I'm an Orthodox Jew. Redpill me on Judaism/Kabbalah

When it comes to the so-called JQ, most people here are really ranting against communism/liberalism (which have nothing to do with Judaism proper), or they buy in crazy conspiracy theories that are either cringy or hilarious depending on how off base they are. So it's either people who are right about societal problems but completely miss what is the root cause and are wasting their time, or people who are straight up believing in fantasies.

Can any of you actually make a cogent argument against Judaism/bring actual proofs and quotes? Not interested in your opinion about secular Jews or Israel, just Judaism itself.

Other urls found in this thread:


tldr; Kikes gained an elevated perspective, they mistakenly believed themselves to be the only ones who could achieve it, they also mistake everything about everything and believe themselves to be correct in their interpretation, they are wrong about everything, the only reason a full extermination never happened thus far is because only in allowing them to really defy the written laws could they ever be fully removed.

tldr of the tldr: the kikes fucked up

Even that is completely off base. The verse says 'No one arose in Israel like Moshe' in terms of Prophecy. The reason why it says 'In Israel' is because Bilaam was a non-Jew and he was able to get the same level of prophecy that Moshe did, but as a non-Jew

We also believe that a sincere non-Jew can convert to Judaism is they want to, but they don't have to.

reform orthodox or orthodox orthodox ?

If you really really truly care, here are the books that convinced me:
The Synagogue of Satan

You Gentiles - Marcus Eli Ravage

Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question

Kill the Best Gentiles! ("Tob Shebbe Goyim Harog!")

If you're Orthodox, does that mean you're not a zionist?

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But
it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is
less formidable for he is known and carries his banners openly.
But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his
sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very
halls of government itself... for thetraitor appears no traitor: H e
speaksin accents familiar to hisvictims, and he wears their faces
and their garments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in
the souls of all men. H e rots the soul of a nation; he works
secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of
the city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer
resist. A murderer is to be less feared." — Cicero

As in my beard is two foot long and my wardrobe exclusively black and white Orthodox
>If you really really truly care, here are the books that convinced me:
Thanks for the suggestions, I'll seek them out
I'm not a zionist, as zionism is a secular ideology that goes against the Torah, but I 100% support the right of the State to exist and for Jews to live there, as does the vast majority of the Orthodox world, including many that label themselves 'anti-zionist' (because it's an ideological conflict between secularism and religion)

Let's read some holy texts, shall we?

>A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.

Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348

>A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.

Gad. Shas. 2:2

>A boy-goy after nine years and one day old, and a girl after three years and one day old, are considered filthy.

Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11

>Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

>Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.

Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L

>A boy-goy after nine years and one day old, and a girl after three years and one day old, are considered filthy.

Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11

If a gentile hits a Jew, the gentile must be killed (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

A gentile who strikes a Jew deserves death. Striking a Jew is in God’s eyes an assault on the Divine Presence. (BT Sanhedrin 58b).

All the blessings which gentiles enjoy come to them only because of God’s regard for Israel. (BT Yebamoth 63a).

A Jew need not pay a gentile the wages owed him for work (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

If an ox of an Israelite gores an ox of a Canaanite (non-Jew) there is no liability; but if an ox of a Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite…the payment is be in full. (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable only of sin. (BT Baba Bathra 10b).

Wine touched by a gentile renders has been defiled and is unfit for use by Jews. (BT Abodah Zarah 72b). Thieves of unknown ethnic background broke into a Jew’s building and touched his wine. Since he did not know who touched the wine, he way unsure whether or not it had been defiled by a gentile’s touch. The rabbis rule that since the majority of thieves in that city were Jews, the wine was undefiled. (BT Abodah Zarah 70a).

Well fuck you. Israel has no right to exist.

Gentiles are inclined to bestiality, lewdness and murder. Gentiles prefer sexual relations with cows more than their own wives. Eve had sexual intercourse with the serpent, transmitting lust to the gentiles, from which Israelites are exempt. (BT Abodah Zarah 22a).

A gentile who observes a day of rest deserves death. (BT Sandendrin 58b).

God is displeased when Jews show hospitality to gentiles. (BT Sanhendrin 104a).

It is forbidden to teach gentiles the Law. (BT Hagigah 13a).

A gentile who studies the Law deserves death. (BT Sanhedrin 59a).

It is permissible to cheat a gentile in court. (BT Baba Kamma 113a).

For executing a gentile, only one person’s testimony is necessary. (To kill a Jew, two witnesses are necessary). (BT Sanhendrin 57b0>

Jews may steal from Non-Jews

If a Jew finds an object lost by a gentile it does not have to be returned. (BT Baba Mezia 24a. Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).

