Wtf is going on here? Why have Republicans destroyed this state...

Wtf is going on here? Why have Republicans destroyed this state? There's not even a significant population of brown people to blame this on.

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West Virginia was created as a war crime to humiliate Virginians 150 years ago.

It still does its job today.

The state is poor. Teacher pay is low. People in West Virginia have poor health so need better health insurance. Child health and vitality in West Virginia is very bad. It is a state in very poor shape.

>poor white state that lost most of it's jobs
>people struggle every day
>poverty is rampant
>they still have a lower crime rate than the richest black neighborhoods

They won't stop until all the guns are banned, and justly so.

I don't see a problem.
Indoctrination facilities closed, conservative policies, white population
Sounds like a good place to raise a family.

WV became a red state only recently, though...

>Can't have a school shooting if there aren't any schools

>Wtf is going on here?

I don't know, post the crime rates there.

>rich black neighborhoods
Do these actually exist?

companies from other states are coming in here with these big ass trucks that tear up our roads so they can drill out our natural gas and we have to pay to keep fixing the roads every fucking week and we have more crime because of these out of state workers and they drive housing cost up and everything else up but everyone still gets paid the same

They're paradoxical. Once enough blacks move into a rich white neighborhood to consider it "black" the whites will begin leaving en masse, then more blacks will move in, and make it shitty. They only exist for a very short period of time and are still way shittier than white rich neighborhoods.

It's going to stay that way though. Trump pulling traditional middle class white union voters is how he won and if that group continues to fragment a go red then the Dems don't have a snowball's chance of getting Ohio or Pennsylvania anytime soon. I'm a West Virginia native and trust me, people there pay attention to policies and not party.

True. And also because the whites in the US, now a multirracial country, are starting to vote more as a block, especially in southern states.
This is inevitable, really....


Are you at least safe from the DC metro invasion?

You should really get them to pay for roads though. It is a fact, heavy equipment does a ton more damage, it's some exponential relationship I could dig up if you're interested.

White identity politics is the single most frightening thing to the establishment and ironically it's becoming inevitable due to the very nature of the society they intended to create. Fucking poetry lads.
May you live in interesting times.

so where will they go to school now?
t. brainlet

oh here we go, they should be paying like 10x the tax per mile just for road damage. You guys need to get organized, these people have money and should pay their share.

Muh freedumbz are more important than yer silly ejucashiun.

>#1 heroin overdose per capita in America
>good place to raise a family
WV is a hellhole.

Teachers get paid shit because they only work 6 months of the year.

Teachers and unions are republican, I learned something new today

public school teachers are glorified babysitters, they probably just on edge now because everyday might be their last with all the school shootings.

Maybe they learn what it's like to be a cop in this shithole for once and understand why they are always on fucking edge too.

yeah, it doesnt help that the guys who are supposed to fix the roads have basically given up and do the most minimal patch job possible
i mean they were always lazy, but back then it didnt actually hurt anything and was just some funny thing

FPBP /thread

Yes, new jersey niggers make about 30k/year in gibs handouts.
Newark/Trenton/Camden are some of the richest niggervilles in the world, not even joking.

I laughed at that pic way harder than i should have

are they damaging the local or the state roads? You all should be calling your reps and such. They probably get bribes from the drillers.

gee i sure am getting sleepy right about now
time for bed

they've destroyed THEMSELVES. Also west virginia isn't legally a state. fuck them.

Check em

wv democrats are rightwing racists aka southern democrats

tea party faggots cut education in every state they have power
they're fucking retards

both, reps are all corporate puppets
were at the point where we just dont care anymore
morale is probably lowest in the nation, people are using the drugs the gas workers bring in as an escape
kids and adults alike are pretty much all thinking about killing themselves, depression rates and all that are at an all time high for the state
all the teachers can go on strike because they dont care, everyone is poor anyway what the hell is a few weeks worth of shit-tier teacher paychecks going to do?
its really bad here, im looking to move to vermont
there is no future here

>We're gonna kick the wild man back into Kentucky where he belongs
>Look out its the Cherokee devil

>>they still have a lower crime rate than the richest black neighborhoods
WTF they gonna steal? Coal?

And look how that turned out

There needs to be a movement to merge West Virginia back into Virginia. It would counteract the DC suburbs and move the whole state Red

Sounds like y'all need some Bernie. Trump isn't going to do anything about corporations destroying your state.

>State has almost nothing from the start
>Poor soil and lots of mountains
>Main economic industry is coal
>Prior to Trump, energy policy was aimed at killing coal
>Miners lose jobs and mines close
>Cant pay taxes, get addicted to drugs, get on welfare, etc
>Government becomes more strapped for cash
>Teahcer's union demands a larger raise than the one they were going to get
Huh I wonder why theyre having problems. Really activates my almonds

And why do you think teachers and unions are striking?

we dont want socialism, we just want predatory out-of-state limpdicks to fuck off so local business can do their thing

Trump hasn't helped the coal miners.

Actually southern whites are moving away from the GOP, just look at the several recent southern democratic victories.

