Why are you not building a family right fucking now? Start breeding

Why are you not building a family right fucking now? Start breeding.


Because I don't give a shit about passing on my genes. Only primitive animals care about that.

Because negatives outweigh the positives.

Because fuck you.

>wanting to bring a child into the world only to grow up in this hell hole
No thanks

>euphoric weeb neckbeard
Checking out of society is not cool

shit genes

nigger name?

>Why are you not building a family right fucking now?

Because the boomers and jews are hogging all of the money, and I can't afford it.

Because I'm too busy and content fapping to clips like this....

When will normans realise that shaming tactics don't work?

literally would

eugenics, and if i did want kids they would just suffer in this shithole world

Who cares about what's cool?

Thanks for not passing down your shitty genetics and filthy moral code. You've done the world a service.

The earth is already over populated.

I hate women so a family is not an option. The thought of having to live with a modern female is too much to bear.

Its hard to get my danziger phenotype in this country

I know that feel

I don't know what that means but if pornhub has taught me anything it's that Czechia is a babe factory

your welcome mutt, gl out there

>Start breeding.
Does sperm donating counts? Been donating sperm for 4 years now, probably have around 20-40 children

there is no place for a half breed like myself my brother

No it doesn't you cuck

Not political

Are you blue pilled? It's extremely political

Why not? My genes is getting passed down, and that's the only important thing

how is he a cuck, if anything hes a bull

It means im not slav because my family lived for houndred of years in Danzig/Gdansk. I will propably stay without kids.Its better than being race traitor mixing with other ethincs.

learn to deal with woman you fucking pussy
you're the reason for feminist dykes

Because artificial wombs haven't been invented yet.

No money.

You are actually. If men abstained from women, feminism would die overnight.


we have enough kids here.

Lack of resources and opportunities, low social cohesion.

Also frankly I don't believe the human species needs more kids, especially since there are orphans dying out there every single day.

I would love to start a family and adopt a few kids, but humanity must get it's shit together and work towards ending poverty and war that doesn't involve genocide.

i can barely afford to take care of myself, and unlike nogs and rednecks i refuse to have kids i can't take care of myself

The muzzies will overtake us if you dont do your duty

Just give up from the start if your genes suck, in a liberalized society only men with strong genes can be happy

Honestly because I decided that my genes don't pass the quality requirements

I don't want responsibility.

I would, but I can't, because I am a neet.
First I need to find a job and have a solid regular income.
But I don't have a job, not because I am stupid, but because I am a lazy fuck.
Why am I a lazy fuck? Because I am addicted to Sup Forums.
Thanks Sup Forums. Thanks Internet. Thanks Digitalization, Thanks Obama.

Same boat user
And it's funny cause there's so many pretty girls here and the guys aren't that great but I guess they're still better than me

not until my life's mission is complete

I have 3 kids and number four is due in july

Losing your virginity is your life's mission?

Remember, quality is much more important than quantity. ;)

They are all quality, they come from me.

no, the extermination of every last KIKE

I only want to breed with 2d girls and they don't exist

>no, the extermination of every last KIKE
Sure it is, treacle.
and how many have you exterminated thus far?

nature is taking care of itself.

if you're not strong enough to deal w/ modern women, you shouldn't procreate.

Why are russian trolls so obsessed with American black females?

who's counting? did i say i was going for the high score genius? no, i said i'm going for a completely kike-free world, then i'll be willing to bring children into it