Property of gentiles is like the desert; whoever among the Jews gets there first, owns it. (BT Baba Bathra 54b).

If a gentile loses something, a Jew may keep it, even if he knows the owner. (BT Baba Kamma 113b).

A gentile must pay wages to a Jew, but a Jew does not have to pay wages to a gentile. (BT Sanhedrin 57a).

The gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.” (BT Baba Kamma 37b).

If a gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him back. But whatever a Jew robs from a gentile, the Jew may keep. Some robbery of gentiles is disguised as “confiscation of an unpaid debt” (Bava Kama 113b; also Bava Metzia 111b).

BT Sanhedrin 52B: “A non-Jew is not considered a neighbor.”

Right, so let's go back to year 0 in the Judaic calendar because it's when the Tribe of Snake appeared from the east with trading caravans and shamans that performed rituals.
During that time ritual human sacrifices were a mainstay in the belief system as it was performed in various places around the world too (eg, Ireland, Mexico), but each had their individual flare.
During the stay in Egypt the population was introduced to a new concept called polytheism. Old legends were transformed into gods by stories and the population began to listen to the priest class more than the Pharaohs. Also the secret Masonic knowledge was being copied from the elders and ended up being called the Babylonian Talmud.
If you have any doubt that there is a difference between the original shaman ritual sacrifice, the story of Babylon and later Judaism are different I want you to dispel that myth because they're all from the same source, that pernicious Tribe of Snakes.
Going further, in Egypt the name for usury was "snake bite" because its poison erodes the economy over time. In 1177 BCE the mw or Sea Peoples of the united Weshesh, Shekelesh, Peleset, and Tjekker lands were noted as being a very violent force that left all cities in ruin in their path. These are the remnants of the Hyksos forces that were driven out with their priests and for ritual sacrifices. During their expulsion they gathered the poor and destitute from the collapse created Judaism to manage them all. In the bible the Hyksos priests were called the Pharisees (and Judges) and their army were the Canaanites.
The Tribe of DN was their new name and they traveled forth into what's now Europe using the Adriatic and ended up founding Rome, as well as the Catholic church.
Fast forward a few hundred years and Khazaria exists where the ritual sacrifices are still going on but the Rus threaten them to convert and they chose Judaism because it's the same thing they were doing only less overt. Funny right? yeh.

Judaism derives from the ancient Aryan religion of Zoroastrianism. Judaism is simply a co-opted and perverted form of this religion. Kabbalah is also stolen from ancient Aryan practices.
>pic related
The Jew takes the original Aryan concepts and twists them in order to benefit only the Jew, whereas the Aryan's context was beneficial to everyone.

Zohar predates Christianity. It can't refer to it.

Some of you conspire, most don't even know they are doing it. Jews are a parasitical people who do not assimilate and try to destroy the host nation.

Society is an organism, and, it is therefore an outgrowth of race. The Jew is a foreign body and hazardous to the organism.

All of these "Republican" flag posters are Jews.
Literally all of them.
Interesting phenomenon.

also circumcision at 8 days old permanently damages their brain and the boy can't develop empathy later in life

Ok first of all, whoever copied those book names made mistakes. And also added words that shouldn't be there like "Pereferkowicz" like, who even is that.

>>A Jew may do to a non-Jewess what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.
>Hadarine, 20, B; Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348
This is a made up quote, Choshen Mishpat is a section of the Shulchan Aruch that deals with all laws related to legal procedures in front of a court and financial matters.

>Gad. Shas. 2:2
Whatever that book is supposed to be, it doesn't exist

>Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11
That quotation makes no sense. There's no 'page 11' without saying the side of the page, and what is T.v supposed to be?

>Midrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L
Yeah I'll try and find that quote in there but I doubt I will considering what you brought so far

>Zohar, Shemoth
So where is that in the Zohar? Parashat Shemot? Sefer Shemot? That's possibly hundreds of pages to go through. And that also sounds completely made up

My wife is 1/2 Jew (father). I want to know do you consider her goy?

It also takes a TON from Hellenism, ancient Egyption religion, and a lot of other philosophical and religious sources. Zoroastrianism doesn't deserve all the credit for Judaism, only monotheism at best. Jewish monotheism is better formulated. Judaism is the only sane and self-consistent near eastern/western ancient religion which is why everyone copied it.


>Can any of you actually make a cogent argument against Judaism/bring actual proofs and quotes? Not interested in your opinion about secular Jews or Israel, just Judaism itself.

Why should we make a distinction between the three? They certainly like to interchange them as the situation warrants. Gas em all.

>communism/liberalism (which have nothing to do with Judaism proper)

Bitch, please. Lurk more.