Which requires regulation, which would be considered a socialist policy.

what's even funnier is that WV has some REALLY bad teachers.

Hell no. we don't want those traitors and low life methheads in our lovely commonwealth

WTF are black people gonna steal in Chicago? concrete?

regulation, not weedlmao and free schools and free health gibs
our taxes kill us as it is
no kidding, this was my history teacher in high school
always had freshman girls skipping classes to hang around in his classroom, hugging on them and shit

Is the union that has illegally caused the schools to close, even though the legislature and governor gave them a raise just last week and froze any increase in their health insurance premiums for a year pending study and public comment.
People were sympathetic, but not anymore. They've squandered their goodwill.
t. WVanon

Why is this mutually inclusive with the state conducting itself poorly?

Public school is cancer. Let them all die, so that children don't get corralled like animals into propaganda farms.

WV looks like Afghanistan on a map

Digits confirm

Not like the CEO has his own agenda, right?

Are you an idiot? You're willing to regulate companies and potentially destroy their business models, but increasing coporate taxes to invested in our citizens education and health is going too far? How does that even make sense?

i just dont want people coming in from other states and absolutely fucking up all of our shit
thats literally it
thats all we ask for
they come in, break our shit, fuck up our markets, and then leave when dries up, all the time, every single time
they dont even hire people from our state, they bring in a bunch of drugged up city workers

I'm not saying Trump is actually helping them. Its just like Dems and their pet black and minority groups. They get lots of validation and airtime but nothing or minimal is actually done. Not to mention the Dems have burned bridges to the point anyone giving these people attention politically will get a surprising amount of support back. 8th dimensional nepotistic dominoes and all that.

I hear you user and i completely agree. But you have to call what you're doing but it's name which is socialism. You're disturbing the free market for the sake of your society's wellbeing.

No new England's succeeding except for Boston where well put all the niggers and then light it on fire. Unless you want to be in Boston then fuck off.

yes, on that particular issue
but if we voted for him, we get a bunch of other shit we dont want
if we could pick and choose, then elections would be easy

Then maybe it is time.

Could you work in the gas business? It's kindof a substitute for the coal industry. Could get some money and start a political career.

and also fuck opiates and fuck pharma pushing them. They seem to rip peoples lives apart.

if we had private roads, the road companies would crunch the numbers and charge accordingly

I mean Alabama?
That was as bizarre race in which the gop candidate got accused of being a pedo, though.

*you mean

West Virginia is hardcore democrat actually. They just hated clinton so much becuse of coal.

Poor people tend to steal from each other.

the free market was already disturbed because you cant discriminate

Bullshit. West Virginia has always been and is currently a Democrat state in local elections. The UMW (united mine workers) union has always controlled WV politics (up until Al Gore ran for president) Since the UMW entered the state in the 1920's it only had 3 years that it was controlled by Republican party candidates locally. The teachers are striking because WV state employees are paid shit and they are now messing with the teachers medical insurance (PEIA) because Obamacare fucked it all up.

There's no reason the WV government can't charge more for heavy vehicles. In fact the federal government does have a tax just for this.

It's funny, it's a problem in plain sight, but people don't realize just how much more damage heavy vehicles do. It's like axle weight to the 5th power or something ridiculous, yet they are probably taxed less than cars.

they dont hire here because they are gonna leave. they haul their workers around with them, cant work for them unless willing to move. i'm too young for politics right now, only 21. not completely finished developing my positions on certain things, and even if i were i wouldnt be taken seriously
yeah, my birth dad fucked his life up real bad. constantly getting his license revoked, cant hold a job, avoiding feds
and thats just from weed and booze. he got into meth recently

>not completely finished developing my positions on certain things
You don't need to, you could run on a few particular issues you feel strongly about. If you ran on drug abuse and road damage, and don't mind dressing the part, I bet you could get quite a few votes. Remember trump basically jump started his campaign on "build a wall" hardly knowing a thing about politics, and definitely not having his positions finalized.

What you may lack at that age is the 4d chess kinda stuff, but there are plenty of people who would happily give advice, like Sup Forums or even paul nehlen. Probably the easiest way to start is to go to city council meetings when they happen... that's what jews do.

it sounds like a pretty good idea, gotta spend a few years at least saving funds and doing some planning. not going into something like that half cocked

I was a state employee in WV from 1999 to 2005, When I started my starting pay was 18k a year with 80/20 PEIA medical insurance, prescription card and dental and eye. I was being charged $300 a month for the insurance. The yearly deductible was $300: I had to pay $300 before the insurance would kick in and begin covering procedures. When I quit my state job I was only making 26k a year (with overtime) and no changes to the insurance coverage.

I went into the private sector, working for a Massey energy (Which was not a union mine) where my starting pay was $55k a year (with overtime) and had blue cross/blue shield 90/10 medical coverage, where I paid $0 a month (the company paid the monthly fee for all of its employees) with prescription, eye and dental with $100 deductible.

