jews" Peterson

Jordan "I Can't Do It, Clean Your Room!" Peterson

Jordan "The Alt Right are Mentally Ill Losers" Peterson

Jordan "European Collectivism is For Social Failures, Jewish Collectivism is For The Best Humans" Peterson

Jordan "Race Doesn't Exist Except For Zionism" Peterson

Jordan "The Far Right Are Disgusting Failures But Jewish Ethno-Nationalism Is a Great Thing" Peterson

Jordan "Fuck European Identity" Peterson

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