Well, yes and no. Technically, it did not predate christianity since Rashbi lived under the Roman occupation post-Temple destruction, so technically christianity DID exist, but it was also a very small and marginal movement and not mentioned a single time in the Zohar afaik, and definitely not under that name

I gave a historical reference and i bet the answer will be an insult


There is nothing to insult, you posted a theory that has zero sort of proof or data to back it up in any way, what do you want me to say? What you said is as relevant to me as someone saying that Jews are a race of lizard people. Why even address it?

checked and proven correct

>no temple or taberbacle
>no mercy seat
>no sacrifices
>I could go on but it's not necessary

What's biblical about your religion? If anything, you're just like your filthy God-hating ancestors who made a golden calf to worship while Moses was on the mountain.

Hm. But someone with 0% jewish blood who converts is not goyim?

you jews are weird

I don't consider Christianity to be a real religion until the Nicene conference in 325 AD. This conference concretely established Christianity as a distinct religion from Judaism. Before, many "Christians" celebrated Jewish holidays and differed in opinion on the divinity of Jesus.

Please, help me address what you said. How am I supposed to disprove something that has no proofs?

Like it opens with 'year 0 of the Judaic calendar because it's when the Tribe of the Snake appeared' when year zero is when Adam was born. The Tribe of Dan didn't appear, they are the children of Dan.

As I said, where do I even begin. >What's biblical about your religion? If anything, you're just like your filthy God-hating ancestors who made a golden calf to worship while Moses was on the mountain.
You could go on after giving me three examples that are all related?

G-d gave us 613 commandments, just because we can't perform all of them (no one was ever supposed to, some are only for men, some only for women, some only for Cohanim, some for the King, etc...) doesn't mean we just give up and not practice those we can

No. God gave you 10.

The Talmud and Zohar are blasphemy.



We are an ethno-religion. It's true we are an ethnic group that descends from the same family originally, but along the way we picked up converts. In order to assimilate themselves in our nation, they have to follow our religion which represents not just our religious beliefs but also codifies our beliefs in values in actual actions and behavior. Conversion to Judaism in many way is akin to how someone would become an American citizen (has to show he will be an addition to the country, that he will fulfill his duties as an American, will not violate the laws, will defend and protect the Constitution and American values, etc.. Or at least how it SHOULD be

If you open and read the 5 Books of Moses (aka Torah) you'll find that G-d gave us 613 commandments from the first one (Celebrating the New Month when we came out of Egypt) to the last Commandment (that every Jew should have a Torah scroll written for himself)
Could have started with that or include it from the beginning

It's not the Jews. People of all backgrounds are involved in the things that go on. The redpill is that ideologies clash because the left/right are sociological representations of the left/right hemispheres in the brain. Those on the left will be more egalitarian and compassionate while right brain thinkers will be more conservative and rational. It makes sense that the organ that makes us humans unique is also the thing that can divide us the most. Natsoc on here can probably be compatible with Orthodox Jews if they each had their own separate state. However, a communist state next to a nat soc state is just a war waiting to happen.

Mark Potok, the previous head of the SPLC, has said it himself, very clearly:


Quoting BT Abodah Zarah 22a as some kind of counter to Jewish thought... ...ON Sup Forums

Half you motherfuckers are furries and the other half post rekt threads over and over.

Why do you transfer "citizenship" through the mother? Don't you know females are dumb as bricks? What if they start fucking niggers and all Jews suddenly turn to niggers because your religion says the mother is always right = father = goy?

She is not a Jew. She can convert though. These go through pretty easily, usually, assuming she lives a Jewish life.

Hi Mr. Rabbi, what's a goyim? I see that word here a lot but don't know what the meme is

Common misunderstanding. NatSoc shares more with communism than you think. The word "socialist" is in the name, and Hitler's writings are full of Marxist terminology and economic theory. He saw himself as an opponent to Leninism-Bolshevism and actually greatly admired Stalinism.

>Why do you transfer "citizenship" through the mother

To allow Jews to fuck their female slaves without making new Jews.