Up until 2013 when Obamacare started to affect my insurance. My insurance company also had a contract with the State and took care of the states Welfare recipients, that paid $0 monthly and had 100 percent coverage for medical, eye, dental and prescription. This turned my insurance progressively to shit:

>In 2013 my insurance changed to 80/20 coverage, and the company no longer could afford to pay my monthly fees so I started getting charged $125 every 2 weeks out of every pay check and a $1000 yearly deductible.

>In 2014 it changed again to 70/30 coverage and $150 out of each paycheck and a $5,000 yearly deductible to cover the welfare recipients also using the insurance.

I was then laid off in 2015, I could only imagine how shitty the medical coverage is right now with Blue cross/blue shield.

PEIA for the most part stayed unchanged for State employees up until this year, but due to all the coal industry in WV going out of business and being replaced by gas, because Obama had all the power plants convert from coal to gas, the coal industry will never come back and that is all WV had, and the state was being completely funded by the coal companies from huge taxes.

I'm a bit older than you and will say you'll feel less ambitious about this later on. It isn't any risk or cost to call representatives, and they are a lot easier to reach in a smaller state like that.

You would be surprised how ill informed some of them are, like I doubt any know about this kind of chart . If all goes well the gas companies might even try to bribe you to shut up about it.

was there still a decent coal industry a few years ago? I thought all of that had moved out to the montana area strip mines a long time ago.

The coal industry was fine up until 2012 in WV. 2012 was when all the mines started laying everyone off. I was lucky and survived up until 2015 before I got laid off, from 2012 to 2015 almost all the local mines were permanently shutting down and doing cleanup.

Checked and kekked

This literally has nothing to do with guns. They’re striking because their insurance went up 30% and as a token gesture the state gave them a 1% salary increase. It’s not enough, and it’s insulting.

Obama destroyed West Virginia when he killed the coal mining industry. It is pretty much all they had.


Jim justice being governor doesn't help anything. My dad ran a machine shop back in the 00s and he did some work for him. Never in all my life have I EVER seen such a contemptible walking pile of self righteous shit. I don't know how dad didn't punch his lights out. Fat fuck needs to go back to north carolina.

National Socialism actually.

So how long will usa still pretend they aren't a third world country?

I am looking into it. MSM is obviously propaganda. Wikipedia says coal jobs dropped 40% in 2012

From what I can tell Obama put in some rules to stop mountain top removal.

It seems like total bullshit, the rich liberals telling WV people who lost their jobs that they will love the new green energy. It's a wonder any of them voted democrat after that.

>shilling for coal
>when natural gas, solar, wind, etc. has superseded coal in energy output and lower costs years ago and the market has decided on it independently of the government
>"this must be the work of Obama"
Yeah, it's definitely Obama's fault for a state failing to adapt to changing energy markets even though the writing was on the walls since the 80s with Thatcher and Reagan at the helm when the coal mines were going belly up.

Good. Teachers should be afraid.

Coal has been in slow decline since the 1950s. Surge, drop off, surge, drop off, all the way to the obama years. Shit was falling apart when I was a kid, the recession made it worse. Coal companies just used that as an excuse to sell a lot of their equipment overseas and blame obamba for the lack of jobs, ALL while still dangling the promise of returning those jobs one day, even though they never will. It's pretty sickening.

Trump played on that desperation and won the state. It's worth noting too that bernie won the state 100% in the dem primary. People here are JUST desperate for anything to change.

>teachers get paid more than cops
>literacy levels consistently fall
>teachers feel underpaid and strike for more money

Shit like this is why people want school choice or homeschooling.

so the regulations placed by obama on the coal industry had nothing to do with the coal industry losing jobs?

Pretty much. It's in been in a slow decline for a long time.

The regulations were meant to make it harder to mine coal, you say that had no effect whatsoever? Absurd.

I am not claiming the industry was not dying anyway, of course it was.

> Donald Trump revives coal mines
> Gets them new markets overseas
> Unions BTFO
> shut down schools because they can't take the winning Trump brings

An industry which dies naturally over time is less disruptive to the work force than an industry killed by government fiat.

Yes. Obama and Democrats destroyed the state with over regulation from the EPA on power plants and coal mines. The changes to the clean water act in regards to selenium and the changes to the clean air regulations are what killed coal. All you have to do is look at how much selinium is legal in drinking water compared to what a coal mine is allowed to release in public streams and you will see that the state run PSD that cleans drinking water is allowed 100 more times of selenium in drinking water than what coal companies were allowed to flow off of a company property. All the power plants had to convert to gas from coal because they were being fined daily, so now hardly any coal fired plants exist, which was what mostly used the coal industry, same thing happened to the steel industry, it was regulated so hard, it had to switch over to gas.

Now that gas is now a monopoly in West Virginia, this past December everyone got a reality check with their power bills in southern WV, when the power company sent the bills out, Facebook was filled with people with over $1000 power bills.

Obama said in that one interview if you are a coal company or employed by a coal company or use coal to power your power plants, he was going to put you out of business. He was right.

The three Northern counties are rightful Pennsylvanian clay.

The red counties have nothing to do with political parties. The color red just indicates school is closed.

Thank you teacher unions.