Hey Sup Forums, can I tell you something?

Hey Sup Forums, can I tell you something?

Sometimes I miss my blue pilled friends. :(

Probably miss sucking their dicks, faggot ass OP.

friends are important for acquiring wealth and social status. political ideals are for whitepill faggots. get your friends back, for personal gain

Were your frens now, you don't need em'. Plus! Did you know that Russia has TIGERS and SPACE? Why would anyone want to kill themselves?

then why dont you off yourself you useless fucker

you need a fuckin wife and kids

they don't miss you

Nah, fuck those degenerates.
We had good times but it was before the red pill.
No going back.

You're right on this count.
27, no wife, no kids, no gf.
I still got you though right user?

the end of the redpill is blackpill
machiavelli would never drop an ally
until the time came
you can vote and campaign online anonymously
don't be a fool
this is an insurgency
(for you)
and then
it's really for you
after you return to the blackpill

I don't.

Fuck them. They would be the first roaches to come to me for guns and food. Let them rot or find their own way.

We'll be happy to take you back...

...behind the toolshed to beat in your skull with a 2x4

you need to quit eating soy and become the man that hundreds of thousands of your ancestors were. god damn. this fucking sterility in our generation is sickening. we almost deserve to die out.


I don't.

Jesus Christ.

Go play with your faggot Lefty friends, then. Maybe you can red pill them. Then, you might have done something worthwhile...for once.

If your friends don't share your political views were they really your friends to begin with? Defooing was probably the best thing that happen to you.

What's the point?
Ours is a war of minds not bodies.

I doubt it.
One went to Berkeley and the other turned into an angry short haired dyke.
I don't see how to red pill people so far gone.



>my sides

the mind-body distinction is bullshit and so are you. you're your ancestors, yourself, and you're your children. you might as well cut your fucking dick off and float your soul up into space and beam some mind-rays back down to earth to win this war for us. god damn.

>thinking antifa is behind this

if you were facing 40 years in prison for supposedly macing some antifaggots who attacked you, you would be shitting your pants

Are you me?

Dont miss cockroaches. They can be pilled or binned. Its their choice.

another candidate for the "off yourself or get your shit together" program

Ok tough guy what exactly are you doing?
Lifting weights at a gym so you can...what? Punch the kikes to death for your ancestors?

Next thing I know you're going to start shouting how skyrim is for the nords.

female or faggot spotted

le sage

Our generation is very tucked up.
Why do you think our birth rate is so low?
There are many like us unfortunately.

>hitler was growing an army of traps

>let sage

And you just called ME a faggot? Lol

give them a phone call, no harm done either way. but keep in touch somehow

gyms are for homosexuals, egotists, or niche sportsmen.

start a long-term relationship with a healthy woman of your own race. if you can't, you need to fix whatever is keeping you from doing that.

they were never really your friends

I visited some blue pill friends a while back. You just end up hating them more.

>can't manage to spell " le " when attempting to shame me

le sage ;)

I can see that happening.
Contempt for what they are overrides any good time there might have been.

Yeah I'm on a kindle fire with shitty autocorrect fuck me right?

Mine are the worse. They are so assblasted about Trump, and not one of them has voted in the past 4 presidential elections

Here's what you're missing out on:
"bla bla bla Russia bla bla Drumpf"

some friends you had they want to kill you for simply telling the truth.
You have now digested the red pill.

Yeah these days probably haha.

Honestly user, so do I. I’ve felt empty lately because of it.
Plus my new job makes me travel. The retards I work with ain’t redpilled one bit.

My only hope is to redpill the girl I’m talking to. Maybe that’ll help me.
Other than that I have 2 redpilled friends. And a few normie conservative redneck buds that I’m slowly redpilling.

>Sup Forums

Something doesn’t add up.