The sociopathic jew gene must be on the x chromosome


Transmission of Jewish ethnicity comes from the mother, but from the father is which Tribe you are from, as well as your religious standing (Priest, Levite or Israel)

The reason why it's as such, well the main reasons are mystical and related to the nature of the female and male soul basically>She is not a Jew. She can convert though. These go through pretty easily, usually, assuming she lives a Jewish life.
"pretty easily" if you mean a minimum of 1 year+ of observance and hundreds of hours of classes and reading, yeah
Goy = nation
Goyim = nations, plural

Basically the term goy is an absolutely neutral term that can name both Jew and non-Jew (Jews are often called an 'am kadosh' for example) but goyim is usually meant as a shorthand for non-Jew, as it means he's from one of the (other) nations
Hitler straight up said Marx was his inspiration

>be a kike
>get kicked out of virtually every country on the planet
>have the chutzpah to start kvetching when white's become suspicious

if kike's weren't so entertaining, i would dislike them

I admit ignorance on Hitler's views on different schools of communism. Communism in practice tends to be big gov, so I can see how it can blend in with natsoc. In theory communism is supposed to be decentralized with no there being no state, and to me the ideal communist utopia is incompatible with a natsoc state.

What a tic the Sacred Tree is called Homa, as in Indo-Aryan Soma/Haoma?

NatSoc and Stalinism share almost everything. The ideology "socialism in one state" is common to both. Stalinism is not antisemitic. That's really the only major difference.

Interesting. The political spectrum is more like a circle than a line I suppose.

Got a question for you?
Why did Hitler hate you so much, i mean you really have to do some fucked up shit to get someone to hate you that much. What did your ancestors do that has been erased from history?

>most people here are really ranting against communism/liberalism

Nah, you are a catch-all for any problems. It could be capitalism and the finger is still pointed at them. Some of it is that they provide a simple answer to complex problems. The other part is that many of your group are disproportionately successful. You are victims of your own success. Your also uses group identity and subversion. There are many such cases of this.
How can you divide Judaism from Israel and secular Jews? What is even a secular Jew?

>make a cogent argument against Judaism
You want us to make religious or theoretical arguments against Judaism?

Why hasn't God sent you a prophet since the birth of Jesus?

It's actually Luciferians who are made up of a high proportion of Jews. They are Jews who have turned their backs on G-d, but still put on a show. The goal is to make people hate Jews. It's to drive Ephraim away from Judah. Judah has Torah, but not Messiah. Ephraim has Messiah, but not Torah. Ha Satan is keeping the divide in place for this reason. Yeshua is the Messiah and the Torah is forever. Read the targummim. The Memra is Yeshua.

>>wahhh goyim do my research and work for me
>>then i bounc the argument off of antifa or other projew forum to test it
>>the post their response back here to annoy you

basically why everyone hates your obnoxious ass

When is your Messiah scheduled to spawn? Do you jews literally believe in Demons like Azazel, Samael, etc?

Also, are jews Aliens?

God is a hypocrite.
Doesn't follow his own commandments.
Murders innocent children of civilian Egyptians, not just pharaohs kid.
Plays favorites with Humanity, only one group of people are special to him.
Tortures Job and murders his family for the sake of a BET.
Tells first follower to murder his own son. Imagine what that does to the fucking kid...

The guy is an EVIL ASS FUCKER. Doesn't help that the Christian Extension of that God is an adulterer. Mary was MARRIED.

Just because it isn't Talmud tier evil doesn't mean it isn't still shitty and dumb. This doesn't make Jews evil though.
People couldn't scam people for generations if the scammed weren't total looser cowards. European Monarchs let fucking merchants rule them...
How fucking sad is that? Lol but it is the Jews fault.... sure bud ;)

>basically why everyone hates your obnoxious ass
If that's what I would have wanted, I would have gone full 'What's Up, Fellow White Nationalists' instead of just straight up saying who I am

I'm still reading the thread btw just eating dinner/taking care of a few things but keep them coming

Is antifa actually projew? Far left hates Jews because of Palestine and general ethnonationalism

>I'm an Orthodox Jew
>Redpill me
killyourself, jews are a fucking cancer, thats it, that`s the redpill, you are welcome.

I'm curious OP, do you think the majority jewish representatives that Sup Forums posts and view as threats to nonjews, are the said jews any sort of wrong?

>Is antifa actually projew? Far left hates Jews because of Palestine and general ethnonationalism
lol yeah I laughed at that one because antifa is strongly antisemitic and they like legit tried to have ben shapiro killed in utah and shit, and cal him a nazi they are fully in leagues with the PFLP and the PLO and all the other marxist palestinian groups and lets be honest even the Islamic ones

I don't really have any knowledge of the specifics of your religions texts. Do you assert that there's no element of Jewish supremacy or parts which could be used to undermine or offend goys?
I've heard orthodox Jews in the full outfit say we are meant to be slaves. Like each jew should get 8000. Or something like that. What's that about?

How many of these threads are made a week?

It is pretty simple; Jews have in group racial/cultural/religous preferences and openly advocate for other jews. Meanwhile they demand that others do not, instead advocating/demanding/creating societies made of significant minorities. They do this so they aren't the only ones and can't be singled out. All the while claiming to be victims and demanding others do not do what they do.
The hypocrisy and lying is that the core of the dislike, nothing racial or even religious, or envious.

