Muv-Luv stream day

Reminder, Kouki is streaming today.

Will ML fans have at least a small measure of mercy today? If so, remember to post screenshots for less fortunates.

Other urls found in this thread:


>fanmail, fanmail and more fanmail

This is far more informative:

Another poll

And results

Man, TE anime was great

Apparently Kou is playing Chronicles right now.

God, authoritative Marimo.

When are we going to get another Chronicles anyways?

Why is the translation dead?

Everything is dead. Even here, we're dead.

>Even here, we're dead.
Damn what happened? With the games being available on normalfag platforms this is a surprising turn.

Sup Forums mods looked like they were becoming good like the old days, only to turn pure evil.

Schwarzesmarken anime ruined everything the nice comfy threads that showed up every once in a while and actually having nice discussions along side with everything of this series went downhill
Also telling Pierce to go fuck himself, remember those days?

Nice revisionism. /m/ is that way though.

Hello Schwarz child.

But Sup Forums mods aren't doing anything outside of lame stickies now

Did SM really ruin the threads that much? How?
I left completely just after Martyr was released, the threads weren't too bad at this point

Alright, I need to goto bed for possibly work later. Someone else watching, please snap anything important.

Well I figure everyone thinks that age will at some point do it now.

Now at least, we'll probably have a good anime coming.

They weren't bad ever, he's an /m/. They always say the same thing. Basically, they ran all discussion besides the trilogy out of /m/ a long time ago.

Has anybody else had problems getting their alternative steam code from degica? As in not getting them at all? I have, I emailed them too, twice, but I havent got a response yet.

>Did SM really ruin the threads that much? How?
He overstates the impact of SM, but it certainly divided and embittered the fandom. I believe the lack of translations is what killed these threads. We are sitting on years worth of content, but no one can do anything with it. Simply translating some of it would help greatly revitalize these threads.The exceptions like KimiMuv and the ocational translations of SF scenarios don't really give much to discuss, do they?

>Basically, they ran all discussion besides the trilogy out of /m/ a long time ago.
The "eternal" ""debate"" on Beatrix's character does start every couple of threads though.

Nope. Good luck though.

More like TE anime. Though to be honest, threads were in rapid decline before it too, with all the tripfags and drama queens. Like a true general.

I want to go back, but it's never going to be like it was before. Same for Sup Forums. Or maybe I'm just too old now. Sage.