No conspiracy theories needed, simple social validation and self interest.
Anyone who sees this would naturally resent this from anyone, but can't call it out due to the holocaust victimhood and immense political and economic pressure.

>Sup Forums posts constantly about trouble caused by Jews themselves, secular or not, and the troublemaking of Israel.
>"Not interested in your opinion about secular Jews or Israel"
>Essentially setting up goalposts where, if we play your game, the only way for us to substantiate our claims about the things you're "not interested about" (which we're apparently oh-so-off-base about) is to prove something about your scripture and your Orthodox relationship with it

This smells like some serious kikery. Am I being jewed right now? I think I'm being jewed.

To your credit, OP, I fully believe that you're an orthodox Jew instead of just a larper. This is some advanced, high-octane Jewish rhetoric you've managed to deploy itt with the utmost skill, and I probably wouldn't have been able to catch it if I wasn't a law school grad who's been living deep behind enemy lines among your people for years.

My dad was Jewish, and I trained in biology and evolutionary psychology. I think it is a great religion among the ones available, but it doesn’t really address the existential problems of modern life. Science has exposed so much that religion no longer has an answer to. Nihilistic determinism just fits with the observations of the world so much better than the traditional religious perspectives. It is depressing, and honestly I would rather be dead then live in this world without meaning, but I can’t bring myself to accept ancient religious traditions that just seem so inadequate in addressing modern concerns of high IQ people. Keep in mind, I am not a Dawkins type, I actually believe people desperately need religion. I just can’t find one I can believe in.

How many Christians did the Bolsheviks -- overwhelming Jewish in leadership -- kill?

And, how many Jews did the National Socialists kill?

Which number is larger?

Who is remembered?

All ethnic states should at least attempt to exist you faggot. Fuck the kikes for meddling in western affairs but that is a product of globalism, not the jews having their own country.
Ethnic nationalism is beneficial for any population with the ability to take care of its own. If every state was national socialist the world would be a better place for anybody of virtue, man, woman, child alike.


>I think I'm being jewed.

He outright said he's a Jew, what did you expect, a handjob?

The most dangerous Jews are atheists from religious families. They retain the religious hate and disdain for the goyim, but lack of religious bullshit enables them to fit in much easier.

Real nigga questions right here

Are there jews with khazar descendance?

Pls answer rabbi, legit question.

Fellow Jew speaking...
>but I 100% support the right of the State to exist
Sorry bud, you're a Zionist.


Huge if true.


bumped and checked.
men who have been circumcised as children have much much higher rapes of domestic abuse, rape, etc.

>see ID
>see this
>The most dangerous Jews are atheists from religious families
This is 1000% true. Every non practicing Jew from a strongly religious family has been the most manipulative, dishonest, degenerate, and most passive aggressive person I could imagine. They're all BPD and somehow get away with having a superiority complex. Canada is fucking full of them, millennial kikes are out of touch bot only with their roots but also with the society around them, much like a person of mixed race.


you're a fifth column in every nation is what you are.

>What if they start fucking niggers and all Jews suddenly turn to niggers
That's how Nicolas Cruz and his brother came into existence. Degenerate Jew girl fucking niggers and spics.

I believe the Greeks got hold of some old texts and played a whopping big joke on the rest of the world.

Totally correct.
To have that IQ and natural manipulative nature in the hands of an immoral person is a devastating combination. I find it especially tiresome to talk to them. Every comment is a thinly veiled test or trap.

>Can any of you actually make a cogent argument against Judaism/bring actual proofs and quotes?
Yeah, now jump in an oven

Lol, is this true, can't be.



>not a Dawkins type, + Nihilistic determinism

What other options are plausible?

Yeah that didn't make sense. Maybe op will come back from his dinner and explain

To be honest the only criticism I have about Judaism is the fact that is intentionally esoteric and arbitrarily exclusive to the point of being a cult that encourages antisocial behaviour. Adherents of Judaism are almost instinctively subversive to their gentile state and peers.

After chipping away at a culture that isn't yours to the point of the natives lashing out, your only idea is to insist that they are targeting you because of some superstitious aversion to Jews i.e. antisemitism, before begging for protection, sympathy, and reparations, along with a greater transfer or influence to your kind in the subtext.

tl;dr there's a reason you've been kicked out of one hundred and nine fucking countries

It's real, do a jewgle for his book 'jews and their lies"


> Secular jews
> Argument against Judaism
You parasites are all the same regardless of religious belief